Free MS Magazine" Momentum"

yeah man,I bet that works really sweet for ya dude.NO problem man.I do this for myself too.ya know to just understand why I hurt the way i do and not go frigin crazy cuz of ringing in my ears,eye issues n the nerve stuff is awesome too.LOL!Im really glad it helps you too brother.pain is pain but thats what makes MS a lil bit apart from other heavy diseases,is the nerve issues and they love to change up on ya.thats what I hate.if it was to stay in one area or two,nooo worries,but nooooo,couldnt have that LMFAO!!!"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"
The Healing Properties of Cannabis.

Goober Evening everyone, :smoke:

I was bouncing about as per usual n saw this cool thing done by 420 magazine n thought some could use the reference and the links if they good everyone.

in case anyone likes that sorta thing,I was watching Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman.its this Theoretical Physics TV Show thats pretty decent.Check it out.L8r everyone.
"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"

[h=1]The Healing Properties Of Cannabis[/h]March 31, 2010 By 420 8 comments

We have compiled the following list as a reference point for those seeking research and information on the numerous healing properties of Cannabis. This miraculous herb alleviates the symptoms of everything from hiccups to Multiple Sclerosis. When making personal decisions about your health, information is golden. It’s your body and we think it is important for you to be knowledgable about the scientific studies and anectodal evidence that supports Cannabis as a viable treatment for your ailments.
Marijuana-like Compounds May Aid Array Of Debilitating Conditions
The Forgotten Medicine – A Look At The Medical Uses Of Cannabis
The Endo-Cannabinoid System
Human Studies on Medical Uses of Marijuana

Cannabis Myths
Safe to Smoke – Vaporizing Cannabinoids
The Myth of Marijuana’s Gateway Effect
Smoking Cannabis Does Not Cause Cancer Of Lung or Upper Airways
Amotivational Syndrome
Documented Safety of Long Term Cannabis Use
Side Effects of Cannabis Use

Accepted Medical Uses
Accepted Medical Use: Clinical Research
Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Basic Research
Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Reviews of Earlier Clinical Studies
Accepted Medical Use: Patient Experiences
Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Reviews of Earlier Clinical Studies
Accepted Medical Use: Pharmaceutical Industry

Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol

ALS – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – Lou Gehrigs Disease
Marijuana In The Management Of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Alzheimers Disease
Marijuana’s Active Ingredient Shown to Inhibit Primary Marker of Alzheimer’s
Study: Marijuana Slows Alzheimer’s Decline
Marijuana And Alzheimer’s Disease

Anti-Bacterial Qualities
Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis Sativa

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Cannabis Eases Pain And Suppresses Disease
Anti-inflammatory Compound From Cannabis Found In Herbs
Marijuana And Arthritis

Smoked Cannabis And Asthmatics
Acute Effects Of Smoked Marijuana And Oral Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol In Asthmatics
Marijuana And Asthma

Attention Deficit Disorder And ADHD
Cannabis As A Medical Treatment For Attention Deficit Disorder
Marijuana and ADD Therapeutic Uses
Autism, ADD, ADHD and Marijuana Therapy
Smoked Marijuana Improved ADHD Driver’s Performance

Sam’s Story – Using Medical Cannabis to Treat Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism, ADD, ADHD and Marijuana Therapy
Autism Ritalin and Cannabis

Body Temperature
A Cooling Effect From Cannabis?

The Brain
Marijuana May Spur New Brain Cells
Marijuana-Like Chemicals in the Brain Calm Neurons
Marijuana And The IQ
New Brain Cells Implicated In Machinery Of Cannabinoid Signaling
Endocannabinoids The Brain Demonstrate Novel Modes Of Action When Stressed

Pot’s Cancer-Healing Properties
Lung Cancer: Antineoplastic Activity Of Cannabinoids
Turned-Off Cannabinoid Receptor Turns On Colorectal Tumor Growth
Pot Compound Enhances Efficacy Of Anti-Cancer Agents, Study Says
Marijuana & Skin Cancer
Marijuana’s Active Ingredient Kills Leukemia Cells
Cannabis Extract Makes Brain Tumors Shrink, Halts Growth Of Blood Vessels
Marijuana Compound Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth
Marijuana And Chemotherapy

Crohn’s Disease
Marijuana And Crohn’s Disease/Gastrointestinal Disorders

Depression – Bi-polar
Cannabis and Depression
Synthetic THC Is Anti-Depressant In Small Dose, Makes Depression Worse At Higher Dose
Cannabinoids Elicit Antidepressant-Like Behavior and Activate Serotonergic Neurons
Marijuana and Bipolar Disorder
Cannabinoids in Bipolar Disorder
The Use of Cannabis as a Mood Stabilizer

Cannabis And Diabetic Retinopathy
Medical Breakthrough! Medicinal Marijuana for Diabetics!
Marijuana Controls Diabetes – Marijuana Compound May Help Stop Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes & Marijuana

Hypnotic and Antiepileptic Effects of Cannabidiol
Cannabis May Help Epileptics
Cannabidiol And Epileptic Patients

Synthetic Cannabinoid May Aid Fertility In Smokers

THC Reduces Pain in Fibromyalgia Patients
Cannabis And Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia: Effective Treatment with Medical Marijuana
Marijuana-Based Drug May Ease Fibromyalgia Pain

National Eye Institute Policy on Marijuana
Cannabis and Neuroprotection
Marijuana And Glaucoma

Cannabis As A Treatment For PMS And Other Female Ailments

Heart Disease And Cardiovascular Disorders
Cannabis Use Not Associated With Risk Factors For Diseases Of Heart And Circulation
Cannabinoids Prevented The Development Of Heart Failure In Animal Study
Heavy Cannabis Use Not Independently Associated With Cardiovascular Risks
Cannabinoid Offers Cardioprotection, Study Says
Does Cannabis Hold the Key to Treating Cardiometabolic Disease?
Marijuana Chemical Fights Hardened Arteries

Hepatitis C
Cannabis Improves Outcomes For Hepatitis C Patients
Cannabis – Improved Treatment Response in Hepatitis C Patients
Hepatitis C positive people – Use and self-medication with Cannabis
Cannabis Use Can Improve Effectiveness of Hepatitis C Therapy
Marijuana And Hepatitis C

Herpes Viruses
Cannabis May Help Combat Cancer-causing Herpes Viruses

Marijuana Cures Hiccups

Medicinal Marijuana Eases Neuropathic Pain in HIV
Marijuana And AIDS (HIV) & AIDS Wasting
Marijuana And The Immune System

Huntingtons Disease
Cannabinoids And Huntingtons Disease

Study Shows Long Term Marijuana Users Healthy
Marijuana Smoking Doesn’t Lead to Higher Death Rate

Lower GI Conditions (Stomach Problems)
Cannabinoid Activator Mellows Out Colon
Anti-inflammatory Compound From Cannabis Found In Herbs
Cannabis May Soothe Inflamed Bowels
Medical Marijuana In The Treatment Of Digestive Disorders
Marijuana And Crohn’s Disease/Gastrointestinal Disorders

Cannabis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Mad Cow Disease
Cannabidiol May Be Effective In Preventing Mad Cow Disease

Mental Health
American Psychiatric Association Assembly Unanimously Backs Medical Marijuana
Cannabis As A Psychotropic Medication
Cannabis Does Not Induce Schizophrenia, Dutch Scientists Say
Study: Marijuana Eases Traumatic Memories
Marijuana, Genes, Medicines And Brain Scans Help Scientists Find Anxiety Treatment
Cannabis and Aggression
Cannabis as a First-line Treatment for Childhood Mental Disorders
Marijuana And Psychological Conditions
Cannabidiol, A Cannabis Sativa Constituent, As An Antipsychotic Drug

Migraine Headache – Headaches
Cannabis And Marinol In The Treatment Of Migraine Headache
Medical Marijuana: Headaches/Migraines

Multiple Sclerosis
MMJ: National MS Society Takes Half-Step Toward Recognizing Therapeutic Uses
Cannabinoids And Multiple Sclerosis
Marijuana Helps MS Patients Alleviate Pain, Spasms
Marijuana And Multiple Sclerosis / Muscle Spasms

Neuropathic Pain
Cannabinoids Among Most Promising Approaches to Treating Neuropathic Pain
Medicinal Marijuana Eases Neuropathic Pain in HIV
Marijuana May Be Effective for Neuropathic Pain

The Science of Why Pot Makes You Hungry

Hebrew U. Researchers Find Cannabis Can Strengthen Bones
New Weapon In Battle Against Osteoporosis

Pain Management
Cannabis Effective At Relieving Pain After Major Surgery
An Ancient Look at a New Medical Approach for Pain
Pharmacokinetics And Cannabinoid Action Using Oral Cannabis Extract
Dr. Robert V. Brody: Declaration. Cannabis and Hospice Ethics – pain management
Pain Management With Cannabis
Finding the Dose Window For Optimal Pain Relief from Cannabis
Marijuana And Pain / Analgesia
Morphine-Cannabis Super-Painkiller

Parkinson’s Disease
Neuroprotection in Parkinson’s Disease: Modafinil and ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Marijuana-like Substance in Brain Could Help Treat Parkinson’s

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Medical Marijuana – PTSD and the Iraq Veteran
For Veterans with PTSD, Marijuana Can Mean Life
PTSD and Cannabis: A Clinician Ponders Mechanism of Action
Cannabis Eases Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Pot-Like Chemical Helps Beat Fear
Treatment for PTSD Should Include Cannabis
Essay: Medical Marijuana And The Iraq Veteran

Potential for Abuse
Potential for Abuse: Abuse of Cannabis
Potential for Abuse: Use and Abuse
Potential for Abuse: Cannabis and Dronabinol
Dependence Liability: Basic Research on Rewarding Tolerance and Withdrawl

Prenatal Marijuana Use And Neonatal Outcome
Cannabis Relieves Morning Sickness
Dreher’s Jamaican Pregnancy Study
Use of Marijuana During Pregnancy
Medical Marijuana: A Surprising Solution to Severe Morning Sickness
Scientists Measuring Natural ‘Cannabis’ In Pregnant Women

Pulmonary Disease
New Cannabinoid Receptor in Pulmonary Arteries

Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell Disease and Cannabis

Skin Disease
Israeli Research Finds That THC Could Alleviate Allergic Skin Disease

THC Effective In Tourette-Syndrome
Marijuana And Tourette’s Syndrome

I hope some of ya found it useful. :smoke:
MSAA Amazon Donation

Hi guys I wasnt sure if It ok to stick this in here.but if not no worries.just say something n ill get rid of it.But its prett good imo.I have another link but thats something different.But this is interesting.Thought some may use me.Be well everyone and I hope everyone is well today.
The Sleepy Cannabinoid

"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"

Thought some of you might enjoy a wee touch of info today..Be good everyone.

CBN: The Sleepy Cannabinoid

What Is Cannabinol (CBN)?

When we look at the construction of cannabis, we find that it has over 80 cannabinoids. Until recently, tetrahydrocannbinol (THC) was the only cannabinoid anyone seemed to care about. Thankfully recent research, particularly about cannabidiol (CBD), has brought about an intense interest in all the cannabinoids.

As is the case in many of the known cannabinoids, cannabinol (CBN) stems from cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) in cannabis. The plant naturally produces enzymes (aka synthases) that convert the CBGA to one of 3 major cannabinoids:cannabichromene carboxylic acid (CBCA), cannabidiol carboxylic acid (CBDA), and tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid (THCA).
When the plant develops THCA, it usually will be converted to THC as a result of heat or UV light. That being said, THCA can be converted to CBNA over time as well. Prolonged exposure to air causes the THCA to lose hydrogen molecules and oxidize; now we have CBNA. Just like the rest of the acidic cannabinoids, CBNA will convert to cannabinol (CBN) when exposed to heat or UV light.
What Are The Benefits Of Cannabinol (CBN)?

Cannabis is widely used as a sleep-aid for those who suffer from insomnia and cannabinol is the reason why. By all accounts, CBN is the cannabinoid responsible for the sedative effects of cannabis. Because of this, I tend to reserve high-CBN strains for night use.
Another use for cannabinol as an anti-bacterial. According to a Italian study from 2008, cannabinol “showed potent activity against MRSA” when applied as a topical. Topical uses also have shown promise in treating burns and psoriasis.
The research on cannabinol (CBN) is still lacking, but some early studies have suggested it could stimulate bone growth. If that’s the case, it would be helpful in treating osteoporosis. It could also help those with broken bones to recover more quickly.
Cannabinol Can Reflect The Age Of Your Cannabis

When searching for the perfect strain, it’s important to know what you’re getting. This is why lab-testing should never be overlooked. Testing facilities like Steep Hill Lab in California give patients a complete cannabinoid profile of their medicine. It’s always a good idea to check a strains profile before making a decision.
Because cannabinol is a production of degradation, it’s not usually found in high concentrations (in a collective). High levels of CBN are usually related to poor storage methods. If cannabis is stored in an airtight container of some sort, it’s unlikely that a lot of THC would convert to CBN.
Luckily, not all is lost if you’re searching your collective for a sleep-aid. The simple solution would be to allow you’re medicine to age a bit. When exposed to the air, the THC will begin to degrade and convert to CBN, a great way to fight insomnia.
Reversing Multiple Sclerosis

Im not sure if ive posted this prior..I dont believe so cuz its like 20 minutes..But its an excellent source for info on MS and SEVERAL other similar diseases and how this Doctor Reversed her MS.Pretty involved but ppl get to points..n Im close if I get me some money or any other form of currency soon LOL!

[video=youtube;KLjgBLwH3Wc] AKDX_74wn[/video]

This video short of Pain Is pretty much how I feel as Im certain many do.Its very nice vid for others to slightly understand MS.

This vid is an Excellent vid and excellent ppl to source n find quite good guys and very helpful too.
Hey Eyes on Fire, I wanna thank you for this, I wish information like this had been readily available in the past, ms has tormented my family for generations, all the males on my mothers side had it, grandfather, uncle, and even the females have had some mild form of it, then again all the males and females that I know of on my fathers side all died from an heart attack, grandfather at 36... nice
Thank you again..
My Pleasure sweat!! I put it here for others to comb over if they ever see MS or anything related n do a search n POP! all kinds of stuff that Ive looked at.i'll glance at some from time to time when I need to remeber a certain thing too.Glad it was useful to ya buddy!!I truly hope ya'll are havin a great times!!
I got my New News Letter.sounds like gary gnews n the crew LOL! Kids and MS,and mistaking depression for anxiety in which is significantly much more common BTW .

Pregnant and MS issues employment opportunities outside the home as well as from self employment n from home too. Also a great article on Microglia and Research aspects of all the current research updates.and some crackhead who has MS swimming with sharks I guess to prove he don't have a death wish !?>LMFAO I dunno:Sharing One:
Thought this was pretty I thought Id share it.

[h=3]Past Evidence for Cannabinoids as Anti-Cancer Agents[/h]Prior evidence found to support the potential for cannabinoids to work as anti-cancer agents, through the prevention of cancer cell formation and division, has shown their potential influence in:

  • preventing stimulation of adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A, enzymes that lead to increased cell signaling that lead to increased growth, survival, etc.
  • stopping the process by which cells divide by preventing production of inhibiting proteins, reducing the number of receptors and molecules that lead to increased cell growth (such as the epidermal growth factor, nerve growth factor receptors, and vascular endothelial growth factor and the hormone prolactin)
Additionally, the potential for cancer cells to invade local tissues and organs (which signifies a more aggressive cancer) is decreased by compounds that block receptors usually stimulated by endocannabinoids.
[h=3]Results of the Study[/h]Researchers treated/examined (1) prostate cancer cells (lines PC3 and PrC) and (2) cells from patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, a condition that results in an increased number of prostate cells that are not cancerous):

  • histologically (i.e. using a microscope): stained cells in order to visualize cannabinoid (CB1 and CB2) receptors, and
  • by treating individual cells for (1) 48 hours with 2.5, 5.0 or 10 µM of either anandamide, 2-AG, or methanandamide (endocannabinoids, i.e. cannabinoids found naturally within the body) or (2) for 30 minutes with 10 or 20 µM ofrimonabant (a CB1 receptor antagonist; an agent that prevents CB1 receptor stimulation) followed by treatment with the endocannabinoids.
Here is what they found:

  • more CB1 and CB2 receptors found in aggressive prostate cancer cells than in less aggressive prostate cancer cells or BPH cells
  • after treatment with endocannabinoids, cell survival was decreased in a statistically significant manner (i.e. in this case, there was a less than 5% chance that these results occurred merely by chance, rather than as a direct result of treatment)
  • the higher the dose of endocannabinoid used, the greater the decrease in cell number (i.e. “dose dependence” was exhibited)- effect greatest for PC3 cells > BPH > PrC
  • although expected among PC3, PrC, or BPH cells when treated with 5 µM of endocannabinoids, the cell’s growth cycle was not inhibited in comparison to those that were untreated (dose used may not have been high enough)
  • when treated with 20 µM of the cannabinoid receptor antagonist, cell survival was not decreased- when treating the same cells with endocannabinoids, cell survival still was not decreased (likely as a result of the CB1 receptors being blocked)
  • when 10 µM of cannabinoid receptor antagonist was used followed by treatment with cannabinoids, cell survival then began to decrease in PC3 cells (i.e. not enough CB1 receptors were blocked by the antagonist in order to prevent the protective effects of the endocannabinoids)
  • between PC3 than in PrC cells, number of cells going through programmed-cell death was higher in cell lines treated with endocannabinoids than in those not being treated with endocannabinoids, with a stronger effect for PC3 cells
  • between PrC and BPH cells, after 48-treatment with 5 µM of endocannabinoids, there was an increase in caspase-3 (enzyme that helps to activate programmed cell death) and a decrease in Bcl-2 (a protein that helps to prevent programmed cell death)
  • in PrC cells, after 48-treatment with 5 µM of endocannabinoids, there weremodifications in cell signaling pathways whose over-activation is commonly associated with cancer formation and propagation- increased activity in Erk pathway, decreased activity in Akt pathway
The authors note, “These results suggest that the effect of endocannabinoids on [prostate cancer] cells… may be caused by the activation of the apoptotic pathway… The great advantage that the use of endocannabinoids may bring to the battle against prostate cancer is that it has been demonstrated that the receptors for these molecules are substantially overexpressed in cancerous prostatic cells when compared to normal, healthy prostate tissues… Based on these results, we suggest that endocannabinoids may be a beneficial option for the treatment of prostate cancer that has become nonresponsive to common therapies.”

[h=3]Symptom Relief[/h]Individuals with prostate cancer who are finding it difficult to control certain symptoms that may be experienced as a result of the disease or treatment with standard therapies (such as cachexia [“wasting syndrome”], anorexia [the symptom, not the disorder “anorexia nervosa”], nausea, and vomiting) may experience some relief through the use of whole-plant cannabis or the approved cannabinoid medication like dronabinol (i.e. synthetic THC; treatment with dronabinol has sometimes been associated with high levels of anxiety in patients, due to the absence of other cannabinoids to dull the impact of THC’s psychoactive effects). Whole-plant cannabis use should be carefully discussed with and monitored by a healthcare professional, and individuals using whole-plant cannabis should not expect that use will prevent or treat prostate cancer.
[h=3]Conclusion[/h]In whole-plant or isolated forms, cannabinoid therapies have the potential to not only control symptoms caused by the disease and its treatment, but also potentially to inhibit its progression.
Given (1) these and past results, (2) that late-stage prostate cancer patients have limited treatment options, and (3) that cannabinoid therapies have a favorable side effect profile, their use is a potential additional, experimental treatment option that is relatively safe for patients. Further research is needed in order to determine whether or not cannabinoid therapies will prove useful as a reasonable and effective option for the prevention or treatment of prostate cancer.
Before beginning whole-plant cannabis use, individuals with prostate cancer should consult with and have any possible use monitored by a healthcare provider, so that suitable recommendations can be given, and benefits or harmful side effects can carefully monitored and addressed when necessary.

other relative links imo. :smoke:

[h=2]Researchers Investigate Prostate Cancer & Cannabinoid Treatments[/h]
The PC-3 cell line is often used to represent the development of human prostate cancer. According to the Spanish research team, the cell line has been found to express high levels of CB1 and CB2 receptors.

In the past, the same research team has shown that cannabinoids can inhibit growth and even trigger apoptosis (programmed cell death) in the PC-3 cell line. This study in particular was intended to investigate the role of the CB2 receptor specifically.
All in all, the study involved three human prostate cancer cell lines – PC-3, DU-145, and LNCaP. Researchers investigated the proliferation of prostate cancer cells in a cell culture environment while the CB2 receptors were inhibited. Prostate tumors were induced in mice as a model also.
[h=2]Cannabinoid Treatment Inhibits Prostate Cancer Growth In Mice[/h]According to the results published in the British Journal of Cancer, the University of Alcalá research team found that a chemical similar to anandamide (the body’s natural version of THC) inhibited PC-3 cell growth. They experienced the same results with JWH-015, a synthetic CB2 receptor agonist.
“CB[COLOR=#6350A7 !important]2 agonists have potential therapeutic interest and deserve to be explored in the management of prostate cancer.”[/COLOR] – Professor I Díaz-Laviada
With that said, cannabinoid-induced benefits were seemingly reversed by inhibiting activation of the CB2 receptors. Cannabinoid treatments did not fight cancer cell proliferation with the same vigor once the CB2 receptors were down-regulated.
Accordingly, the Spanish study concludes that activation of the CB2 receptors could play a major role in the inhibition of prostate cancer growth. It reads, “CB2 agonists have potential therapeutic interest and deserve to be explored in the management of prostate cancer.”

and one more
