Free MS Magazine" Momentum"

Ive been reading most of the past few hours and ran across these handfull of sites they really cover a few topics quite well.Along with two links that may verywell help someone whom may not know he/she has the onset of MS.If I myself had known these handful of things a few years ago,I may not be as sick as I am today.Dunno...?... Enjoy everyone.Some excellent info. for any MS patient or those whom know someone with it.Peace love and Fuzzy Buds everyone."Stirring"

I hope someone finds this helpful as well as a fair collection of various information on multiple subjects about Multiple Sclerosis,and variables.Be well,Happy and Peaceful everyone."AFN smoke out"

Again, thank you! The information you share is of benefit to us all and greatly appreciated!

:Sharing One:
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Tinitus/Ringing in Ears,Hearing Loss.

Hi Everyone. Excellent Article Aunty Thank you kindly.Ive read exactly that where the causation can be attributed to environmental effects/Causes and exposure to various caustic substances with varying toxicity levels.I remember(in fifth grade)in science class.That year three or four older Mercury Therometers were broke.The rule behind that is,if one is broke within X amount of feet from you,your exposed with that small dose for life.And most humans can only handle one small dose in their lifetime.So,as a supercharged Mercury machine thats still walking LOL I can totally agree with environmental,Toxicity issues ,lead if not cause MS flat out.

Since my MS got so bad I felt kissing the deck was an awesome idea and didnt even know i yet LOL.
So,after waking up and couldnt focus on a thing,right eye was swollen like I was stung by a few wasps in my right eye three times over.watering,blind right eye,couldnt walk straight,vertigo AND profound hearing loss and ringing later on.The ringing in my ears(BOTH) which is worse in my right ear most often.Does not go just gets a little quieter here n there but most hours(like now)its louder than my music.Awesome beats I come up with I tell ya.

Retrain your brain..

Be well everyone.I suppose what Im doing kind of is just telling my story and my journey(whatever that is)and my fight to understand or even slowdown this very strange thing we know as Multiple Sclerosis-MS.

Vision loss and Eye Issues

I have yet to find anything about why my tear duct is kinda numbish and feels like a bug crawling out of my Tear duct sometimes.wierd too.LOL!Eye waters for no reason,stings and I can actually feel the 5X5cm Lesion behind that eye somewhere.Wierdness.But Loss of some vision in both eyes,and mostly my right eye.Had the whole side of my face numb.Thats why I was treated for Stroke at the age of 42,and in fairly decent health too.
Hey ya'll just a baisc read of how our beloved canna plant helps us(and MANY others)MS patients deal with Progressive no flare up MS.Im not sure how to describe what I mean,or how to say itt in its proper medical sayings.LOL!well,at the average age of 40 years old when this happens(Im 42),someone has an attack.Mine was so bad I kissed the floor,but after your set off attack,your MS is now in constant building mode.It is always(slowly or quickly,varies) getting worse and here are no flare ups or better days,itts just a constant bummer n crappy,painful time.Im pretty sure thas what I figures too since its like 5% of MS patients have this.I was wondering why there were no frigin good days like Ive been hearing about.if anyone has any knowledge on this or info. Id appreciae any info anyone can give.anywho,thought thag was a bi of an odd find,but...Be well everyone and sttay positive!!:pighug:

Marijuana Helps MS Pain:
Hey all.I got that free magazine and just got in the mail a couple fliers about MS.

one is a Lunch n Learn gathering.MS symptoms management,deals with veterans too,since she has wored within the VA among other places.I beleive its free or maybe a couple bucks for a plate er something.sounds pretty good.

the second is rather cool too.An MS tteleconference series.Spanning from April 1st to June 11th this year.Driving and MS,how kids precieve MS,Emotional Health and MS,Why everyone needs a power of attorney,The African American Experiance,Gotta go gotta go!Bladder problems and MS,Complimentary approach to MS,progress in treatment options and MS research,optimal wellness:excercise and nutrition,Cognifitness:Memory attention and executive skills,Disease modifying therapies:treatment options.

These are some the the topics through some of the year.Register and they'll ping on your area and send you wnats going on in your area(s).Get involed for knowledge or be proactive in your community a little.Hope everyone is dpoing alright.Idda shown a pic but gotta yap at my buddy later on.damn things still all hosed up.takes and connects fine,just wont boot up.wierd.till next time everyone.!:smoke:
Hi Everyone. Excellent Article Aunty Thank you kindly.Ive read exactly that where the causation can be attributed to environmental effects/Causes and exposure to various caustic substances with varying toxicity levels.I remember(in fifth grade)in science class.That year three or four older Mercury Therometers were broke.The rule behind that is,if one is broke within X amount of feet from you,your exposed with that small dose for life.And most humans can only handle one small dose in their lifetime.So,as a supercharged Mercury machine thats still walking LOL I can totally agree with environmental,Toxicity issues ,lead if not cause MS flat out.

Since my MS got so bad I felt kissing the deck was an awesome idea and didnt even know i yet LOL.
So,after waking up and couldnt focus on a thing,right eye was swollen like I was stung by a few wasps in my right eye three times over.watering,blind right eye,couldnt walk straight,vertigo AND profound hearing loss and ringing later on.The ringing in my ears(BOTH) which is worse in my right ear most often.Does not go just gets a little quieter here n there but most hours(like now)its louder than my music.Awesome beats I come up with I tell ya.

Retrain your brain..

Be well everyone.I suppose what Im doing kind of is just telling my story and my journey(whatever that is)and my fight to understand or even slowdown this very strange thing we know as Multiple Sclerosis-MS.


I have had tinnitus for many years, probably form working around loud machinery in the paper industry in my younger years. So I cam sympatize with that. A Good day is when my back doesn't hurt and my ears don't ring lol!

:Sharing One:
Hey ya'll just a baisc read of how our beloved canna plant helps us(and MANY others)MS patients deal with Progressive no flare up MS.Im not sure how to describe what I mean,or how to say itt in its proper medical sayings.LOL!well,at the average age of 40 years old when this happens(Im 42),someone has an attack.Mine was so bad I kissed the floor,but after your set off attack,your MS is now in constant building mode.It is always(slowly or quickly,varies) getting worse and here are no flare ups or better days,itts just a constant bummer n crappy,painful time.Im pretty sure thas what I figures too since its like 5% of MS patients have this.I was wondering why there were no frigin good days like Ive been hearing about.if anyone has any knowledge on this or info. Id appreciae any info anyone can give.anywho,thought that was a bi of an odd find,but...Be well everyone and stay positive!!:pighug:

Marijuana Helps MS Pain:

My lady had recurring/relapsing. When she finally got a diagnosis ( that took 6 years.... ) they started her in Interferon. BUT 3 months into the treatment she converted to progressive so the $3500 a month treatments were for nothing. I hope your trails with MJ give you some relief! even just smoking is helping some so we are looking forward to what concentrate will do.
I hear ya brother,tinnitus is funky.But from much of the reading Ive done seems to link directly to (in my case anywho) my lesion(good n bad days) when it swells and the ringing never ever goes away.drives ya frigin craaaazzzziiiiiiiii lemme tell ya.imho I speak from experiance.ive served in the military shooting and blowing stuff up without hearing protection.Didnt use cans often,but they were nice when i did thats for sure.anywho, My hearing actually got better out of the military and tested it too,to prove it was.but after my attack, my hearing was cut by 50% or better(im a musician,that'd be a nightmare for me) and came back slightly with a ton of ringing months after the hospital stay.Im still looking into it cuz most doctors wont want to hear,or flat out dont believe hearing loss to be linked to MS issues.Tumors and specific types of lesions,sure.bu not for MS patients as a rule.
I hear ya brother,tinnitus is funky.But from much of the reading Ive done seems to link directly to (in my case anywho) my lesion(good n bad days) when it swells and the ringing never ever goes away.drives ya frigin craaaazzzziiiiiiiii lemme tell ya.imho I speak from experiance.ive served in the military shooting and blowing stuff up without hearing protection.Didnt use cans often,but they were nice when i did thats for sure.anywho, My hearing actually got better out of the military and tested it too,to prove it was.but after my attack, my hearing was cut by 50% or better(im a musician,that'd be a nightmare for me) and came back slightly with a ton of ringing months after the hospital stay.Im still looking into it cuz most doctors wont want to hear,or flat out dont believe hearing loss to be linked to MS issues.Tumors and specific types of lesions,sure.bu not for MS patients as a rule.

Have you or are you going to try concentrates? Oil or BHO? I know it takes some experimenting to find the best medicine. I'm thinki8ng we'll try making a blend of high CBD with a high THC oil. I've looked at the so called high CBD strains but they just aren't consistent from what I've read so my thinking is better to make my own mix.