Free MS Magazine" Momentum"

WOW having had my head driled into I bet that was one tough decision to say the least.Excelent Aunty Thank you! ill be back to sharing these billion finds Ive run across soon as I get a laptop thats mine again.LOL!:Sharing One:
WOW having had my head driled into I bet that was one tough decision to say the least.

I was on the guinea-pig list for one of these for my nerve damage when they were first Testing them for extreme pain was my Last Hope.

Luckily I found cannabis and the PH Plan...:grin:...

But..for those that might Need them the Info is there...:tiphat:..I also see the botox nerve blocks I was going to get used to stop the tremors in MS patients.

Crossover treatments..nerve damage is nerve damage what ever the name of your Primary Illness huh..
I could not agree more. Ive been doing some SERIOUS looking into how cancer tumors and Lesions in general have way to many similar things that can be treated the very same way.withought poisons and with PH plan,brine and canna.

I got some excellent articles but gotta wait till I get my HDD put into my new laptop sometime soon.a buddy is sending me 2 to slap togather.And tw,Im EVER SOOO grateful for you giving me the info on the PH plan n Mag spray too.its helped me beyone mesure.i see no doc,darn near zero meds(Pills) and I have pain but I manage.even better once I pull in this harvest too.beautiful days ahead thanks to you!:pighug: "AFN smoke out"
Multiple Sclerosis

[COLOR=gray !important]What Is Multiple Sclerosis?

[COLOR=gray !important]How Can Marijuana Help?

[COLOR=gray !important]What This Means For Your Health[/COLOR]

[COLOR=gray !important]Expert Opinions[/COLOR]

[COLOR=gray !important]References[/COLOR]


I just want to remind anyone interested,that this months Momentum is out now and has a great article and tips on how to help beat the heat,and next month is supposed to have a fairly indepth article about MMJ and all that FROM MS patients.we'll see.just call the 800 number n give em yer addy and I got my mag shortly thereafter.
:slap: EoF! Thanks for this thread.. Makes me not feel as if it's just me... Very cathartic to read.... This cannatonic is FABULOUS! Ya smoke it and almost feel a slight head thing almost like you took a Xanax, but shit if I don't feel my left numb ass hand! Also doesn't make you tired, but if you go to lie down you get some incredible restful sleep.... A winner for meds for sure! Really looking forward to start crossing some of these strains and see what I come up with, if nothing else I'll have a good supply of cbd enriched beans for myself.... :thumbs: