Fox Farm's Ocean Forest VS Strawberry Fields

That one will be interesting to watch.

Good luck with your grow C69. I’m bit new here as well and need to get a grow log started as well.
Niiiice. Brick weed is back! I got 5 on it. Shit now im gonna have to get ready for mote styles P and bone thugz n harmony
Should we be like over in the Stoners chat or something I'm out at the lake taking care of my arise she just went over eight feet tall
Looks like Mexico will be the next country to legalize. Yee Ha!!! Supposedly before the end of the year.

mebbe me missed the memo :shrug: but i thought mexico already decriminalized weed like last year :confused1: ppp
Im responding to the OP. Enjoy your lake trip with your outdoor plant. Nice size.
Hey man I'm back they look so nice in the morning sun praying I want y'all to know that I am laid off technology quite a few years ago and I found out a flyer Network and dumb seems to be pretty cool bunch of people with some common interests living out in the woods and being a criminal on my whole life that I smoked weed keep your friends few and far between so anyway I'm lucky I can get stuff typed out on here I talk to it most of the time it has a little trouble with hellbelly but it does okay anyway I'm lucky I can get the stuff on here for you to read. I don't understand the quotes in the likes and sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm in the right spot
Niiiice. Brick weed is back!
That block was in a poly bag with 9 other blocks. 4 kilos each. Washed in and bumped up against my boat at about 3am. Here's a pic of a QLB I bought. $30 an ounce. That's about what it's worth. I use it for edibles. Very rarely smoke or vape it. It's perfect for my wife to vape. She was over 60 the first time she ever tried pot. Guess all my friend's moms were right. I'm not totally worthless. At least I can serve as a bad example.


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