Fox Farm's Ocean Forest VS Strawberry Fields

What do y'all think of my shirt a little idea I'm throwing around


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Missouri past their laws before they imported any pot plants or seeds you can't buy or sell marijuana or seeds unless it's been grown in Missouri
Yeah I moved from Metropolitan St Louis area back home I am in a town of 2,000 people they roll the sidewalks here at up at 8 we got two bars and 14 churches

:rofl: soundz jus like where i'm at here in n central mo...gotcha slightly beat tho at 4400, lol...alwayz good to meet a gromie :toke: ppp

p.s. ...and 3 actual traffic lightz, as well as -> walfart! :yay:
Hey man did you go to Columbia to the green Health Clinic see that little gal with the braids we was stoned as hell when we went in there and she was giving out homemade Rice Krispie cookies made a Fruity Pebbles
Hey man did you go to Columbia to the green Health Clinic see that little gal with the braids we was stoned as hell when we went in there and she was giving out homemade Rice Krispie cookies made a Fruity Pebbles

nah, me ain't seen no doc here...but hey, lil galz with braidz & friuty pebble krispie cookiez duz sound enticing, hehe :dancer: ppp
we got two bars
¿¿You got bars AND sidewalks?? lol Thanks to all you guys for the great info. I'll definitely be doing a journal of my first attempt at autos. Everything should be here by the end of this month and I'm shooting for 10/1 to be in dirt. I'll be bothering y'all a lot more in the future I'm sure.

Lol.. man i moved an hour and half away from an imos some years back and it felt like i moved out of the country lol.. (gorgeous girls btw)

Yeah I moved from Metropolitan St Louis area back home I am in a town of 2,000 people they roll the sidewalks here at up at 8 we got two bars and 14 churches

imo's back in the day now Casey's all the way!
Had to go see the doctor after 40 Years of the skirting the law if you get busted here in this town you can't throw a rock without hitting a daycare church or a school it's a significantly increases your charge