New Grower Forest Dream Auto by Dutch passion! First ever grow and it's outdoor

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Hey Brum, they're coming along nicely. Days are getting shorter now so I expect they'll trigger flowering quite soon!
Thanks chaps yeah they're coming along ok however I think I planted them too close to each other. As I couldn't be asked to clear the whole spot that I found due to thinking I'd get caught out as I didn't want to get spotted. Now I think I may have over fed them but not sure? Basically a local shop to mine had this Baby bio drip feeder? So I thgougt what the heck let me try it. I basically put a little around all of them and watered the plants a couple days ago. It's not made much of a difference but in starting to see slight spotting on the 2 big girls. I then though il put the drop feeder into the soil by the 2 big one and basically pulled it out today to realise its empty there was half let when I put it in? Arghhh I'm so stupid I hope I haven't wrecked them how long does it take for plants to burn from nutrient burn ? So it's been 2 days since it's rained a few times since then I'm hoping they have been flushed.


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Hey Brum, they're coming along nicely. Days are getting shorter now so I expect they'll trigger flowering quite soon!
Hey gurlll thanks for the feedback, yeah I'm just hoping I haven't messed them up. it's so exciting coming home after work and going for a quick walk to my favourite spot to take a look at my babies. Yeah I'm thinking they will trigger flowering soon however I'd like a bit more growth. Wish I gave them all more room now. Ohh well next year will be the real grow for me I'm having multiple grows at one time Phots and autos all gorilla Iv found 3 ideal spots
Hey Brum, they're coming along nicely. Days are getting shorter now so I expect they'll trigger flowering quite soon!


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2 on my own i did a couple years back with photos with a friend its easier to manage indoors but my best advice is dont overthink it they will grow anywhere my only issues i had was overfeeding on just 1 plant so less is better than more also have some rep to get you on your way plus i will follow you back :slap::welcome::smokeout: also check out my thread pal
Thanks man Iv been worried and overthinking the past couple days since buying this stupid baby bio should have stuck to my seeweed extract for now I'm so pissed at myself
Hey gurlll thanks for the feedback, yeah I'm just hoping I haven't messed them up. it's so exciting coming home after work and going for a quick walk to my favourite spot to take a look at my babies. Yeah I'm thinking they will trigger flowering soon however I'd like a bit more growth. Wish I gave them all more room now. Ohh well next year will be the real grow for me I'm having multiple grows at one time Phots and autos all gorilla Iv found 3 ideal spots
I think you'll get more growth as they start flowering because of the stretch. They'll just have to cope with the space they have. Mine in the tent overlap, I can't tell at first glance which branch is from which plant.

Aren't you supposed to dilute Baby Bio? My mum used to use it... If it's a drip feeder it might be ready diluted though. I tried ready made little drip feeder bottles with my last coco plants. It didn't drip at all! Waste of time LOL. It shouldn't be the end of the world :thumbsup:Stick to your seaweed, that way YOU dictate how much they get fed, not what could be a faulty dripper bottle.
I think you'll get more growth as they start flowering because of the stretch. They'll just have to cope with the space they have. Mine in the tent overlap, I can't tell at first glance which branch is from which plant.

Aren't you supposed to dilute Baby Bio? My mum used to use it... If it's a drip feeder it might be ready diluted though. I tried ready made little drip feeder bottles with my last coco plants. It didn't drip at all! Waste of time LOL. It shouldn't be the end of the world :thumbsup:Stick to your seaweed, that way YOU dictate how much they get fed, not what could be a faulty dripper bottle.
Thank Golf for that hey haven't burned more so the look better and are Growinggg strong even the little disabled one has picked up guess it worked lol. I'm sure it's already pre diluted. I'm not doing that aging tho it really did shake me up but growing is coming on fast. I shall update with pics in a couple days when I do a seeweed extract feed. Mine are overlapping now too nothing much I CSM do now tbh but wish I cleared more space o was just conscious id be seen.