New Grower Forest Dream Auto by Dutch passion! First ever grow and it's outdoor

So the one right at the end looks really sad firstly I don't think it's getting a lot of light and secondly it was stunted and never really took off from when it was a seedling so it may just have been bad. I'm just going to let it carry on and see what happens. However all the rest are looking lovely just had another look as I'm chilling at home today and it's so exciting Love growing I think this is going to be a life long hobby now
Hi guys firstly excuse the grammar as Inam dyslexic. Never let that stop me doing anything I put my mind to. I have been smoking on and off since my mid teens. Since discovering this beautiful plant we all love I have always dreamed that one day I would grow and smoke my own. Well here it is. Due to stumbling upon a few videos on YouTube and reading into growing here I am. Originally I was going to purchase some lights and a start a little setup in my closet however thought otherwise and as after reading some more I thought I'd start an outdoor grow first and see where it goes. So three weeks ago after doing a bit of research and stumbling upon here I decided to purchased some Forest Dream Auto flower feminised by Dutch Passion. I want to a local head shop in Birmingham UK and purchased them the guy was a bit arrogant to start with as he probably thought I wasn't serious enough or I didn't kno anything until I started to talk lol. so I got home and without any preparation after reading up on this germinated them to my surprise a couple days later I had shoots all 5seeds popped. Due to being extreamly busy at work and not being able to purchase anything plus I wanted to keep this as a really low budget and wanted to just try and never thought they would even germinate. As once over 10 years ago I tried to germinate some seeds which were Covent to me using the wet paper towel method but it didn't work. That has me thinking it wouldn't so due to being surprised and busy another 2 days later so they had been in a wet towel in my tupleware at the back of my coupbord for 5days in total and were about to pop their leave. Urgently on my only day off I went and brought regular compost and some small pots from a local hardware store. Popped them all in and then put them on my windowsill. Now this is where the problems started. Due to not having enough sunlight on my side it really stunned their growth.
I then moved another and put it on the other side of the house. Due to living with my parents,
I needed to keep this undercover and being a Oldschool car mad but who's recently got into Downhill MTB I would have raised suspicions with my dad. So I popped one on the other side of the house and made up a story that I was given some tomato plants from my future farther Inlaw. If I was still living in my own place I could have but an apartment is always a problem and this would be perfect as only 5mins from my parents house I have the perfect spot to grow. Due to going through a current property purchase I have changed my requirements to suit this new found horticultural hobby. I have always been into gardening when I was younger so it doesn't raise to many eyebrows. My current garden is just a slabbed and straight low maintain and clean garden. I could never get away with it there, so I put them on my windowsill but I wasn't receiving too much so I put one downstairs and said I given it by my F-in law to be who's really into horticulture and has an amazing garden. This really got me motivated and after reading various threads through here I must say I was hooked. I started reading more and even went to BBC gardners world and was speaking to loads of traders. Got talking to loads of people and when discussing cannabis the Beautiful flower I was presently surprised how many people were discussing this lovely plant with such horticultural respect. I think it's due to the whole renaissance with the Green Boom in the States. I met the guys at AirPot if you don't know about these and you're a professional or a good grower who has a few successful crops under your belt then I would suggest you research about it. So yeah loads of ideas came through and I was given loads of free samples. I got some seaweed extract from one of the trade stand guys and lovely Spanish woman who I got on with a lot talking so passionaly about the herb gave me some Bio Grow for free and warned me not to use so much due to nutrinburn. I was really taken back by the positivity and it only gave me more motivation. Well the seedling with went downstairs really started to get big quick compared to the ones in my room. A few days when the sun came out well I popped them outside however, the ones which were in my room started to streatch and weigh over and weren't looking so well. I had to try and prod them up then got so fed up with no light and them becoming worse I put them where the other one was and they started doing well. I would move them outside as the weather got better and they changed but the colour wasn't looking too well so started feeding them seaweed extract. Once started showing there second set of leaves the started looking a little yellow and got spotting. Upon reading I realised it was a lack of nutrients. This is where I thought it was time for them to go outside. I'm now aware and it's all a lurking curve that autos don't like to be transported. However I'm really happy Iv got this far plus this is going to be a lifelong passion for personal flavours which will be my own personal smoke. I'm learning so I don't mind. So yeah the spot is only a 5 min walk away from my parents. You have to go through a couple of alleys and then through a broken fence to access the disused land with is if and under loads of tree and nettle cover. Hence starting this. I cleaned up the place about a week ago on my one day off at work and was finished by 3pm. Made a really nice job of it and the perfect thing is there was loads of light at this spot and adequate cover. After being stung by nettles and covered in dirt I finally planted my 5 girls who were looking too well. I put the biogrow into the compost upon planting and then fed them with seaweed extract. Surprisingly they picked up. Currently in week 3 from seed so still in veg. They're doing crap one has been really eaten by some bugs another is still small and stunted. The biggest one is the one which was put on another windsill in my house. Guess lots of light is really important in the seedling stages. Well now I know to get lights to start then off first next year now. However km happy with there we are ATM let's see where this goes. Please take it easy on me people I'm new however loving the sense of family on here Thankyou [emoji111] Constructive criticism is welcome lol
Hey man, really enjoyed reading this first post, love it that you went to Gardeners World!

Nice to see another UK first timer doing their thing.

I'm subbing up to this and look forward to following your journey.


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Hey man, really enjoyed reading this first post, love it that you went to Gardeners World!

Nice to see another UK first timer doing their thing.

I'm subbing up to this and look forward to following your journey.


Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
Hey swan thanks for the positive comments buddy. I love how far you have come with yours too. It's so fun watching them grow I would be extatic if I got to your stage and actually harvested. BBC gardners world was a really good show to go to loved it a lot and it's inspired me to actually take up horticulture. I'm following yours too. Looks like you're going to get a decent smoke out or yours it's doing really well. :)
Hey guys just can't stop looking at my babies, Iv been reading more about photo period plants and looks like these babies have a long way to go. Can you please tag or message me any blogs or info of this strain and if someone you know who's grown it. Am I right in thinking they're not going to be ready until October time ?


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Here's some update pics of the three healthy looking plants the 5th plant on the end looks like it's dying so just going to leave that to do it's think and see what happens to it. Can expect every seed to do well can ya it's had problems since it was a seedling.


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Hey guys just can't stop looking at my babies, Iv been reading more about photo period plants and looks like these babies have a long way to go. Can you please tag or message me any blogs or info of this strain and if someone you know who's grown it. Am I right in thinking they're not going to be ready until October time ?

So here is the start to flower on their own after they mature to a certain point. Photos start to flower depending on when they are mature enough, and when there is enough darkness to trigger the flower response(when depends on strain). I personally put lots of trust in Dutch Passion outdoor quoted finish times and they havent disappointed me yet!! 12 strains grown and only the auto ultimate went longer than quoted times and that includes several photoperiod strains.
So here is the start to flower on their own after they mature to a certain point. Photos start to flower depending on when they are mature enough, and when there is enough darkness to trigger the flower response(when depends on strain). I personally put lots of trust in Dutch Passion outdoor quoted finish times and they havent disappointed me yet!! 12 strains grown and only the auto ultimate went longer than quoted times and that includes several photoperiod strains.
Hey thanks yeah Iv been learning and reading a lot, well I'm a bit pissed off actually. The shop that I brought them from had them listed as Autoflowers hence why I purchased them due to the quick grow period. Ohh well nothing lost just yet as they're still growing. Iv worked it out and after reading another blog on here il have to wait until October to crop so they have a lot of growing to do yet however they're really looking well now, Hence why I was so worried about them no growing quick enough to start with. I'm just scared they will grow to big now and tower over the fence of where my gorilla site is. Iv see someone's Forest dream plants grow to over 7ft. Don't think it will be a big problem as the people who live behind the land are OAPs and hardly in their garden. Well a lot has been taken onboard for next year I'm going bigger spending £100+ on seeds and growing both autos and photos as many as I can as I have two other spots which are perfect. For now I'll have to wait and see where I get with these Thankyou for the info @912GreenSkell
Hey thanks yeah Iv been learning and reading a lot, well I'm a bit pissed off actually. The shop that I brought them from had them listed as Autoflowers hence why I purchased them due to the quick grow period. Ohh well nothing lost just yet as they're still growing. Iv worked it out and after reading another blog on here il have to wait until October to crop so they have a lot of growing to do yet however they're really looking well now, Hence why I was so worried about them no growing quick enough to start with. I'm just scared they will grow to big now and tower over the fence of where my gorilla site is. Iv see someone's Forest dream plants grow to over 7ft. Don't think it will be a big problem as the people who live behind the land are OAPs and hardly in their garden. Well a lot has been taken onboard for next year I'm going bigger spending £100+ on seeds and growing both autos and photos as many as I can as I have two other spots which are perfect. For now I'll have to wait and see where I get with these Thankyou for the info @912GreenSkell

Due to the late start you wont have to worry about it being a 7 footer. If you are really concerned about height i would consider training the plant.
well brum nice to meet you pal im in the north west of eng myself i normally grow indoors in a tent i have a few grows under my belt but this time im growing 5 autos outside in coco if you want to check them out its been hit and miss as you know weather wise i have 2 in a mock pop up greenhouse the others just plodding along yours seem to be going great i will follow along and good luck
well brum nice to meet you pal im in the north west of eng myself i normally grow indoors in a tent i have a few grows under my belt but this time im growing 5 autos outside in coco if you want to check them out its been hit and miss as you know weather wise i have 2 in a mock pop up greenhouse the others just plodding along yours seem to be going great i will follow along and good luck
Thanks Tom it's exciting I would love it if I got a smoke off these. Really enjoying it so far who knew this would start a whole other hobby for me I love spending time outdoors so was only right. Iv got a massive plan for next year hopefully this goes right. Going to be doing both auto and photos next year. Around October time I'm starting a small indoor grow so let's see how that goes. How many successful grow have you done in a tent m?