Indoor Food Dude 2nd grow of a Variety of Autos

1Day into flowering
So the StarDawg has started to go into flowering the last 2 days she is close to 30 day from seed but you can see the pistols starting at the top cola and there are several other spots that they are sprouting.

15 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 has stretched out and up a little more there are going to be buds everywhere she great overall color and structure .

18 Days into flowering
Amnesia stIll is a runt of the litter she does not seem to want to stretch at all while she is a little bigger she does not have many branches as the other girls but hopefully she going to get her ass going here soon.

22 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 she is a skinny girl not a lot to her canopy her buds continue to form up on the branches now to fatten her up some and get some nice healthy buds.

35 Days from seed
NYC Diesel, Obama fem, Gold Leaf, AK-48, and Gelato, are starting to get some more growth to them I clipped them back some and they have started to spread some to, I had to add some soil to the NYC cause she was leaning over by herself. Other wise the girls are looking for a party.

28 Days from seed
Obama Auto, and Wedding Cheesecake are gathering some steam and height over the last couple of days I need to get and trim them up some I also pinched their tops so I’m expecting them to start to branch out much more here in the next week or so.

3 Days into flowering
StawDawg is cranking on the white pistols now in the last 2 Days, she is looking like a stretch in getting started today they were feed FF Big Bloom they are all taking about 2 1/2 gallons of water between the 12 plants.

17 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 is developing nicely lots of branches buds are popping out I’ll need to get in and prune her up on her lower branches and any small lower buds so more of her energy is focused on the top buds.

20 Days into flowering
Amnesia still is stunted I’ll trim her up some to see if that might start something going her buds that she does have are little puff balls.

24 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 has filled out more so it time to trim her up a bit again to get rid of the larf and lower leaves that are not getting as much light. I got to rotate them around so they all are getting light from all direction.

37 Days from seed
NYC Diesel, Obama Fem, Gold Leaf, AK-48, Gelato are coming along and the NYC And AK-48 looks to be almost ready for flower The photos are just veg along which is were I want them right now I should start to do some LST with them and start getting their structure goin.

30 Days from seed
Obama Auto, Wedding Cheesecake are also getting ready to start flowering and I need to trim them up some and get them ready to go.

I changed the light schedule in the small tent to an 18/6 it’s been running 24/7 cause I had a timer shit the bed so I see what happens to the new one hopping that it does not trip the breaker.

Ok so on Wednesday we went through the girls and pruned and defoliant the bottom 1/3 of each of the plants, my mistake this time around is not topping some of the girls earlier enough so that the could start to develop structure and multiple mains some of them went into flowering before I could get this done. That being said they are all still very healthy but you can tell the ones that didn’t get this done they are very straight and no structure.

6 Days into flowering
StarDawg is looking a little naked to day and very straight by she came through all the pruning in good shape with very little stress, she has start a little bit of a stretch but hopefully she will develop more side branches.

20 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 is looking great and has developed a nice structure the pruning opened her up to more light and we got rid of the smaller buds and lower leaves, which I have been drying and rubbing them on the they trim screen to gather any Keif that collects by doing this we have collected about 1 ounce which the wife adds to her grind.

23 Days into flowering
The Amnesia is still short and stout she looks a bit taller with 6 bud sites I’m hoping that the pruning will focus more energy in her buds and branches reaching out and up.

27 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 again is looking great with the pruning and has bounced back her structure is similar to Blueberry 2 with many branches and mains. I do have to say that this strain is very consistent as they grow and look very similar, I do love the berry and pine aroma that they put off.

40 Days from seed
Gold Leaf, Obama kush fem are going to be very nice mother plants and I can’t wait to pull some clones, though I having an issue in finding a tray to use as a cloning tray, it seems as the @someoldguy’s work around is no longer available from Walmart but I’ll keep looking hopefully I run across something soon. The NYC Diesel and the AK-48 are getting ready to start flower I did get to top these girls and you can see that in their development, the Gelato I missed that opportunity as she also is getting ready to flower.

33 Days from seed
Obama Auto and Wedding Cheesecake are also getting read to start to flower, these were also ones that did not get topped earlier. They were pruned which again they survived very well, overall I’m very pleased with the progress even with the missed opportunities to top and develop some structure on some of the girls.

2 Days into flowering
AK-48, NYC Diesel, Gelato, Obama Auto have all entered into flowering they all have taken to the pruning very well and its amazing that just in 2 days how much they have shot up, all of these girls have got some structure with the exception of the Gelato who is still straight shot.

8 Days into flowering
StarDawg got a burst of growth little bit of height she to has not been stressed from the pruning and defoliant she is a strong one.

22 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 continues to stretch and widen out she is almost an exact copy of the other Blueberry and how she is growing.

25 Days into flowering
Amnesia Haze has decided to grow a little she is still not tall but I’m happy she add some height over all .

30 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 is lookin great structure height is all starting to come together lots of buds and wonderfully healthy

40 Days from seed
The Gold Leaf and Obama fem are starting to get height an more branches they are currently on a 18/6 hour light schedule and will remain to stay in veg, I have ordered the trays for cloning the but it will be a few weeks before they come they are going to be great mothers.

4 Days into flowering
AK-48,NYC Diesel, Obama Auto these girls have just shot up again so much I had to raise the light, Gelato,Wedding Cheesecake are still don’t have many branches but got a bit of height.

10 Days into flowering
StarDawg got some puffy buds going and so lower branches but just one leader she not that wide though but it still early in flowering.

24 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 has also gotten some new growth going and height her bud are coming together to get some density. She will be getting taller and wider based on what she has been doing lately I had to raise this light to because of the added height.

27 Days into flowering
Amnesia is just a little taller but not by much she is covered in trichomes and glistening she is definitely the runt of the litter.

32 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 is looking great with the growth the last couple of days, she has stretched and widened her buds look nicely formed at this point and she has branched out quite a bit.

42 Days from seed
The mothers(Gold Leaf, Obama Fem) are looking great and have spread and stretch their legs in the last 2 days right now I’m waiting for the clone holders to start this will be fun

6 Days into flowering
AK-48, NYC Diesel, Obama Auto, These girl are have a great growth spurt right now in 2 days the added a couple of inches and I mean a couple of inches each day. They look amazing I had to move the AK to the big tent because I could not raise the light much more in the small, Gelato, Wedding Cheesecake these girls still are on the small size so I decided to add a bit of a bend to see if I started a little LST if that would prompt anything out of them.

12 Days into flowering
StarDawg still tall and thin so I started a bit of LST on her as well today again I want to see if that prompts and response from her her buds are still forming and it’s just a few of so let’s see were that goes.

26 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 is having that same growth spurt as the other girls are, I’m going to start to tie her down a little some to start to get light to her lower branches.

29 Days into flowering
Amnesia Haze got a tiny bit of growth but not much some of her pistols have started to turn amber and she is covered I mean saturated covered in trichomes you don’t even need to get that close and your fingers are sticky.

34 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 is just a little bigger than her sister so she is going to get the same treatment of being tied down and maybe trim her up a bit in the process, flowers are looking good as the expand and start to develop.

42 Days from seed
The mother are looking pretty good with a lot of new growth I need to start LST on them to control their height for this smaller tent, I’m going crazy having to wait on the cloning supplies but I’ll just have to bite the bullet and hold myself in check

Ok so here is where this grow is at right now, today all the girls were trimmed up top dressed and feed. The runts are still the Amnesia, Wedding Cheesecake, Gelato right now I’m not expecting much from them and they really did not respond to the start of LST and never fully turned back to the light.

8 Days into flowering
AK-48, NYC Diesel, Obama Auto, are all looking amazing with great structure, the Gelato and Wedding Cheesecake are just runts with not a lot of growth they have buds but not that many so we are trying to focus them on those buds.

14 Days into flowering
StarDawg is not quite the runt she is somewhere in the middle with only a couple of branches with small buds at the ends and a bigger bud in the leader.

28 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 has gotten more growth, height and width she is doing very good this is a very nice strain.

31 Days into flowering
Amnesia Haze still just runting around not has happened in the last 2 days she is still very sticky with trichomes

36 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 is doing great right now same as her sister in every way height, width and structure I will need to tie some her branches down next week to spread her out.

44 Days from seed
Gold Leaf and Obama Fem were trimmed of larger leaves and topped dressed they have grown a couple of inches very great color and healthy

So I’m a bit off schedule with the holiday weekend so I’m catching up with this update

12 Days into flowering
AK-48, NYC Diesel, Obama Auto are growing like crazy in the last update we had pruned all the girls and had to do it again last night because of the growth in the last 4 days this has also allowed the buds to gain weight. Gelato,Wedding Cheesecake have had a some vertical growth but are still skinny but they have buds so I’ll just let them go naturally.

18 Days into flowering
StarDawg also had a bit of vertical growth but she is still runty but I keep my hopes up for some nice healthy growth.

32 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 is doing great she bounced back from the pruning and had some nice growth over the last 4 days, I’m loving how she has branched out and her overall growth and health.

35 Days into flowering
Amnesia still look sad bud there has been some vertical grown not great but more than before. She is so covered with trichomes

40 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 is looking so good with her structure and how she has spread out and the growth in the last 4 days.

48 Days from seed
The Gold Leaf and Obama Kush fem had the most growth over the last 4 day they are roughly the same height and width they are going to be great mothers to their clone babies

Hi dude can I ask what you do with the pruning? I'm thinking there's a little too much taken off some of them, the gelato and wedding cheesecake and amnesia haze. Taking too many leaves off will just keep them small. I hope you get some good smoke from all of them brother :pass: