Indoor Food Dude 2nd grow of a Variety of Autos

34 Days from seed
The 2 Blueberries and Amnesia Haze are doing great a lot of new growth I’ll start tying them down this weekend to stretch the out some, a little trim and cropping.

15 Days from seed
The Gold leaf, Gelato, AK-48, Obama Kush Fem, NYC Diesel are all working on their next set of leaves and have stretch to the light I need to add some more soil to fill the cups after it has settled some. Another week they should be ready to transplant.

8 Days from seed
The Wedding cheesecake, StarDawg, Obama Kush Auto have done really well with some stretch to the light now working on their 3rd set of leaves. Color is a nice dark green and healthy.
1Day into flowering
One of the Blueberry went right into flowering in the last day or so with the appearance of about 1/2 dozen bud sites and lots of pistols to many for me to crop off so I’m going to let her go her natural growth. She has now been moved in with the Gold Leaf and Mystery Girl from the first grow.

36 Days from seed
The other Blueberry and Amnesia Haze have not started to show signs of flowering yet so I’ll try to get in to trim them and some LST, maybe a little cropping too.

17 Days from seed
The Gold leaf, Gelato, AK-48, Obama Kush Fem, NYC Diesel are looking great I moved them into the other side of the tent they look very strong and have starTed their next leaves in about 5 days they will be ready to transplant into their 5 gallon containers.

10 Days from seed
The Wedding cheesecake, StarDawg, Obama Kush Auto are stretching to the light and are about 2 inches tall right now they do really look good I did have to add some soil to top off the cup but I expected to have to do that with them.

3 Days into flowering
The Blueberry was trimmed up yesterday and the bud sites are more pronounced she has also had a growth spurt In height and width.

38 Days from seed
The other Blueberry was trimmed up yesterday and I cropped some of the buds sites to delay her for a bit, and Amnesia Haze is showing as a compact girl she has not gotten much height yet but is looking bushy I trimmed her yesterday also to get rid of some of the lower older leaves and big fans

19 Days from seed
The Gold leaf, Gelato, AK-48, Obama Kush Fem, NYC Diesel these girls are enjoying the LED lights in the other part of the tent they have sturdied up and are adding new growth I’m expecting to transplant them this coming weekend into their 5 gallon fabric pots.

12 Days from seed
The Wedding cheesecake, StarDawg, Obama Kush Auto these girls have gotten some more height but are still a little spindly but their color looks really nice and healthy, they also have anew set of leaves coming in I’m happy with how they are doing.

2 Days into flowering
The Amnesia started into flowering in the last 2 days she has 8 bud sits going so there was not much I could do by cropping her to slow her down. She is very short and compact and I hope that she will get some height now that she is in the flowering stage.

5 Days into flowering
The Blueberry has gotten some height and spread as she reaches to the light there a couple of buds sites and new growth happening she is moving right along I don’t think I could of held her back if I wanted to she was determined to start to flower.

40 Days into flowering
The other Blueberry tried to go into flower a couple of days ago but I had trimmed and cropped her to try and delay that it seems to have worked and there is new growth happening I think though she will start to flower by next week by the looks of her.

21 Days from seed
The NYC Diesel, AK-48, Gold leaf, Obama Fem and Gelato are just about ready to be transplanted they have the height and are looking stronger thicker stock they have all done great so far.

14 Days from seed
The Obama Auto,StarDawg, and Wedding Cheesecake are looking very good right now and I’ll move them into the Veg tent side this weekend when I transplant the other batch. They are working on their 4th set of leaves now

So big changes in the last 2 days

1 day into flowering
The second Blueberry has decided that it is ready and started to flower she started popping multiple bud sites with the white pistols she also got a little more height and width.

4 Days into flowering
The Amnesia has not shown much movement in the last 2 days and she has not started her growth spurt. I feed her some today with FF Big bloom to see if that will give her a boost of energy she still look strong I clipped a couple of the lower leaves that started to yellow.

6 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 has stretched and added some growth more pistols have developed in the last 2 days I’ll trim and tie down branches in the next couple of days.

23 Days from seed
NYC Diesel,AK-48, Obama fem, Gold leaf, took off over the last couple of days the shot up, the Gelato was a little slower so I left her in the solo cup the others girls I transplanted today into the 5 gallon fabric pots they got a little bit of a feed with FF big bloom, the roots were crazy when I pulled them from the cups.

16 Days from seed
StarDawg, Wedding Cheesecake were put into the veg tent today with the Gelato that I didn’t transplant, the Obama Auto I ended up transplanted to the 5 gallon fabric pot with the other girls as she gained a lot of height and her roots were thick in the cup.

All of the plants are doing amazing right now and both tents are filling up I like this staggered start with the groups being in different stages now all I have to do is keep all the girls straight in my old brain as they get moved around thank god for taking notes. I do need to mix up some more soil for the next girls to be transplanted. I have most everything but need to order the Autoflower super soil

3 Days into flowering
The Blueberry 2 has spread open and got more height the last couple of days pistols are still forming but like her sister she is a strong girl.

6 Days into flowering
The Amnesia is still looking a little stunted compared to the other girls I’m just hoping that she will get a good growth spurt as she get further into flowering and gets productive

10 Days into flowering
The Blueberry 1 fan leaves are starting to get big again so I’ll need to get in and give her a trim the flowers are developing nicely, she has got some height now her canopy is thin but it is letting a lot of light into the middle of the plant.

25 Days from seed
NYC Diesel, Obama fem,AK-48, Gold leaf, are loving the new pots and took the transplant in stride color is looking good, the took to the feeding and thickened up some in the last couple of days the Gelato is still in the solo cup but she should be transplanted this weekend.

18 Days from seed
StarDawg, Obama Auto, Wedding cheesecake are starting to get a little more height and are working on their 4th set of leaves they will be transplanted on the weekend with the gelato they are not as thin now and have thickened a bit.

So my next project is to set up a hanging shelf so that I can get the humidifier off the table in the tent so I can get some more floor space because I need it now with all the plants

5 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 has thickened up and shot up over the last 2 day and there is new growth at the top she is as tall as Blueberry 1 who is 7 days ahead of her.

8 Days into flowering
Amnesia Haze started her growth spurt over the last 2 days of a couple of inches still not enough for me to get in and trim some of the lower growth I think she will keep this up and I’ll be able to do that on the weekend.

12 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 had a little bit of a trim yesterday of her bigger fan leaves she is also filling in some with new growth she is standing at about 24” high now which will help with the bud growth.
i did not feed or water any of the girls above as their soil was still moist I’ll wait a couple of days for them to dry out a bit.

27 Days from seed
NYC Diesel, Obama fem, AK-48, Gold Leaf, Obama Auto, have settled in nicely but I will need to top dress them as the soil has settled some they were all feed today with the Kellogg Organic fertilizer and Gelato is still in the solo cup she has gotten some height so I think that she will be ready for transplant this weekend coming. I’m also wait for the Autoflower super soil to be delivered so I can mix up more of the soil blend that I’m using.

20 Days from seed
Wedding Cheesecake, StarDawg, Gelato are getting the new growth and a bit of height and they should be ready for their transplant this weekend the challenge is going to be tent space with the Gold Leaf from the first grow still in the tent. I also picked up the hanging shelf and waiting on the ratcheting hangers so I can move the humidifier off the table to give me more floor space so thing should be hunky dory then.

9 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 has filled out and gotten some height over the last 4 days her bud sites are more defined now and she has quite a few I’ll be trimming her up in the next few day and I do need to top dress all of the plant as the soil has settled some.

12 Days into flowering
The Amnesia seems to be stunted not getting any height I’m not sure what is going on with her, she is healthy a vibrant green and no signs af any nutrients issues, or light problems. I hoping that she will get a burst of growth.

16 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 is shot up like her sister and the buds are developing and are about walnut size she looks spindly cause I trimmed her hard when she started to flower. This strain is a very vigorous and has been easy to grow and maintain.

31 Days from seed
NYC Diesel, AK-48, Obama fem,Gold Leaf, and Gelato(was just transplanted today into her 5 gallon pot) were all cropped in the last few days and you can see the new leaders starting I’ll get in and trim the all up of the lower leaves and any big fan leaves. I’m going to try and just let them grow naturally without any LST to see what the difference is the only thing that I did do was bend them over at the beginning when they were put into the 5 gallon pots.

24 Days from seed
Wedding Cheesecake,StarDawg These girls were transplanted today into the 5 gallon pots they shot up over the last 4 day to about 5-6 inches, and Obama Auto was cropped and is developing nicely.
So now all the girls are in their final pots, I had to wait to transplant them until I got another bag of Autoflower super soil to mix up my soil mix that arrived yesterday and I mixed everything together today, I also shoemaker a hanging shelf to put the humidifier on so I could get rid of the small table to open up space for all the girls

11 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 is doing great I top dressed her today she has added some height and filled out some more she is as big as her sister.

14 Days into flowering
Amnesia is a little bit bigger but not much, Buds right now a white and puffy, there still is a chance for a growth spurt.

18 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 got top dressed as well there is a little growth buds have formed up now we just wait for them to come together

33 Days from seed
NYC Diesel, AK-48, Obama fem,Gold Leaf, and Gelato have added some new growth I need to trim the lower part to trim off the first growth leaves

26 Days from seed
StarDawg, Wedding Cheesecake, Obama Auto have taken a liking to their new homes and settling in I cropped them to day
All the girls were top dressed today and feed FF Big Bloom I closedown the two small compartments until i start some clones.


13 Days into flowering
Blueberry 2 she continues to stretch out and has a lot of new branches all with buds on them she seems to like the top dressing and the feeding from Wednesday.

16 Days into flowering
Amnesia Haze still not getting any height even after the feeding and top dressing from Wednesday her buds still have a puffy quality about them and not as many or the same structure as the last Amnesia that I grew, the goal is to get her some height and structure and many more buds.

20 Days into flowering
Blueberry 1 continues to stretch out and add more branches and they all have buds started on them, she was also top dressed and feed on Wednesday So I’m expecting more sustained growth and filling out.

35 Days from seed
NYC Diesel, Obama fem, Gold leaf, AK-48 and gelato have all put in some height over the last 2 days I trimmed and cropped them today, I need to top dress them so they are more stable and buried a little more.

28 Days from seed
Obama Auto, StarDawg, and Wedding Cheesecake have all settled in and got growth the last 2 Days they need to be topped dressed with the others they really are looking very strong.
Now that I have all these girls going and stabilized and with the Gold leaf from the 1st grow almost finished I’m thinking I may start a couple of more beans I had gotten from I❤️GM their Gorilla Glue Auto strain it Looked very interesting.
