Foliar feed gone wrong?

May 25, 2017
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Currently Smoking
but not inhaling.
Hey everyone,

This is my first post here despite plenty of lurking (and my first time grow). I am about three weeks from seed (ungerminated seed tossed into a rapid rooter placed in final container on May 3). The final containers were 5 gallon root pouches (like a smart pot) with 30% Coco 10-15% Perlite and 55-60% Happy Frog soil. Despite a couple ugly ducklings, by and large my babies were doing great getting nothing but water (filtered through zero water system, 0 ppm and pH'd to 6.5).

I noticed what I thought was a bug flying around freaked and sprayed everyone with foliar azamax and placed diatomaceous earth over the top soil.

The next day I noticed some brown spots on a photoperiod I am also growing (that admittedly was started a bit earlier). It looked like a calcium deficiency and I figured this may have been a reasonable conclusion given the coco was uncharged and I am using essentially RO water. I decided to mix 1ml of GO cal/mag in a gallon and spray it on my plants. Many of my autos now have weird new growth and growth tips that look like talons. What do I do? I am afraid I have poisoned them with too much nitrogen even though the cal mag is only 1-0-0. I have since been spraying them with pH'd RO water.
Hey everyone,

This is my first post here despite plenty of lurking (and my first time grow). I am about three weeks from seed (ungerminated seed tossed into a rapid rooter placed in final container on May 3). The final containers were 5 gallon root pouches (like a smart pot) with 30% Coco 10-15% Perlite and 55-60% Happy Frog soil. Despite a couple ugly ducklings, by and large my babies were doing great getting nothing but water (filtered through zero water system, 0 ppm and pH'd to 6.5).

I noticed what I thought was a bug flying around freaked and sprayed everyone with foliar azamax and placed diatomaceous earth over the top soil.

The next day I noticed some brown spots on a photoperiod I am also growing (that admittedly was started a bit earlier). It looked like a calcium deficiency and I figured this may have been a reasonable conclusion given the coco was uncharged and I am using essentially RO water. I decided to mix 1ml of GO cal/mag in a gallon and spray it on my plants. Many of my autos now have weird new growth and growth tips that look like talons. What do I do? I am afraid I have poisoned them with too much nitrogen even though the cal mag is only 1-0-0. I have since been spraying them with pH'd RO water.
We will need pictures love :smoking:
In the first pic up close is a blue cheese auto, in the back is a blue dream hso auto (fairly normal growth)

Second pic is a girl scout cookie fast buds auto

Third one is another sad blue cheese auto

*edit: 18/6 under an 800W black dog phytomax2 LED
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Will do as soon as I have a normal light source for the tent, thanks! Does this look like nitrogen toxicity from foliar application?
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It's hard to tell in that lighting, but they look hungry to me
Thanks for reaching out, can I ask what makes you say that? I did see the cotyledons yellowing but was afraid to feed them after seeing the clawing. I'm working on figuring out something for natural lighting sorry for the LED pics.
Thanks for reaching out, can I ask what makes you say that? I did see the cotyledons yellowing but was afraid to feed them after seeing the clawing. I'm working on figuring out something for natural lighting sorry for the LED pics.
If you can pull em out of the tent or shut the light off and use the flash..
The twisted new growth is what caught my eye.. that's usually a sign they're hungry.. but @namvet25 knows alot more than I do about diagnostic work..
Thanks for the prompt response! Will do when I get home. That would be fairly serendipitous if that is the case as the twisted and clawing growth was visible the day following foliar application (especially considering foliar N should have kept em at bay if they were really hungry)