New Grower First timer - Northern Light Autos

Dec 10, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Blue dream
Hey guys stuck around this forum because it seemed the most user friendly and loads of info !! So I’m about 12 days into my first grow with Growers choice Northern lights autos
I’m using fox farms big bloom , grow big , tiger bloom
For growing medium I’m using fox farms ocean forest and have these ladies in 5 gallon smart pots.
Upon initially germinating I had 2 and thought 1 wasn’t gonna make it so did a 3rd couple days later the first 2 actually made it so now I have 3 lol
The first 2 I started in cups and the last one I figured I’d try straight into the smart pot.
started Nutes the 2nd week Grow big and Big bloom
Tent is a 24x24x48 with 300 watt led light and a exhaust fan (literally an amazon set up ) I made the mistake of not running the light far enough so the ones I cups did some stretching adding pics to hopefully receive some advice as I’m super impatient and worried Since it’s my first rodeo !!
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Hey guys stuck around this forum because it seemed the most user friendly and loads of info !! So I’m about 12 days into my first grow with Growers choice Northern lights autos
I’m using fox farms big bloom , grow big , tiger bloom
For growing medium I’m using fox farms ocean forest and have these ladies in 5 gallon smart pots.
Upon initially germinating I had 2 and thought 1 wasn’t gonna make it so did a 3rd couple days later the first 2 actually made it so now I have 3 lol
The first 2 I started in cups and the last one I figured I’d try straight into the smart pot.
started Nutes the 2nd week Grow big and Big bloom
Tent is a 24x24x48 with 300 watt led light and a exhaust fan (literally an amazon set up ) I made the mistake of not running the light far enough so the ones I cups did some stretching adding pics to hopefully receive some advice as I’m super impatient and worried Since it’s my first rodeo !!

Hi! In my opinion you have everything you need to succeed. I’ve used fox farm before with excellent results!
Your plants are definitely stretching looking for more light. I’d lower your light for sure to minimize that stretch. Also just plant directly in your final pot/ container. The one you did looks the best so far. Use a fan to lightly get some air going on the seedlings and that will help strengthen the stems as well. Oh and you could try transplanting the guys in small cups to a larger (final ) container and covering much of the stem with soil for added support before they fall over. When I have seedlings I spray them daily with water quite vigorously so also help with the stem strength ( breaks the cells inside and they repair themselves stronger). Cannabis is extremely hardy so you’ll be surprised how they can bounce back. Also don’t be tempted to overwater, that’s a common mistake I made lol
Peace ✌️ and happy growing
Thanks for feedback ! Yea they stopped stretching as soon as I put them on the 16/8 light schedule ! And I got a small 6 inch fan going on them to help strengthin them up
I am struggling with the watering the girls in the cup since the light ends up drying them up daily and the soil gets real dry ...
I’m hoping to fix this when I transfer them into their pots tommorrow just waiting on some more soil !
Hey guys stuck around this forum because it seemed the most user friendly and loads of info !! So I’m about 12 days into my first grow with Growers choice Northern lights autos
I’m using fox farms big bloom , grow big , tiger bloom
For growing medium I’m using fox farms ocean forest and have these ladies in 5 gallon smart pots.
Upon initially germinating I had 2 and thought 1 wasn’t gonna make it so did a 3rd couple days later the first 2 actually made it so now I have 3 lol
The first 2 I started in cups and the last one I figured I’d try straight into the smart pot.
started Nutes the 2nd week Grow big and Big bloom
Tent is a 24x24x48 with 300 watt led light and a exhaust fan (literally an amazon set up ) I made the mistake of not running the light far enough so the ones I cups did some stretching adding pics to hopefully receive some advice as I’m super impatient and worried Since it’s my first rodeo !!

NL for the win!
heya @RecklessFvrmz and :welcome: to afn! :toke: however, u are def gonna need a bigger tent, lol :rofl: case in point, a fellow NL grower on here, @MoonUnit has been growin a single in a 2x2, and that thing is wall-to-fuckin-wall, haha :coffee: in any event, westcoast is right, as far as rezisting the temptation to other wordz, don't! :nono: lil seedlingz don't need a lot, mebbe a shot glass full every couple dayz...and alwayz water in a ring, away from the stem...that way, the lil rootz are forced to find the water on their own, and thus grow :smokeit: the only other bit i'll add is that if ur "super impatient", well, u def picked the wrong hobby...especially with NL :rofl: ur best bet is to get one helluva comfy chair & plenty o' popcorn, cuz it'z gonna be a long ride! :smoking: but, there'z plenty o' helpful peepz here to ride it out with ya & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup: and oh, if u mebbe jus wanna g'head & make this the start of a grow journal, jus give the word & i'll move it over to new growerz ;)

ppp & :goodluck:

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Welcome to the best auto've definitely shown ambition for a first grow and hope you're in for a challenge. The good thing is you're here where a group effort will help you through the various aspects of growin da weed.
I grow in a 2x3x5.5 tent with lights pulling 280w...qb + cobs...but my pots are 2-3 ltr...typically I get 35-40g but recently a GSC gave me 76g.
Be ready, 3x5 gal may have you growing in your bedroom....
NL for the win!
heya @RecklessFvrmz and :welcome: to afn! :toke: however, u are def gonna need a bigger tent, lol :rofl: case in point, a fellow NL grower on here, @MoonUnit has been growin a single in a 2x2, and that thing is wall-to-fuckin-wall, haha :coffee: in any event, westcoast is right, as far as rezisting the temptation to other wordz, don't! :nono: lil seedlingz don't need a lot, mebbe a shot glass full every couple dayz...and alwayz water in a ring, away from the stem...that way, the lil rootz are forced to find the water on their own, and thus grow :smokeit: the only other bit i'll add is that if ur "super impatient", well, u def picked the wrong hobby...especially with NL :rofl: ur best bet is to get one helluva comfy chair & plenty o' popcorn, cuz it'z gonna be a long ride! :smoking: but, there'z plenty o' helpful peepz here to ride it out with ya & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup: and oh, if u mebbe jus wanna g'head & make this the start of a grow journal, jus give the word & i'll move it over to new growerz ;)

ppp & :goodluck:


Thanks @420Forever !! Yea I can be patient no worries I’m nervous of screwing up more then anything but sounds like I’m in for a hell of a first ride lol ! Definetey took notes of your watering tips I might of been over doing it ! Imma try and keep that RH% up perhaps where I’m at it’s full blown winter so a lil dry but definitely don’t wanna over water ! But yea we can make it a grow journal I’d like to be able to get as much feedback and tips as possible as I go !
To throw it out there were 5 gallon pots over kill ? Can I safely achieve good yields and healthy plants with smaller pots in the future ? I was under the impression that the more room you give the roots the better but It’s sounding like I’m gonna get outgrown here any day
Welcome to the best auto've definitely shown ambition for a first grow and hope you're in for a challenge. The good thing is you're here where a group effort will help you through the various aspects of growin da weed.
I grow in a 2x3x5.5 tent with lights pulling 280w...qb + cobs...but my pots are 2-3 ltr...typically I get 35-40g but recently a GSC gave me 76g.
Be ready, 3x5 gal may have you growing in your bedroom....
That’s impressive yields ! I’m not sure how much to expect this first time around kind of wish I wouldn’t have done more then 2 but fuck it I’m in for the ride now
Thanks @420Forever !! Yea I can be patient no worries I’m nervous of screwing up more then anything but sounds like I’m in for a hell of a first ride lol ! Definetey took notes of your watering tips I might of been over doing it ! Imma try and keep that RH% up perhaps where I’m at it’s full blown winter so a lil dry but definitely don’t wanna over water ! But yea we can make it a grow journal I’d like to be able to get as much feedback and tips as possible as I go !
To throw it out there were 5 gallon pots over kill ? Can I safely achieve good yields and healthy plants with smaller pots in the future ? I was under the impression that the more room you give the roots the better but It’s sounding like I’m gonna get outgrown here any day

ok, thread has been moved to new growerz :thumbsup: and well, 5 gal potz bein overkill is def a relative matter, lol...there are certain variablez involved, such as strain, and size of growin space, to name the chief two...NL is a typical indica, which meanz they get b u s h y as hell...and with 3x5 gal, around the 30-40d mark, u'll be like "uh-oh!" :doh: :rofl: i jus chopped 2 NL grown in potz half that size, in a 2x3 space, and simply couldn't wait to get em the hell outa there & make room for sumthin else, whew! (then again, that may also have had sumthin to do with the fact that they went 167d...:rolleyes2: :rofl: but, i digress...) i've now downscaled to 3L potz, which will be jus the ticket for me small area, and should still give an oz per i figger, and since i'm runnin a perpetual, all should work out ok...but, u know what they say bout the best laid planz of mice & stonerz...:coffee: ppp
ok, thread has been moved to new growerz :thumbsup: and well, 5 gal potz bein overkill is def a relative matter, lol...there are certain variablez involved, such as strain, and size of growin space, to name the chief two...NL is a typical indica, which meanz they get b u s h y as hell...and with 3x5 gal, around the 30-40d mark, u'll be like "uh-oh!" :doh: :rofl: i jus chopped 2 NL grown in potz half that size, in a 2x3 space, and simply couldn't wait to get em the hell outa there & make room for sumthin else, whew! (then again, that may also have had sumthin to do with the fact that they went 167d...:rolleyes2: :rofl: but, i digress...) i've now downscaled to 3L potz, which will be jus the ticket for me small area, and should still give an oz per i figger, and since i'm runnin a perpetual, all should work out ok...but, u know what they say bout the best laid planz of mice & stonerz...:coffee: ppp
Northern Lights is SUCH a GREAT classic strain. I think actually it was the very first auto I ever grew if I can remember correctly as it was a few years ago now lol
Man 167 days! Wowsers musta been a beautiful plant! Talk about patience haha
I love experimenting and reading anything I can about growing so naturally I wanted to try growing in as many pot sizes as possible. I always read and heard you’d get bigger plants and bigger yields in larger pots but personally I haven’t found that to be the case at all even though it logically makes sense. I think a lot of it must be on the genetics and the particular phenotype you happen to get. Cause I’ve grown plants in very small containers with surprisingly big yields and than plants in 5 gallons that totally sucked lol
I’ve finally found the sweet spot for my setup which is 2 gallon. I’m perpetually harvesting as well and this size allows me to grow a few different strains all the time which i love as I always have some nice new smoke every 3 weeks or so