Completed First time growing ever (Hydro) problem diagnosis with plant?

indeed... :D :D

Thats the new fresh res filled in. the roots did look a little browner today, now.. i tried something here, let me know if it was a bad thing to do or not.. i filled up my spare bucket with tap water which is soft of only around 40ppm. i then put my air stones in there to bubble it. i then sprayed H2o2 on the roots directly, then i placed the plant in there for abour 45 minutes with the bubbling going, by this time the h202 should have broken down into oxygen and water. Hopefully.. it should also eliminate any root rot bacteria. then i placed the plant into the clean new nutrient filled res along with added Hydroguard.

do you think this was a good idea?

No, I think you are doing "Frankenstein" experiments on a living plant! You do not need H2o2 when you have HydroGuard. H2o2 is used in a sterile method of hydro and HydroGuard is a "Living" grow style.

Trying to reinvent the wheel comes at the expense of failure. Find an experienced grower with proven success and follow "only" their methods until you learn how to grow. It can be overwhelming and confusing if you listen to different methods from different sources at the same time.
It seems like i am having endless problems, after the res change, the next day... the plant has drooped quite a lot. and the PPM has risen from 520 to 650. the pH was stablized when i made the nute solution at 5.8. and that also rose up to 6.60!

i have now corrected the pH to 5.8. lets see what happens tomorrow....

still not looking good, the pH had risen upto 7.30. so i exchanged 3.6L of the water with regular pH balanced tap water to reduce PPM. it is now on 480ppm.

i am not sure why the plant is drooping so much, all of the conditions are correct. pH at 5.8 water temp at 20C (68F), very good air exchange inside the tent and also very good temperature balance inside the tent, only thing i dont have is artificial Co2 generator that i see some people use, but i highly doubt that will cause this kind of stress on the plant.

The roots are brown, almost looks like root rot.. or it could also be nute stain.. the roots dont feel slimey, but theyre also not growing any larger. Also, still do not see a thick taproot.

The Calcium deficiency looking leaves are now turning yellow starting from the tip backwards, and the stems are red looking.

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Further update,

the roots are growing, the plant is no longer drooping.. the bottom leaves are still yellow along with necrosis (brown sections on leaves) i guess they wont recover? correct me otherwise.

the roots... some parts of the roots have accumulated brown gunk... i dont know what this is... is it root rot? or something else? i have used hydrogruad... i dont see how it can be root rot....

other than that, the plant itself has not grown. only the roots
Further update,

the roots are growing, the plant is no longer drooping.. the bottom leaves are still yellow along with necrosis (brown sections on leaves) i guess they wont recover? correct me otherwise.

the roots... some parts of the roots have accumulated brown gunk... i dont know what this is... is it root rot? or something else? i have used hydrogruad... i dont see how it can be root rot....

other than that, the plant itself has not grown. only the roots
Ok those look better. I cannot believe that plant is still alive. What are you using for nutrients? Don't be adding anything to the res besides nutrients and HydroGuard PH 5.8.

me too... its still alive.. the nutes that i am using are Dutch Pro Hydro Softwater A/B, Dutch pro Keep Clean, Dutch Pro Multi Total and Hydrogruard.

the multi total is dark brown in colour. so the roots may be stained with that.. but i dont know what that brown blobs of gunk within parts of the roots is.

the pH is 5.8 very stable.
me too... its still alive.. the nutes that i am using are Dutch Pro Hydro Softwater A/B, Dutch pro Keep Clean, Dutch Pro Multi Total and Hydrogruard.

the multi total is dark brown in colour. so the roots may be stained with that.. but i dont know what that brown blobs of gunk within parts of the roots is.

the pH is 5.8 very stable.
The brown is probably staining and the blob is a colony of beneficial microbes.