Outdoor First time grow - northern lights - auto - outdoor

When i started off i tried to follow a fairly strict pattern but i found that i wasnt getting much growth, which i put down to overfeeding in the end! I was never letting the soil get completely dry and at one point i had like a moldy green pasty substance on the top of the soil (after research i THINK this was algae?)

So basically now i just try not to water it until the soil feels real dry at the top, put my finger in the soil to see if it still feels damp inside, and when it feels dry i water the bubbas! A couple times ive left it slightly too long and the leaves start drooping though but once watered they perk back up nicely :)

Id say it shouldve started around once a week or so when they were small (was more than this cause i overfed) and now im finding its getting a lot more often, maybe once every 3-4 days or so? Days are getting much warmer here though so thats probably a factor too

Yeah, that was algae, looks fine now though. How much nutrients are you feeding?
Yes, warmer days and their roots are filling the pots up. Are you going to pot up to larger pots? Looking good! Wish I could grow outdoors but I definitely don't have the climate for it here!
Yeah, that was algae, looks fine now though. How much nutrients are you feeding?
Once they had a few sets of leaves i started feeding it 1/2 ml of fish mix per L, and then the last two waters ive started adding 1/2 ml of both the other blooming nutes per L too... and usually takes about 1/2 ml per L of ph down too (lmao all halves) but that gets it to yellow, around 6 on pH which seems to be working so far... do that every water and at the moment i usually make up about 14L and that does the job with a tiny bit left over
Yes, warmer days and their roots are filling the pots up. Are you going to pot up to larger pots? Looking good! Wish I could grow outdoors but I definitely don't have the climate for it here!
Im not gonna put these ones into larger pots but i think im gonna get slightly bigger pots for the next grow once these are done... im pretty sure these are going to be bigger than the fella who sold me them expected! Do you think itll cause any problems if they start getting too big for the pot or it will just limit their size to what theyre at?

Whereabouts u growing mate? Thats why i wasnt growing in england lol! Didnt wanna grow indoors and just thought outdoors would never work!
Ok, keep an eye out for yellowing leaves :pass:
Ok, keep an eye out for yellowing leaves :pass:
Will do mate cheers! Reading back my last post made me realise yesterday i only fed them half the nutrients i usually do, which i suppose is a good thing anyway considering the yellowing! If theres a god he has my back lol!
Will do mate cheers! Reading back my last post made me realise yesterday i only fed them half the nutrients i usually do, which i suppose is a good thing anyway considering the yellowing! If theres a god he has my back lol!

Actually I'd prob up the fish mix now
Actually I'd prob up the fish mix now
Ooh okay ill give that a go on the next feed, seems to have worked wonders so far on the growth! You reckon keep the bloom nutrients at 1/2ml though or up those too?
Ooh okay ill give that a go on the next feed, seems to have worked wonders so far on the growth! You reckon keep the bloom nutrients at 1/2ml though or up those too?

Just the fish mix pal, give them a bit of an N boost. Can you get a close up, see how far along they are
Just the fish mix pal, give them a bit of an N boost. Can you get a close up, see how far along they are
Sweet mate ill give that a shot and just took a couple of the plants that look furthest along, the others a slightly behind these two i think... Still not too sure what im looking for at this stage so hopefully you can see lol!
Sweet mate ill give that a shot and just took a couple of the plants that look furthest along, the others a slightly behind these two i think... Still not too sure what im looking for at this stage so hopefully you can see lol!

Ah they're further along than I thought, nice. Are they still stretching?