I'm going to throw an unsolicited tip right away. You have a nice big mass of fairly new well amended soil. You will find nutrients that will continue to breakdown and become available throughout most, if not this whole grow. Be real conservative when doing anything more than just watering the first round with these. At least until flower. Try to watch and read the plants. LITFA is the key with well made soil mixes. LITFA= leave it the fuck alone, when in doubt. Less is more, more often than not.
No one wants to be the guy that has to say, "everything was just fine, and then I thought they might be needing this XXXX, so I added xxxx, and now they are sick".
Think more about low impact foliars, less about adding anything to regular waterings.
No one wants to be the guy that has to say, "everything was just fine, and then I thought they might be needing this XXXX, so I added xxxx, and now they are sick".
Think more about low impact foliars, less about adding anything to regular waterings.