Mephisto Genetics First run LOS, featuring Ripley's, Fugue, and Creme Stomper

@slowandeasy @lunarman

Yes neem is an option ..... second option is using plastic mulch cover over your soil and leaf/straw mulch - some guys take an old piece of rubber roofing or thick black garbage bag and cover - bad bugs stopped at the border, sorry no entry or exit .....

Avoid is actually first line of defense....... I have zero worries as my plants are healthy and bugs simply won’t attack - if they taste Sam it will taste sour to them ..... Fact, bugs avoid healthy plants ....

If your plants have sugar level at 12 or higher as measured by a Brim Meter, you are good, if not plants are susceptible to bugs, might avoid but sicker plant more likely......


I am using neem cake meal, and karanja seed meal, in the substrate and mulchings. These repel bad bugs, feed your worms, and break down into plant food.
I also inoculated all my LOS pots with nematodes, a beneficial bug that eats any fungus gnats larva and pupas in the soil, cutting off life cycle. Had an infestation in my coco, I could see gnats in the LOS pots, but I said go ahead and feed my nematodes you little bastards.

I am using neem cake meal, and karanja seed meal, in the substrate and mulchings. These repel bad bugs, feed your worms, and break down into plant food.
I also inoculated all my LOS pots with nematodes, a beneficial bug that eats any fungus gnats larva and pupas in the soil, cutting off life cycle. Had an infestation in my coco, I could see gnats in the LOS pots, but I said go ahead and feed my nematodes you little bastards.
What kind of Soil you using bro? I hope your nematodes kick gnat ass. I am along for the ride. Peace, slow

I am using neem cake meal, and karanja seed meal, in the substrate and mulchings. These repel bad bugs, feed your worms, and break down into plant food.
I also inoculated all my LOS pots with nematodes, a beneficial bug that eats any fungus gnats larva and pupas in the soil, cutting off life cycle. Had an infestation in my coco, I could see gnats in the LOS pots, but I said go ahead and feed my nematodes you little bastards.

How’s it working out?
Thank ya Roasty, I for sure will again ..... In my new digs I first need some juice reran - I’m working with a 2 1/2 car wide garage ..... intend to set a 5x9 gorilla inside garage and condition inside tent and have one smaller tent inside for different climates depending on stage ..... going to run an Optic 4 and couple cobs and maybe an electric sky es300 or the es180 - with the electric Sky the plant can darn near grow into the light - the light has one of the best PAR coverages on the market - the ES 300 will handle a 3x5 area or end wall of the tent - optic 4 other end and a few cobs mixed in .....

I may even dedicate a corner for a larger living pot and put in blumat drip for like a group of gold glues or Nugs or some shorter plant, have to think out some more and get tent and set what I have ...... i should have ready by June .....

Meantime I’ll follow your grow and help where I can .....

Your going ace this, you already know 95% and LOS is easy .... your going be your best!


That sounds killer bro, lots of new space for monster training. That lighting sounds great, and having options with conditions always changing will be huge.

IDK if I'll ace it, had some issues with the seedlings already. Creme Stomper and Fugue seemed to stall out for a week, in fact, the new Ripley's has caught up and is a week younger. I transplanted last Sunday, and now things are starting to get going again.

Good job ...... with moisture meter get soil wet to field capacity and insert meter, get Reading, let soil dry out some and get that reading or somehow but you’ll find the larger the pot less you water ..... I still feel bottom of pots for dampness and will pour 3-4 oz in spot, rotate and repeat 3-5 times around pot and leave and then return 1-2 hours and repeat but maybe just two spots ..... meanwhile on both visits i sprayed mulch and let sprayer sit in 8%12 spots for a few seconds, lifting nozzle and putting in different locations .... Today Fold Glue took 1/2 gallon thru sprayer on 3-4 different visits and about cup direct in four spots ..... bottom of pot now felt damp in most areas and plant looked good before I started so I surmise she do fine agin with just 4-5 ounces a visit with some heavier - it’s like I’m a drip system .... I spray water more than pour water ..... very effective and gently works top dressings down into soil ..... touch soil under mulch a few times, you’ll get the feel ..... but I still lift sides of,pots and feel my rock area and outside of cloth ..... these pots are Flippin heavy, u ain’t going to pick up and feel if you,need water and if you do and pot is light, you’ve may of killed the worms / soil or severely retarded growth ..... I know I’m raging and going on but it’s vital Pot never dries out or gets too dry or too wet .... ok I’m done ....

Good on compost and with the worms, prepare bin asap before worms come, just like with soil and plants ..... use compost from outside for part of your new bedding, follow Steve from urban bin, he has great videos and info, helpful guy, he will reply to emails btw and personality guarantees his stuff, I know, had an issue, he sent new, even came with another frame, now I have scog frame layout .... malted barley, neem, kelp, Karanja, alpha (feed store get bale) and other goodies worms love .... along with composted horse poop, leaf mold and few other goodies will produce castings you want .... if worms eat tomatoes, lettuce and salad type wate, codmpost ok but better buy oily mountain for your weed ... bin needs sprinkles of kelp and others and you’ll have rich castings that plants will thrive and resist bugs and sickness ...


Thank you for that Mr. OB!!! A treasure trove of info!

My pots get super wet readings down at the bottom, and less than field capacity near the top right now. Of course there isn't much plant to use up that water down low, so I have just been misting the top twice a day for now.

The worm sack is awesome, I love it and so do the worms. They all seem really happy with the little bit I've fed them. I am going to add those amendments into my worm feed bucket, that also gets bokashi to speed up the bacterial breakdown.
I have been feeding the worms a little at a time, the directions said neglect won't kill your worms, but over feeding will kill them.

What kind of Soil you using bro? I hope your nematodes kick gnat ass. I am along for the ride. Peace, slow

Sorry to leave you hanging Slow,

This batch has a cornucopia of stuff, made this before I knew what to do.
the base is approximately 30% peat, 30% castings, 10%coco, drainage 30%(pumice, rice hulls, wood bark) and a few horse turds.

Then I put amendments at 1/2 recommended on most items.

Blood meal*
Bone meal*
Bat Guano 7-3-1*
Sea Bird Guano 0-11-0
Crab Shell Meal 4-3-0
Oyster Shell flour
Garden Lime*
Neem Seed Cake meal 4-3-1
Insect Frass 2-2-2
Alfalfa meal
Kelp Meal
Precharged Bio Char
Rock Dust
Plant Probiotics

Have since acquired Neem Ninja (50% neem cake and 50% Karanja seed meal), and gypsum that will be added to mulchings.
* indicates items that will not be used going forward.
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So they all found new homes on Sunday, Creme Stomper and Fugue had seemed to stall out in thier starter cups, I think I did not do enough drainage in the cups. Both seemed to stop growing a few days before transplant, and then stayed that way till Thursday. I think they are liking the new home.


Fugue day 21ish



Creme Stomper day 21ish



Ripley's day 14ish


New grow room configuration. The 4 LOS pots fit the 3x3 perfectly.

Synthetics outside tent and organics inside tent coexisting.

Off to the races ...... you’ve got a plan ....

Plants look a little overwater, so be careful even with the misting until Plants start praying ..... with the larger pots, mulch and ground cover you’ll find you’ll water less until they fill pot and are 30-35 days old and then they start eating water up ......

Field capacity is 80 millibars but range we want is around 120 millibars - so 100 to 140 and plant is happy ..... With a 1-10 meter going to be a less accurate than one at that goes 0-300 .....

My soil, during instrument testing phase down to 15 millibars ( very wet ) and up to 220 dry ..... in the grow I’ve been as wet as 75 millibars and dry as 175ish which the plant shows no stress but at 75 leaves will droop ......

in your case I would remove some mulch that’s close to plant and light scratch of the soil some to help air, also scratch into mulch, don’t worry about ground cover, and put a fan on outside of pot to help air out bottom ..... if inclined to mist stay back from plant and just do outside perimeter ...... when your meter starts moving towards dry and soil top is dry slowly resume mist and even let nozzle stay in a spot here and there for 10 seconds or so ..... My plants after 20ish day’s got water often but usually a mist of 3-4-5 times a day and every so often a 1/2 cup here and there with OldBoy slightly lifting pots and feeling bottom ..... I got Urned on first grow, Silly rabbit decides no stone on bottom of pot - nope let’s substitute some coco , that will drain and it does but held moisture oh too long .... we’ll at same time I’ve got FFOF going with worms and mulch and think I’ve got a living soil grow going ...... live and learn ......

Me, like you had similar issue with plants at first with too much water .....

Keep up good work, your rewards will start showing up in couple weeks, patience grasshopper.....


Pic 2/11, attached, I won’t post pic on your grow but will attach ..... Sam is 16 days old ..... other growers in Battle had 3 week old plants that looked good and I thought oh boy can we do this ....... Heck ya me can do, me made right choice, F__k that DWC and Hydro your LOS will work ..... BTW I have a killer DWC system just sitting here - anyone wanna buy?


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