Live Stoners First Post

A Billion people just sowing a plant a day and there goes the fucking war on drugs! ..N 4 you ingnorant people, - Weed aint a Drug!!! People will live a lot happier IMO - cos we share N care!! Just 4 you know that after the Chernobyl Radiation Disaster in Russia..The Russians planted millions of weed plants and they - the plants were the ones who pretty much removed the Radiation!! Saving a national if not global disaster. We Need to Change - Where is the Love?
Duke my man..good to see you bruv..check out Royal Queen Seeds..they are reliable and give kick ass stuff
Ya I've checked them out before, looks like some quality stuff. Seen some people grow some out, so I'll definitely have to check them out one day. I'm so addicted to Mephisto right now though it's going to take me years to grow it all out, hahaha. Literally just about to soak a 4 assed monkey, cosmic queen, and a creme de la Chem.

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You know there are so many company's and set-ups out there.. but this right here is the freakin Real Deal
Appreciate that man. I've put a lot of work into my set up, and it's only gotten better, and so have I. Much love, many thanks.

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okay before I freakin forget... someone give me an autoflower gh feeding schedule -PLEASE!! I dont know how but i kicked ass the last grow.. dont wanna take the chance this time.
NOBODY Seems to have an autoflower schedule!! So I just say Boom Shankar..bless me oh Ganja God n help me out brother man
An autoflower schedule for GH eh? I couldn't give you a specific schedule since I've never used it before. Here's my Botanicare sheculde, give or take some ppms depending on the strain and how the plant is doing. This is a .7 ppm conversion, so keep that in mind as well.

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