Outdoor First outdoor winter grow. Southern hemisphere

@henco thanks buddy i only have one photo plant. She is getting kicked out of the house at the end of this week, hopefully that leaves her enough time to flower before mid October

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Another quick update, everything is going well for my ladies all seem to have grown like wild fire in the past week. The 2 himalayan blue diesel have just started to show pre flower the past couple of days. The little northern lights is flowering and stretching like mad she would have to be my favorite so far, she seems very easy to grow for a rookie never shows any deficiencies and looks quite happy. My biobizz nutrients turned up Monday so I have been feeding the 3 oldest ladies at half the recommended dose. I will bump up the 2 hbd up to 3/4 strength next feed as they are looking a little pale. The 3 youngest plants showed slight signs of to much nitrogen so I have been giving them straight water this week, now they are starting to get a little pale so I will start using 1/4 strength nutes on them next feed they have also spent the last few nights outside. The weather is nice of a day reaching as high as 25c the nights have been a bit cool around 8c. The new bubbleicious seedling is going well, i also have a couple more seeds in damp paper towel so will hopefully have a few new plants early next week.

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This week has been a bit of an ordinary one for the ladies outside, we have had a bit of a cold snap with night time temps just above freezing. The larger plants seem to handle it ok but the smaller ones are showing a bit of stress, i have them about a mile from the house so bringing them in of a night would be a pain in the butt! Also one of the himalayan blue diesel turned out to be a man not sure how they were fem seeds. Sorry about the shit pics!

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Another un eventful week this week for the girls, night time temps are still a little bit low but they all look reasonably healthy. I planted the youngest hbd in the ground yesterday she went into a previously amended hole so I will see how she performs compared to her older sister in the 15 litre bucket. The photo period green crack in the 3 gal fabric pot has been outside in 11 hrs of daylight a bit over a week now and has not yet shown sex, i am a little worried she won't have time to finish flowering by mid October when I'm told that she will re veg if that happens it won't be the end of the world it will just be the start of my first monster! Still on the same nute schedule as last week except for the eldest hbd which is on 3/4 strength nutes now as she seems to be a heavy feeder compared to the rest. The northern lights has slowed down stretch wise and is now putting out more bud sites, the sour 60 is just shown sex i need to get her out of the 1 gallon pot and into something bigger but it will have to wait until next week until I can get to town for more poting mix and perlite.

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Thanks buddy, i forgot to put up a pic of the bubbleicious so i will now they are all autos except the one in the fabric pot(green crack) the bubbleicious is for sure the most vigorous seedling I have had yet she is still inside under cfl's of a night and in the sun of a day!

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