Outdoor First outdoor winter grow. Southern hemisphere

The girls tucked away for the night

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Since the biggest girls are going outside in the next week or so i decided to pop another sour 60. I will let it soak in a glass of water for 12 hours before moving to a moist paper towel in a old dvd case

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howdy mate and welcome to AFN . you would be south of me , I am way up north [FNQ ] looks like you got this sorted , if you need any advice on brands of nutrients we can get [ Australian ] just ask , now I find you will have till 2nd week in October to have your plants finished before they will re grow . :thumbsup:
@henco thanks for stopping by. Yeah i am a bit south of you but not too much. More central qld thanks for the tip. I was hoping to keep my photo plants indoor under light of a night until late winter and hopefully grow some monster plants this coming season. Will this work? What strains have you found to work best in the humidity later in the year? This spring i really want to have a go at white widow,and green crack both of them photo. Also what seed bank do you use that arrive here? I have used bonza and caveman and everything has been delivered. Also caveman ship from within the country so you can get your beans delivered within a week. Sorry for all the questions but im a complete noob with all this.

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Nice plants matey. At the moment its still warm enough here in winter for me to grow out bush with out the greenhouses . lost all my auto females full of seeds to rippers a couple of weeks ago. First pic is 2 ghost train haze 1 outdoors. Second pic is crumbled lime outdoors full of female seeds. I've also got a few smaller seedlings out bush for breeding projects
Uplift ( bodhi)
Skylotus (bodhi)
Joystick (bodhi)
Biker kush (karma genetics)
Josh dog og
Sour power og (karma squad) went and bought more auto seeds to make fem seeds. I bought
Auto ultimate
Auto mazar
And auto white widow xxl
Nice plants matey. At the moment its still warm enough here in winter for me to grow out bush with out the greenhouses . lost all my auto females full of seeds to rippers a couple of weeks ago. First pic is 2 ghost train haze 1 outdoors. Second pic is crumbled lime outdoors full of female seeds. I've also got a few smaller seedlings out bush for breeding projects
Uplift ( bodhi)
Skylotus (bodhi)
Joystick (bodhi)
Biker kush (karma genetics)
Josh dog og
Sour power og (karma squad) went and bought more auto seeds to make fem seeds. I bought
Auto ultimate
Auto mazar
And auto white widow xxlView attachment 924415 View attachment 924416
Hi bobqp, thanks for stopping by. Your girls look great sorry about the rippers that sucks mate bad karma for them. Yeah i am just starting to leave the biggest 2 girls outside until about 9 pm. But looking at the weather this week's minimum is only dropping down to about 12c so they can stay out all night. I too am going to try and breed a few seeds this spring as the sour 60 are just regular auto seeds. Good luck with your other breeding.

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Hi bobqp, thanks for stopping by. Your girls look great sorry about the rippers that sucks mate bad karma for them. Yeah i am just starting to leave the biggest 2 girls outside until about 9 pm. But looking at the weather this week's minimum is only dropping down to about 12c so they can stay out all night. I too am going to try and breed a few seeds this spring as the sour 60 are just regular auto seeds. Good luck with your other breeding.

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Spray half a female auto with cs and make your own female auto seeds. Autos love the Aussie climate
Yeah i might give that a go later in the year after i get a grow or 2 under my belt. I currently have a green crack photo that im going to veg for a few months and try cloning. I have a few auto seeds i want to try as well this year. Probably next to go in are some bubbleicious auto fem seeds just waiting for winter to pass
Spray half a female auto with cs and make your own female auto seeds. Autos love the Aussie climate

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Yeah i might give that a go later in the year after i get a grow or 2 under my belt. I currently have a green crack photo that im going to veg for a few months and try cloning. I have a few auto seeds i want to try as well this year. Probably next to go in are some bubbleicious auto fem seeds just waiting for winter to pass

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Best advice I can give you with autos is grow them under 24 hours of light indoors for the first 3 weeks with strong light .and make sure when you put them outdoors make sure the pot or holes are atleast 15 litres. I've had autos grow over 5 foot tall outdoors. The green crack should be a good producer.
Best advice I can give you with autos is grow them under 24 hours of light indoors for the first 3 weeks with strong light .and make sure when you put them outdoors make sure the pot or holes are atleast 15 litres. I've had autos grow over 5 foot tall outdoors. The green crack should be a good producer.
Thanks for the advice buddy. Tomorrow i was going to plant the biggest himalayan blue diesel out in a hole i have all ready dug . But changed my mind and will put her in a bigger pot instead,we will get some more cool nights yet and i can bring her inside still that way. She has spent her hole life outside of a day and inside of a night, under t5 cfl, she is day 24 above ground.

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