New Grower First Outdoor grow with autos


Buzzing high and loving the flowers
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hey people!
this is my first time posting and i'll be asking ALOT of questions over the next 6 months.
I ordered 7 auto seeds from and they all arrived within a week or so.
the seeds are:
Super automatic sativa by big buddha
easy ryder by joint doctor
lowryder # 2 by joint doctor
northern light blue automatic by delicious seeds
sweet coffee ryder by world of seeds
smokey bear automatic by freedom seeds
MI5 by short stuff

I will start growing these between april and august. If anyone has had experience growing these strains then please let me know how it went and anything i should know in particular. I have grown outdoor before but never with autoflowering varieties. climate in the summer here is quite hot. will these be a problem?

Also have a couple questions about soils and nutes. The garden's soil becomes quite muddy when watered. not the best drainage. should i dig out the area where i plan to grow and fill it up with something like royalmix and then start using some organic grow nutes after a couple weeks?

i'll start posting again as soon as i germinate the little girls1
see ya 'round
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Hi there Luca. I am also a new grower myself but i have 1 LR #2 and 2 Easy Ryders is my first and current grow. While I am doing a completely different setup from you (LED Indoors) I am happy to share whatever I learn in the process. I would definitely recommend putting the time into soil prep as that will give you the best chance for success.

I have been using Emulsified Fish for my girls for veg and they seem to love it so far. I am sure that I may have given the LR #2 a bit too much but she has been shooting up like crazy gaining about and inch a day for the past 5 days. If you haven't checked it out I am using wg's Grow @ Lowe's [Easy Dirt Guide] and have been liking the results. It might need to be adapted a bit for outdoor but i am sure someone could make more specific recommendations. I like it because it is very simple and all the materials are easily obtainable. I have a Pink Lady coming down in a couple of weeks and I will let you know how she smokes.

Best of luck in your growing adventure. Ill be on the lookout for when you get started.
Glad to have you here my friend WELCOME to AFN :hug:and please do start your journal here in the New growers section so we can keep a eye on you and alllll those delicious strains :devil:im a Coco grower but there's lots of outdoors growers here so no worries about that hit us up again when your girls break ground and good luck my friend :Grow & Show..:
Hi there Luca. I am also a new grower myself but i have 1 LR #2 and 2 Easy Ryders is my first and current grow. While I am doing a completely different setup from you (LED Indoors) I am happy to share whatever I learn in the process. I would definitely recommend putting the time into soil prep as that will give you the best chance for success.

I have been using Emulsified Fish for my girls for veg and they seem to love it so far. I am sure that I may have given the LR #2 a bit too much but she has been shooting up like crazy gaining about and inch a day for the past 5 days. If you haven't checked it out I am using wg's Grow @ Lowe's [Easy Dirt Guide] and have been liking the results. It might need to be adapted a bit for outdoor but i am sure someone could make more specific recommendations. I like it because it is very simple and all the materials are easily obtainable. I have a Pink Lady coming down in a couple of weeks and I will let you know how she smokes.

Best of luck in your growing adventure. Ill be on the lookout for when you get started.
Thanks alot :D i'll def sub to your grow report. it'll be interesting to see the difference between the final crop of your indoor grow and my outdoor one. i was considering setting up indoors but i have good weather here and it'll cut the costs down quite alot if i just keep it outdoors. Cant wait to see how your girls finish off!
Hey guys,
I was thinking about buying some smartpots
how many litres/gallons do you guys recommend for autos?
I heard these things are really good for getting lots of air to the roots. Do you think this is a good buy or are there better things i could get out there?
Thanks alot everyone :)
a 7 gallon smart pot works fine for autos outdoors in my opinion....wayyyyy cheaper to make your own using landscape fabric and a sewing machine with high quality thread
thanks george! though $10 for a 7 gallon smartpot doesnt seem too pricey and my sewing skills arent too great, so i'll just stick to getting one rather than making it :D
Thanks for the advice! :peace:
lol...I somehow new that sewing skills was gonna come up in the conversation. Yes if one is all you need id imagine splurging for the seven bucks is probably worth it...if
50, 100 or more are needed learning how to sew becomes more relevant LOL
Luca, I am using the 3 gallon smart pots for my indoor girls and they seem to be working well so far. I'll let you know how the root structure is when I start chopping em down.

But yea, they should be able to get pretty large in the big ones.