New Grower First Outdoor grow with autos

hey guys,
i'm actually considering starting my first girl as early as march, between sunset and sunrise there's about 11:30 hours of sunlight and my garden has good exposure. the temps also aren't too bad and there's not too much rainfall. I know it wont yield as much as it could but what do you guys think? Also which strain should i pick? :D do any of you know how hardy some of these plants are? which ones are worth waiting for planting in the summer?
thanks! :banghead:
I've pinned your thread. Tell me what is your location?

I live on the south of portugal and i grow in a glass balcony, so it's kind of a glass greenhouse... I am already having temps problems, without ventilation and even with the windows open i reach the 37/38º easily.. i had to bougth an industrial fan to keep things smooth. We already have sun enough for them, and it wont rain much more this year, so game on my friend!! :goodluck: in summer outdoor get really hot, so my advice is to start nowa and if you are growing in july and august get them some shadow...