Indoor First official journal hubbabubbasmellascope and critical+ cbd auto

Here's a pic of [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] trying to get the structure in the pic. It's from the one I fim'd lol she's funky looking but frosty as hell. They're all finishing up quickly at this point. I thought it would be a week or 2 between 1,2 and 3,4 bit they all seem to be in a hurry. Day 77.

I'll get more pics up shortly.
Here's some random shots from this morning. I swear they've been packing on the trichs day by day. Gave them each molasses water yesterday about 80oz each.

They grow up so fast. Lol

Can't wait for these to be done. I've managed to only take 2 small samples that aren't quite ready yet. A buddy had some from last weeks sample and he liked it a lot. Trichs are now cloudy with some amber and some clear.
Daym they look great!
Thanks man. Had to bring them in for a bit so I'll definitely be getting better pics, individually. To wet and too cold outdoors for bud, at least I don't want to risk the chance of any more mold, actually lost two small buds off [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] already, but so far it's only been that one, the rest are holding up well.
Here's some grapes at 83
days. Just PhD water last 2 weeks or so. I did add some mammoth p in watering before last at 1.25tsp per gallon.


[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] (purple lady)


[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] (other purple lady) these purple ones seem to be finishing quicker, going off of trichomes.
I really like the purple, number 4 is my favorite!
Thanks man. The [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] is mine too I think. All the buds are nice and chunky, and the seem to me to be the most Frosty this far. I've super cropped a few of her branches too. Couple healed up slow, but they're doing good overall. This was 3-4 weeks ago when I did it a but on one yo can still see it hadn't healed the best.
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] seems to be the quickest one so far. Seeing more amber with her, [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] after that, then 1 and 3,in no particular order lol
How much longer do you think they will go?
Just waiting for some amber. I've spotted some here and there, but not much. Might pull the trigger on [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] tomorrow morning. Going to check trichs again, she's gotten a lot more purple sice the last pic lol I'd say no more the 7 days though.