Indoor First official journal hubbabubbasmellascope and critical+ cbd auto

I agree! I have been using it for the outside garden anyway. It needs loving too
Yes sir. I throw it in flower bed and some in the garden. I've got quite a bit now in an 7'×7' composting bin. I guess I could flush it really good or find a way to mix it in with compost and compost further? Maybe leaf mold.
Compost bin, you can use the stems from the cut plants as part of the green in compost!
Compost bin, you can use the stems from the cut plants as part of the green in compost!
Ya I mixed up leaves and small stems just for the hell of it, with the soil from the Nectar for the Gods and some other soil from last year that's been flushed real good. Need something to add to it that will get it hot.
Ya I mixed up leaves and small stems just for the hell of it, with the soil from the Nectar for the Gods and some other soil from last year that's been flushed real good. Need something to add to it that will get it hot.
Anything green helps! Hope the clover starts growing soon, it should be easy enough to get
ya you may be nitpickety, but that's a really nice bunch of bud there! :drool:
Alls well that ends well eh :thumbsup:
Ya I'm nitpicky somewhat lol I just know that I could have been better and I shouldn't have been such a tight ass, and bought a proper humidifier. Lol I've grown for years outdoors, with photoperiod plants, and 2 years now with autos. Very little indoor experience, so I still have some learning to do. Luckily I have you fine folks to share and grow with.
@Dudeski Here's that chickenfuel. I just top dressed Everything. Going to water it in some.

Still need to top off the containers. Left them that low because I knew I'd be doing some top dressing and if there's any stretch, (as you can see with the one in the back there sour crack [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]) I can add more soil. When I have to top em off like that, I actually use this

Put a little on the stem that's going to be covered with soil. I one it will grow roots on it own, I figure if it's going to anyway I mine as well help the ladies along, I'm a gentleman what can I say. Lol
I think for now I will use this thread, 1 to update on the dry product and all, and 2 use as an unofficial thread for these four babies. I might be starting another thread soon, I hope so anyway. Lord willing. @Dudeski I wasn't going to go all organic yet, but I'm seriously considering it with all of these. We'll see.
@Dudeski Here's that chickenfuel. I just top dressed Everything. Going to water it in some.
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Still need to top off the containers. Left them that low because I knew I'd be doing some top dressing and if there's any stretch, (as you can see with the one in the back there sour crack [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]) I can add more soil. When I have to top em off like that, I actually use this
View attachment 872916
Put a little on the stem that's going to be covered with soil. I one it will grow roots on it own, I figure if it's going to anyway I mine as well help the ladies along, I'm a gentleman what can I say. Lol
I think for now I will use this thread, 1 to update on the dry product and all, and 2 use as an unofficial thread for these four babies. I might be starting another thread soon, I hope so anyway. Lord willing. @Dudeski I wasn't going to go all organic yet, but I'm seriously considering it with all of these. We'll see.

I like the looks of the chicken fuel! You know you can use aloe as a cloning gel too.

Go for organic on at least one, you can do it
I like the looks of the chicken fuel! You know you can use aloe as a cloning gel too.

Go for organic on at least one, you can do it
No I didn't know that, damn my grandparents have aloe Growing In the flower bed. Come summer time.e I'll have to do a side by side. I love this technaflora rooting gel. It works pretty damn good. But I've also only used rooting powder from Lowe's prior to trying this. I like it. I'll have to give the aloe a go though, line the clones up in a row, from seed their mother will grow, and may they all flourish under the suns glow. ???
Figured I'd continue the rhyme since I started it.
On a serious note I might just do all 4 instead of 1. You've Started something here. Lol
You have to start sometime. Aloe can be put in the water too, I don't remember what it does though. It's an amazing plant for burns.
You know, I can't grow one for shit! I try, don't know what I am doing wrong.