Indoor First Journal: Barney's Pineapple Express (Auto Pineapple Chunk)


Clean Glass + New Whip
Jan 2, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Island Sweet Skunk, Comatose, el Chapo, and others.
OK- here goes, my first live grow journal!

Seeds: 2x Barney's Farm Pineapple Express Auto.
To avoid confusion, this as an indica based on Pineapple Chunk

PowerBloom LED, 210w actual draw

Soil: Dutch Master

Nutes: General Hydroponics Flora line- details as grow emerges.

Space: 2'x2'x64" tent
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To summarize the first week,

Week 0 May 27 2 hour h2o2 soak. Followed @Ronin's excellent Rapid Rooter germination process using modem. Tue first sign of growth. Wed PE1 emerged, placed under 5000K led clamp lamp. Thu PE2 emerged, put under lamp, and PE1 has shown tiny little true leaves. Wed and Thu both plants have emerged. As mentioned in many other journals, seedlings look a little sickly and yellow at first and seemed to develop slowly. This seems the norm for this strain.

W1 Jun 1-7 First healthy dark green leaves are developing, hints of 2nd set to come. Sat Roots are emerging from RR plugs. PE1 is leggy as it was just a bit late getting under the lamp. Sun: wet soil, placed seedlings in final pots, wired up tent and placed inside.
I haven't finished re-configuring my tent yet, but the babies had to be planted today.

For the last couple of years, our complaint has been noise from the can-fan and exhaust. The closet is very close to the master bedroom, and there is no room for a muffler in that tent or closet-not sure what to do.

There is 4" ducting for the intake, and it gets pretty thrashed, so I am thinking of replacing it with PVC soon.

I spent time the last couple of weeks building a simple control center. Now all the wires, cables and timers are a lot more organized and easy to get to. :)
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Its early yet, but here are some pix. Day 5 from germination.
You can see that BPE1, the first to germ, is quite leggy, and is barely showing second leaves, while BPE2's are clearly emerging.
Lights are 22" away at this stage.

BPE day5.jpg
BPE1 day 5.jpg
BPE2 day 5.jpg

Phone camera, and a lousy job of editing the color. That green stuff isn't green.
Here the plants are 13 days old. Strain reviews from Seedfinders have reported weak looking plants that take a long time to veg, but go full throttle into bloom and finish fast.

BPE1 is still leggy, and slightly yellow. This weak appearance seems to be characteristic of the strain, so I am not that concerned. I want to say the leaves look narrower than her little sister, but they are babies plus a couple of days apart in age.

BPE2 is shorter and greener, and I don't know how to put this any other way, the growing tip just seems more vigorous.

BPE1 d13 (3).jpg
BPE2 d13 (5).jpg

BPE1 d13a.jpg

BPE2 d13a.jpg
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This morning, each got their first food, about 100ml of a week solution of 1.2ml GH FloraGrow in 4l H20, pH'd to 6.5.

6 hours later they look quite happy, but I am not comfortable with their color.
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Still very small for their age, but showing some growth.The new growth has a healthier green to them.

BPE d17.png