Indoor First Indoor Grow Under Lights

...freakin' 4 months,...:slaps:!! ..I would like to have boss JM have a look, big picture, as a case study of sort, to try and divine why this happens to you, ID/OD, with every auto you grow,...:dunno:

Wish I knew mate. I know enough about the biology of these plants to be dangerous. One factor could be the dew point which can go as high as 28C (more typically 25C). It must be difficult for the plants to transpire, like breathing in a sauna. :Woozy..?:

On reflection, a 24/0 light schedule was not a good idea. But they should have auto-ed no matter what the light.

...forgot to ask: do you know how to blow up your pics? After you insert them inline into the post, double click them, and a menu pops up... you'll see size options listed.... click what you want, save it, and it'll show you right then what it looks like,... repeat if you want to change the size,...:thumbs:

I didn't know that. Thanks for the tip. Tried it a couple of times, but it freezes my computer. It's a heavily modified (some 3,000 mods) Linux Mint 10 (Julia) that I got from a friend in LA. Since the anti-DDoS software was installed at AFN, FireFox (which I can't update for fear of causing instability) is very slow to load pages and can freeze trying to load the emoticons. Will try it on the wife's Windows 7.

You are cleared for final approach mate! :Cheers:

Woo-freakin'-hoo. :fire:"pher Wiggle":woohoo: Reckon, from the trichs, about two weeks for the TD, maybe three for the NL. Tried some popcorn from the NL and it has that classic NL sweet, spicy skunk, almost perfumy. Very smooth to smoke, even after a two day brown bag dry. The TD doesn't have the usual citrus taste, and is a little harsh on the throat, but it's a fantastic "up" smoke. A 'Point me to the nearest party' kind of smoke. Had me dancing around the room to an 80s 'New Romantics' compilation CD. :bone::WTF:
Testing on Windows 7

What The1.jpeg
What The2.jpeg
Aaaahhhh...much easier. Been meaning to send you these, Waira. Growing at the local airport. Gnarlier looking flowers I've never seen. No idea what they are. :dunno:
Oooiii! That was a fast week! :slaps: fack me!....:no:-it's the freakin' 13th already,... Been grinding on some Infirmary stuff, general catch-up,.. totally forgot to ask Jm about this, but he's buried too at the moment,.. but we will bend his ear soon enough about the long veg/bloom times.... yeah, transpiration rates in high RH drop hard, and then without that release, the draw from the roots drops in kind, leading to defc.'s and other prob's,... Indeed, the debate over light sched's will start arguments in no time! Theoretically 24/0 should make no difference, and plenty of folks do, the whole grow,... I may run the seedlings at this for several days, or 20/4,.. can't say I see a significant, definitive difference... others find some strains simply don't do as well under 24/0 as they do 20/4,...or even 18/6! Personally, watching my plants carefully, I think they do better with at least 4 hours dark time....
:Cool bud: ah, you took some samples, ay? ....very encouraging results already my friend! TD may mellow out with cure, and who knows what the aromatics will do,... My Grape Hash Plant has a bite to the smoke, and I don't know if that's my bad or just the nature of her smoke,... the resins are profuse! ...but the buzz is very sativa-like,...odd for a hash plant! Now that you have new pic powers, drop us some freshies Canna'! ...***... :jaw: :clap:Deeeewd!!-- that flower is off the hizzle cool!! :d5:I have never seen sex parts quite like that before,...:drool: :roflcry: It's like a Frankenstein flower cross between an orchid and a passion vine, and then a sea anemone....:Cool bud: That french tickler lip is almost obscene! Stunning colors, fascinating morphology,... Ima show this off to some homies for sure,... maybe even Jm will know what it is,... thanks for that Canna, I'll drop some orchid pics in here if you like too..! Cheers my friend :Sharing One: :pighug:
Deeeewd!!-- that flower is off the hizzle cool!! :d5:I have never seen sex parts quite like that before,...:drool: :roflcry: It's like a Frankenstein flower cross between an orchid and a passion vine, and then a sea anemone....:Cool bud:

Hello mate...I was looking through my book of tropical plants and there he/she was, the Cannonball Tree (Couroupita guianensis). Looks like a magnolia tree on steroids. TaNg's Thang

I saw quite a few of your orchid pics in another thread recently. The wife would be more interested than me, TBH. If I can't smoke it or eat it, I lose interest.

Anyway, back on topic, the TD is starting to foxtail madly, so it's time for the chop. Probably on Day 130, funnily enough. Quelle surprise, mon ami. She's been on plain water and molasses for the past week. Very strong, by far the strongest I've ever grown. Nice in a cocktail with the NL. :smoke: They really balance each other.

TD - Day 123

TD - Day 124.jpg TDClose-D124.jpeg

(Thumbnails again. Bringing up the dialog box to insert now freezes both computers.)

NL - Day 128

NLa - Day 128.jpg NL - Day128.jpg

Starting to foxtail as well. Trichs are starting to amber and as an indica I don't want her to go much further. She has quite enough couch lock as it is, but a very clear, sociable high as well. Luverly. :Sharing One:
:kusht: :foxy: :foxy: .... :drool: DAAaaamn!! :pimp: Lookin' might frosty over there in the foothills of SE Asia- :d5: Canna' my friend, you've landed a couple beauties, a Ying-Yang buzz-match no less! I imagine by now, the TD is down, and NL too, or soon? I hope you have some pre-harv' pics for us-:brow: *wheeew*...They're late, but they are fat-phat!! Your lucky friends will be floored- literally :roflcry: good brother, I'm fizzing with joy over this very fine grow you've done, with KISS supply limitations that would have had other seasoned spoiled growers back on their heels! :bow: No defc. issues, bugs, pH crap,.. remarkable! There is a solid object lesson to be learned here,.. too bad so few really followed it, and so many will have failed to learn some very salient insights about ferts/supp's,...I sure did! ....You have paid your dues, and now you found a good methodology for your situation! After the holidays, lets see if we can get Jm to share his thoughts on the veg/flowering time thing you've been experiencing... sure would be nice to get the time dialed in on the autos, right? :slaps: Speed is, after all, one of their highlights- LOL! :stylez rasta smoke:...awaiting some final harvest porn.... :Cheers: I'll check in with you before Christmas too,...
Looking great, happy curing!

Thanks, oldster. Appreciate the advice along the way. :thumbs:

:kusht: :foxy: :foxy: .... :drool: DAAaaamn!! :pimp: Lookin' might frosty over there in the foothills of SE Asia- :d5: Canna' my friend, you've landed a couple beauties, a Ying-Yang buzz-match no less! I imagine by now, the TD is down, and NL too, or soon? I hope you have some pre-harv' pics for us-:brow: *wheeew*...They're late, but they are fat-phat!! Your lucky friends will be floored- literally :roflcry: good brother, I'm fizzing with joy over this very fine grow you've done, with KISS supply limitations that would have had other seasoned spoiled growers back on their heels! :bow: No defc. issues, bugs, pH crap,.. remarkable! There is a solid object lesson to be learned here,.. too bad so few really followed it, and so many will have failed to learn some very salient insights about ferts/supp's,...I sure did! ....You have paid your dues, and now you found a good methodology for your situation! After the holidays, lets see if we can get Jm to share his thoughts on the veg/flowering time thing you've been experiencing... sure would be nice to get the time dialed in on the autos, right? :slaps: Speed is, after all, one of their highlights- LOL! :stylez rasta smoke:...awaiting some final harvest porn.... :Cheers: I'll check in with you before Christmas too,...

G'day Waira. :tiphat: Yeah, it was a fun grow, bro. Such a relief not to have to deal with pests this time. Learned a lot about nutes along the way. Just wish it hadn't taken so long.

Just discovered that there was a bag of (jungle) bat guano in the cupboard that I could have used to make a P solution or tea. :dunno: The orchid food didn't sit well with the ladies, although I'm sure it gave them a boost.

I chopped the top half of the TD a week ago, leaving the smaller underbuds under the light to ripen more. Wet weight for the top half was 150 g, and I estimate there's 100 g left. About two ounces dry, twice the yield of previous TD grows. Chopped the NL yesterday - wet weight of 200 g. "pher Wiggle" I'll get some photos up as soon as I get some time (still haven't bought the wife's present :no:).

More good news...I finally got my Sweet seeds for next year - Jack 47, Green Poison and Sweet Cheese. Only problem is, my brother sent the seeds loose and didn't note which seeds were in which receptacle, so I'll be growing blind next year! :slaps: Talk soon, bro. :Sharing One:
:hug:Cheers Canna'! :Cheers: :grin: ...I hope you had a wonderful Holiday-- complete with turkey- LOL! I was so knackered by the time I got to the computer Christmas Eve and the following night, I hardly got any greetings out before I went face-first,... :Woozy..?: ..pardon the delay my friend! And hoping you had some success with the Wifey's gift..?! pressure,...LOL!
...:slaps: hidden stash of bat-poops! Well, at least you have it for next time, along with an ash-stash! ... No worries about the unlabeled Sweet beans, each is distinct enough to know who's who,...excellent choices mate! :d5: .... I grew a little SwChz last round, and it's excellent! Sweet-fruits, mild chz aromatics, very resinous, and potent! Speaking of which, J47 is one of their top strains, and should have some of the unique JH aromatics to mark it as such... rave reviews on that strain!... GP, well, never a worry there :thumbs:
... :woohoo:Nice haul Canna'!! -most satisfying to have some fat jars stuffed to the brim with fine smoke, ay?! :Cool bud: Verily, I insist on porn, wet and dry!! :porn perv: :foxy: :drool: ...How's the NL looking? And have you sent a few friends on a low-orbit rocket tour with the goods yet? :brow: :roflcry: .... :tiphat: chat soon,...
Hey Hey Canna!

Holy Buds on Sticks this grow is going down well!!
Apologies for my absense :).. It's taken me this long to build up the courage to come back!

Great grow Buddy - Waira Rocks too!!

I've been trying to get over my fear


.... how am i doing?
:rofl: *shudders*