Indoor First Indoor Grow Under Lights

Dec 2, 2012
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Hi's been a while since I started a grow thread. I've previously been growing outdoors, where pests and security are major problems, as well as indoors on window sills, which produced plants that grew very well but developed no trichomes (a 1.5 metre Northern Lights with mossy buds and zero effect, gah!).

Anyway, despite living in what is now a police state, I managed to buy a Maxlight Digilight Pro digital ballast with a 400W dual-spectrum HPS and a coolshade. The setup is rudimentary, but effective. The room has an a ceiling extractor, and a table fan blows through the coolshade, keeping the temps low (the coolshade glass is just warm to the touch). Temp is a constant 32C with RH ~60%.

All plants are in soil - potting compost mixed with coco coir and worm casings. Nutrients are limited to fish fertilizer (vegging and flowering), molasses and Epsom salts. Can't get hold of anything fancier. :no:

The plant in the middle is a Green Poison auto from Sweet Seeds. It was under 80W of CFLs for six weeks of vegging and has been under the HPS for the past two weeks. Next largest is a Northern Lights (breeder unknown) at day 12 and the smallest is a 7-day old Think Different.

Growroom.jpeg NL-Day12.jpeg TD-Day7.jpg :smoke:
Just keep an eye on them pushing to your light( i personally check mine 2-4 times a day when stretching w/ sum strains like TD, and NL photo in flower stretch. to keep that nice distance so yer plant dont start crisping itself a little.looks good buddy.Great Job!!"AFN smoke out"
Hey there Eyes on Fire...thanks for the reply.

You hit the nail on the head...stretching is the bane of my grows and I'm keeping a very close eye on it. I dunno if it's the tropical heat or my ineptitude, but I find it almost impossible to stop it. Didn't matter so much out in the sun, but indoors I need to control it to get the light spread as evenly as possible. Will probably have a go at LSTing the NL and TD (the Green Poison is beyond help at this stage) and will sure need some help with that. :peace:
Day 20 for the Northern Lights:


Day 15 for the Think Different:


About 11 weeks for the Green Poison:


Both the NL and TD show no sign of stretching as yet - nodes are less than an inch apart. Still keeping a close eye on them. No need for LST as yet; just tucking in the fan leaves to allow more light. First feed for the TD today - a light hit of fish fert. NL got her second feed yesterday.

GP is taking its time. She showed signs of stress under the 400W (leathering of the upper leaves, taco-ing), but is recovering after moving her to the outer light zone. I made mistakes with this one, so I'll be happy with a few grams from her. More in a week. :smoke:
Day 27 for the NL:
NL-Day27.jpg NL1-Day27.jpg

Huge amount of growth in the past week. Nodes have stretched to beyond two inches. Just some light bondage to help light penetration. Pre-flowers starting to show.

TD - Day 22:


The one at the back is the TD. Very dense and compact, unlike TDs I've grown in the past. Just starting its vertical lift-off.

GP - Week 12


Buds are starting to bulk up nicely. Still a way to go though - flowers are just starting to go brown.

Group shot:


Unlike all my other (outdoor) grows, there are no ants, scale bugs, mealybugs, leaf miners, grasshoppers or spider mites. Makes a nice change. "Bailers Booya"
Day 27 for the NL:
View attachment 379982 View attachment 379983

Huge amount of growth in the past week. Nodes have stretched to beyond two inches. Just some light bondage to help light penetration. Pre-flowers starting to show.

TD - Day 22:

View attachment 379984

The one at the back is the TD. Very dense and compact, unlike TDs I've grown in the past. Just starting its vertical lift-off.

GP - Week 12

View attachment 379985

Buds are starting to bulk up nicely. Still a way to go though - flowers are just starting to go brown.

Group shot:

View attachment 379986

Unlike all my other (outdoor) grows, there are no ants, scale bugs, mealybugs, leaf miners, grasshoppers or spider mites. Makes a nice change. "Bailers Booya"

nice pics :) i like it :) :kusht:
Thanks for looking in, SW. :Cool bud:

Day 34 - NL:


Another week of solid growth. Lovely crown shape with all flower sites at the top of the plant. Minimum maintenance - just some bondage and fish fertilizer needed. Wish I knew which seed co. this is from; I bought it in December 2012. Amazing genetics.

Day 29 - TD

TD - Day29.jpg

Nothing spectacular, chugging along nicely with no issues.

Group shot with Green Poison at three months:


The trichomes are mostly milky with no amber showing as yet. Maybe another couple of weeks till chop time.:woohoo:
NL Day 37; TD Day 32

NL-TD-Day37-32.jpg NLD37-TDD32.jpg Day32-37-Top.jpg

I've only ever seen plants like this in others' photos at AFN; never thought I'd actually grow such beautiful ladies. It's quite a thrill. Both are looking incredibly healthy with hardly a blemish on any leaves. Both on bloom nutes as of yesterday (Fish Fertilizer for Flowering instead of Fish Fertilizer for Vegging, probably the same apart from some extra P in the former I assume). Light is 15" from plant tops, on 24/0.
Some natural light shots:

NL - Day 44

NLb-Day44.jpg NLc-Day44.jpg

Still waiting for it to flower. Height is now 29", width 26". Starting to add molasses to the feed.

TD - Day 39

TDb-Day39.jpg TDd-Day39.jpg

Flowering just beginning. Height 22", width 20". Currently drinking two litres a day (eight litre pot).

Green Poison, week 14, just before chop:

:Sharing One::hug: Canna' my friend, many apologies for my laggardly arrival! ...***... :jaw: :d5: :bow: Dooood,... those true shrubs are looking damn fine!! Cripes, looky all da future bud sites! Outstanding job Canna', really really, especially given the severity of limitations you're working with,... :kusht: TD is an auto, right? And the NL--unknown? You got rather long veg-time on them all,.... not a bad thing, considering the results! GP should have delish' aromatics,... like Kaffir lime and maybe lychee? ... I do have a concern with the fish ferts, particularly with the fishy aromatics messing with the bud flavor... generally, it's not recommended for later stages as a fert', but you've had little choice, I know.... not a sure thing, just what I've read,... a serious cleanse period might help before harvest,... (hey, can you find orchid food? That might be under the radar enough to be gettable,...? Diluted, it would do the job just fine)... you say there are there two blends of the fish fert's, grow and bloom? That at least is good news!..must be pretty complete stuff, if you're not having defc. issues,... that molasses will certainly help! -there's also Mg and some K along with the Ca in there, even a bit if Fe,... :goodluck: all digits crossed brother, I know you deserve it! :brow: :BottomBeater: :WTF:.... I did see the major bummer about the J47's non-germing on you,.... :cuss: -of all the rotten facking luck, mate!! :face: *sigh*.... didn't see anything you did that could have cause that to happen,...though i have started to pre-rinse the PT's nowadays, since they have other crappy chem's in them,... not heard it being a factor before though, including with my seeds.... *** ... nice light bro'! Any chance to find even some Al foil or something for reflective material? Even something white would help bounce some light down lower,... yeah, the damn heat from HPS-- a challenging problem for you, in that steamy hot place! 32C is getting pretty toasty, so air movement becomes more and more important as T increases,... nice to see them getting a taste of real Sun too! UVB does help increase potency,...
... very well done my friend! You have blown me away- :pighug: - I want more folken to come by and have a look at what you've done with so little in grow supply resources- Superb! ...sending you lottsa good sexy bud :foxy: :karma Cloud: :foxy: for those privacy booshes you cooked up! Oh, and a little something for your arse cheeks too! :slap: .... See you soon mate!! :Cheers: