Gotcha. Try several bath towels soaked in water hanging in your tent with a lot of air circulation. I run four towels in a 4x4 with my exhaust fan off, I'll turn it on in flower to lower humidity to 50-60%, and my humidity stays between 74-80% but I'm also running 24/0 that way I don't have to factor lights off temperatures. I have a box fan hanging in my tent that runs on high and oscillate creating a lot of air circulation and when the towels drip water you can see surface movement on the tent floor. You don't have to aim high, 60% is good, but it will help keep the stomata open and avoid nutrient issues. My first grow the humidity was always 20-36% and growth was slow but when they started flowering the rh went to 60% and they started growing better. Ended up learning that keeping a steady temperate and humidity that doesn't fluctuate too much helps avoid mold, slow growth, ph, and nutrient issues where inconsistency is less rewarding.
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