Outdoor first guerrilla grow/ second outdoor

Jan 15, 2013
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Currently Smoking
Hi folks as I said in the title this year is hopefully going to be my first real guerrilla grow. I grew some autos out last year in my garden, cropped one late august n got 32g dried but had to rip out 5 due to a security problem. So this time we're going wild. I'm looking for advice on everything iv picked out a couple of spots so far.

I'm at lat 56 and about 200+ft altitude. Iv found 2 largish sites that are south facing, and receive nearly full sun all day. One is thick with brambles, nettles and young sapling beach trees. The other is an area that has 2year old pine trees growing and lots of brambles. The sites still need prepared so I'm looking for advice on how to set up this grow to be as low maintenance as possible but hopefully receive a good crop. I was think 10-12 plants spread out?

Thank you in advance.
Oh and I live in a part of the world where I highly doubt anybody will come across my sites
Need some more info on what your plan is, pots or in the ground ?
What kind of rainfall do you get on average?
Any wildlife concerns (rabbits, deer etc)?
Which strains are you growing out?
Overall seems like you've got two good plots. If you have no air traffic to
worry about and are confident about people I'd say two sites of 5-6 is good. If you have those concerns I would do small plots of 1-3.
Nah no worry of air traffic, or foot traffic well foot traffic is minimal, about as minimal as possible. I'd like to grow in ground, but I'm gonna start them indoor so will do them in the starter pot with the bottom removed, inside a full pot so stress free transplant. I haven't decided on a strain yet was hoping to get some advice. Can't find info online about rainfall but its Scotland so unpredictable. Not many rabbits but few roe deer. Heard human hair was a deterrant. Yeah they are quite large areas so can dot them around instead of one plot.
For strains I suggest Dutch passions think different, great yield and potency and some of the sweet seeds XL series they released.
Plant where they will get morning sun to dry off the dew, prevents mold growth.

Plant where the soil is damp, place coco or peat moss at the very bottom.

Hybrids from hell has great reg strains I've heard that finish quick and will yield. I'm going to grab some, lat 43 here.

Slugs are the devil, have many measures to combat them, especially in damp soil locations.

Provide a rich soil (super soil, TLO) to make feeding easier.

Avoid using blood and bone meal. It attracts animals.

Travel to your plots at night. Get a green LED headlight. Get a folding shovel.

Get blitzed and have fun!
Yeah had thought of the think different. Yeah good direct sun morning noon and all afternoon well aslong as it shines. Questionable up here. Not too much problem with soil getting too dry. Was planning on getting the collapsing shovel. Nice tip on the bloodmeal and stuff I would never have thought of that. Want a good way to protect from slugs but kind to the nature.
Going out CV hevk some spots out properly, I'll take some pics see what you guys n gals think.
Cant wait feer pics!! As fer slugs copper scrubbies..no toxins no mess an reusable!
Hey folks having trouble uploading photos from my phone. I'm going into manage attachment, click on upload from computer but nothing happens. Anyway checked out what I think will be my main site. There's all day direct sunshine. Good cover in all directions. Had a quick dig, really dark moist soil, only small roots from grass. To me its looking perfect. Oh and bonus no deer as its surrounded by a 6ft deer fences. Thanks for the copper scourers for slugs. Is that just the ones for doing the dishes, how do you do it just rip it up n spread it round the base. Let me know about photo uploading and I'll keep trying. Later.