New Grower First grow - yellowish center - is this a problem?

Wow, really? It didn't do that with the leaves when they first appeared, and the other plant isn't doing it - whatever this is, it seems to have popped up overnight. I'm definitely getting some test strips today. The water should be good (unless the pH is way off) as the filtration system I use does not remove minerals like RO does, even though it does filter out the chloramine. And of course, I have no idea what the pH of the soil is. Lots to learn!
The leaves that first appeared are darker at start beacause the seed already contains a lot of nutes to start her off. New growth can be a bit yellow/greenish and happens all the time but, you should just keep checking her and if it stays the same and doesn't start changing color it's probably a deficiency.
Hmph...just stopped by the largest nursery in town and they don't carry pH strips, just meters for measuring soil. When I asked how you're supposed to test your water they just shrugged and said "Maybe you could get some strips at a drug store?" This is actually a very good nursery, so I'm really surprised by this level of cluelessness; I thought it was MY job to be clueless! I'll have to stop by a grow store somewhere, I guess.
Hmph...just stopped by the largest nursery in town and they don't carry pH strips, just meters for measuring soil. When I asked how you're supposed to test your water they just shrugged and said "Maybe you could get some strips at a drug store?" This is actually a very good nursery, so I'm really surprised by this level of cluelessness; I thought it was MY job to be clueless! I'll have to stop by a grow store somewhere, I guess.

You can go @ pet store. And ask water ph testers for aquarium.
Thats pretty weak.... do you have a local hydro shop you could ask? I always have better luck with actual hydro shops than i do nurserys.

Only is right as well, you can try a pet store, aquarium strips work well in a pinch. Just watch that they have the proper PH range that your looking for. I've accidentally brought home test strips that only go as low as 7.0 before.

Hmph...just stopped by the largest nursery in town and they don't carry pH strips, just meters for measuring soil. When I asked how you're supposed to test your water they just shrugged and said "Maybe you could get some strips at a drug store?" This is actually a very good nursery, so I'm really surprised by this level of cluelessness; I thought it was MY job to be clueless! I'll have to stop by a grow store somewhere, I guess.
Thats pretty weak.... do you have a local hydro shop you could ask? I always have better luck with actual hydro shops than i do nurserys.

I'd have better luck walking into a nursery blindfolded and getting what I needed than asking any of the hydro stores round my way lol!
If it ain't cheese clones growning DWC, they are clueless round here, seriously, it's embarrassing!

But in all seriousness, I would definitely have pH at the top of my list of things to find out.

Aye... fair enough!

That blows dude. I always forget that im lucky to live where I do, and things are much different outside of my little island lol..

I'd have better luck walking into a nursery blindfolded and getting what I needed than asking any of the hydro stores round my way lol!
If it ain't cheese clones growning DWC, they are clueless round here, seriously, it's embarrassing!

But in all seriousness, I would definitely have pH at the top of my list of things to find out.

Who would think it's so hard to get these test strips? PetCo didn't have any, and neither did the other pet store I contacted. (Although they DID have urine test strips, LOL; wonders never cease.) The grow store closest to me doesn't have them but they can order them and get them in a day or two, so that's probably what I will have to do. I always thought you could get these all over the place, but the times, they are a-changin'.

Thanks for all the replies!
Hey Chanvremec :)

I'm Mz W :)
now that that's out of the way, lol

mainly because when I asked about how to check pH the replies I got were so confusing
as is most everything regarding growing weed lol.

Not sure what part of the world you're in, but if its America, go to you're local Home Depot or Lowes....the garden center should be chock-full of pH pertaining things lol I used to have a soil test kit that had a test for N,P,K as well as soil pH.
Sounds great on paper...not so much once you actually have to break open these little pill capsule things lol But i'll give you the link in case you wanna look at it lol

As far as being reliable, it's only as reliable as your eyes lol. and what i mean by that is that after you add the powder thats inside the capsule, the sample will change color and you compare it against the colors on the front of the container. I found a lot of the time you run into a color thats between shades. Then its REALLY up to you lol The great thing about it is its like...15 bucks haha.

What I have now GOD it makes life so much easier lol
It's digital so it takes out the guesswork.... and the best part? Excuse my language here, but, no little fucking capsules! haha
It is a bit pricey though, but when it comes to your girls' pH, IMO, pH meters arent something you wanna skimp on
Oh yea! Or Walmart! *shudder*

I've grabbed those strips from Walmarts extremely lack luster pet section before as well.
hahahahaha, have you ever been in a walmart.....on...DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN Black Friday?

pretty much any garden store, aquarium store, pet store, or WalMart/Target is going to carry SOME form of pH management...just do your research online and find out if they carry it. If they do, CALL BEFORE YOU GO and make sure they've got it lol.
I cant tell you how many times I've gone to to see if they have something, and they sure enough do so I go to the walmart, and they are either 1-out of stock or 2- its an online only item. well, fuck my life walmart, lol