New Grower First grow - yellowish center - is this a problem?

Not having a ph pen or probe is like a carpenter not having a hammer..LOL When you first start you should know all your stats ph of water / soil and runoff and nute mix ph..cabs steady temp with lights on and off and the humidity ect..or go TLO organic and no need to ph...but after you have a few runs you will know by heart what the ph will be when you add the nutes.
hahahahaha, have you ever been in a walmart.....on...DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN Black Friday?

pretty much any garden store, aquarium store, pet store, or WalMart/Target is going to carry SOME form of pH management...just do your research online and find out if they carry it. If they do, CALL BEFORE YOU GO and make sure they've got it lol.
I cant tell you how many times I've gone to to see if they have something, and they sure enough do so I go to the walmart, and they are either 1-out of stock or 2- its an online only item. well, fuck my life walmart, lol

Come on girl, you should know the saying by now. "If Walmart don't have it, you don't need it". lol
I think the problem you had with all the confusing info is the same issue I had. you were on the wrong site!
autoflower network is AMAZING!! I have only been a member a short time but, I hihghly recommend you hang around and learn from these guys (and gals!)
I had started to gather all my pre-grow knowledge from many sites, and like you was totally frustrated and confused. When I decided to start with autos I came across this place and have never left. If you are growing autos, this is where you need to be!
Everyone is nice, helpful and very encouraging.

PH test kit (as opposed to the pens) is cheap. I think mine cost me something like $10
Something else - when should I start adding nutrients to these? I will be using Dyna-Grow Foliage Pro at first. I'm looking online for hints about when to start and so far haven't found any, even though this has to be a really common question. I must be looking in all the wrong places!
Start your nutes right after you see 2 sets of leaves on your plant . Start them at 1/2 strength for 1 week and then to full strength after that . :goodluck: