Dinafem First grow: White Widow Autoflowering CBD

also doubt it's the LED, I use the same LED as First Grow: Blue Critical
I just think it's a healthy super short plant nothing special like there are super short humans...
Day 49 nothing to tell, budding now


@idiopathic neuropathy thanks, now I know at least how she should look like :cheers:

don't think I did something wrong, she looked all the time happy en healthy but stayed for some reason small. My 110W led was all the time at +45cm only one day I put it at 35cm but then she already stopt growing.
No problem she stays short, still love her (if she gives me some big buds) :bighug:
First snow arrived on my plant, if I knew in advance I didn't have to leave for ski holidays :wall:.
Since I am away for a week, I needed a solution to water my plant. Have connected a pump to the arduino that can be operated via the Blynk app, one push on the button gives 1 liter of water:woohoo:

Great looking micro grow!
Very short and stocky, but should be great in your space.
Keep the air circulation up.

Thanks for stopping by and for the advice Maria very much appreciated.
Think my led was to close during veg. (45cm)
My exhaust fan and circulation fan is on all the time sinds flowering.
Light 19.5/4.5
Air humidity between 35%-45% Blue line
Air temp between 20°C-27°C Red line
Soil temp 21°C-24°C White line
feeding Biobizz Bio Grow, Bio Bloom and TopMax

don't know how she really looks for the moment but this is how she looks at a distance of 850km, glad I could water her over the net today, back home saturday...


I can see on my soil humidity (green graph) my pump worked at a distance, instantly got higher soil humidity :tonic:

Think I had mine at around 45cm veg with no issues. Started it out at around 60cm from seedling but had stretching. Different genetics though, the strain I'm growing has quite a lengthy node distance.

Your girl could just be a late stretcher. Mine stretched a lot later on before budding.
Day 59

Back after a week skiing and my plant was not happy with the watering alone. She looks a bit pale. But buds got bigger.
Checked the soil EC with a fertometer and it was to low, hope she appreciates the feeding I gave her this evening, 2liter BioBloom 3ml/l. After this, EC level was good again.
Also have some rust on some leaves, CaMg def?


Pictures with flash

Now some photos with daylight, it is mainly the lower leaves that suffer from yellowing so some N deficit? Now adding extra N is useless I think? in about three weeks she'll be ready and the Bio-bloom nutrient also has some 2-7-4
About the rust speckles on some leaves (photo 3) CaMg deficit? I could of course give something of that.
Furthermore, the buds are swelling nicely and they get snowed under bit by bit ...

The only issue I can see is the early yellowing up which is normal but not at this stage :bong:

I would up you feed my friend and this will give the plant more feed that she needs :bong:

Also LED lighting is quite new with many different brands out there! So it's going to take some trial, error and testing to get this right.

Let's say you use a @PlatinumLEDTom light at 45cm away which could be perfect for this brand! Then you swap out to say spectrum king LED and use at the same distance this could be way off what is needed for optimal effect and productivity of the light used :thumbsup:

Hps is hps but LED needs some testing by the user imo to get the best out of them :pass:

Also your plant is staying quite low to the ground which, yes could be down to the led lighting but I'm going to say this is a genetic trait :bong:

Looking good mate. Increase feed and you will have a much happier plant and will reward you in the end :thumbsup:

Until next time :slap:

All the best
