Pakistan Ryder #1 @ day 41: All the leaves are yellowing and dying and I don't know what the deal is. I have tried flushing, feeding, leaving it alone, etc etc...she just has not been a good grow. She was my first plant so I am not freaking out too bad. Funny thing is that the buds on her (what little there is) keeps fattening and getting more and more sticky resin/tricombs by the day. She has been stunted and stressed by me to hell and back. Just the fact that she is alive is something...I am going to flush her 1 more time and see what happens with her. If the yellowing and burnt tips do not stop, I might just chop her down. Oh well, first grows are a learning experience. I learned a lot from this plant, that is for sure. She smells great though, like piney fuel, baby poo and strong skunky musk.
Pakistan Ryder #2 @ day 22: I am trying to learn how to LST with this plant. Keep in mind, the autoflowers will not get very big outside due to the length of light I get (14ish hours) so don't blame my tiny autos on my newb growing skills

. LMK how my LST look, I may be doing it wrong so someone correct me if possible.
Strawberry Blue # 1 @ day 41: Now this photo-period plants is really starting to look good. Nice green foliage, good growth, lush and generally looking great. She is showing female pistils already, I hope that's normal because I do not plant on her flowering for at least another 2 months. Rub your fingers on her fan leaves and she will smell like sweet honey sausages with a very like minty skunk undertone.
Strawberry Blue # 2 @ day 22: Now this girl is really taking off. I top dressed her with lime and gave her a tea which consisted of high N bat guano, Alfalfa, kelp, molasses and a few drops of dish soap. Mixed all that with rain water and fed her. She really greened up and is growing much faster than her older sister. It's funny because she is really different looking than her sister. The bigger one has more Sativa fan leaves and this one looks to be more Indica dom.
Kilimanjaro @ day 5: Now, I have really high hopes for this this 100% landrace African Sativa. She is the baby of the family but I am sure she will take off in no time. Once she gets older, I will be either topping or fimming her and taking a few clones.
I would love to hear some feedback. Positive or negative, thank you!