New Grower First Grow, Short Rider, 400W

Looking real nice and just as they should at this point. Going to be a nice harvest. Congrats.
Thanks all. I'm sooo happy I did this and happy I didn't kill them off. I was worried there a few times, but everything turned out ok.
Yeah the blue must've been from the flash/Shadow/HPS light.
I took a picture of them today right after lights out to really see how they looked and no blue buds, :cry: , oh well, lol.
But they are looking really good though. Here's the picture I took and the other without flash (with green light on).

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Well I'm going to cut them down today. Was going to go to Day 70, but a sample I smoked earlier got me very stoned and unmotivated.
Day 67 isn't bad, I'm sure it'll be some good smoke.
Just going to hang them in my room in our Wardrobe. Figured I'll open the door a few times a day to circulate the air.

I just wasn't sure if I was going to hang the whole plant or chop branches and hang.
I would think hanging the whole plant would take longer to dry out, but would be easier to do.
I clip all fan leaves and hang.

Also another question. Do you have to freeze the sugar leaves and cutting that you want to save for hash or whatever?
There's no way I could freeze that stuff and I'm guessing I won't have enough to make anything off just those Two, 2 ft plants.
Thank you all for help on this grow. I had problems with it, but felt I learned from it and still very happy I FINALLY did it.
Thanks again
Let the clippings and leaves dry out good, then seal them up tight in a jar or container and put in a cool, dry place. They will keep fine till you get enough to work with. When you're ready to make hash, just throw the container in the freezer for a day first so the trics are nice and brittle. They separate easier from the vegetable matter that way.

Real happy that you've brought your grow to a successful finish. Been fun to watch and help.
Day 67

Well Day 67 and the got the chop.
I trimmed them up quite a bit, but there was still some that needed to come off.
I figured it might be easier to finish trim when it was dry more or dry completely.
I have them both hanging now (whole plant). It was 51% humidity and 70° in there before the plants went in, it's now 59% (was 65% untill I cracked the door open).

Hopefully I don't hear complaints about a smell otherwise I'll have to move them.
Here are some pics after I trimmed and hanging.

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Thank you for helping and following along with my first grow all. It was very much appreciated.

Now let me direct you to my next (2nd) grow so you can watch my struggles
(Unkown) Ontario Outdoor x Killer Super Blueberry
Nice. Fast grow and rapid mature. Great pics too.
awesome first grow brotha!!
+repped for a great first grow and harvest,and for being bitten by the grow-canna bug!
Well done Slow. Looking forward to the weigh-in.