Well I'm going to cut them down today. Was going to go to Day 70, but a sample I smoked earlier got me very stoned and unmotivated.
Day 67 isn't bad, I'm sure it'll be some good smoke.
Just going to hang them in my room in our Wardrobe. Figured I'll open the door a few times a day to circulate the air.
I just wasn't sure if I was going to hang the whole plant or chop branches and hang.
I would think hanging the whole plant would take longer to dry out, but would be easier to do.
I clip all fan leaves and hang.
Also another question. Do you have to freeze the sugar leaves and cutting that you want to save for hash or whatever?
There's no way I could freeze that stuff and I'm guessing I won't have enough to make anything off just those Two, 2 ft plants.
Thank you all for help on this grow. I had problems with it, but felt I learned from it and still very happy I FINALLY did it.
Thanks again