New Grower First Grow, Short Rider, 400W

I've got a pair of those same trimmers, work great for detail work. You might need a bigger/stronger pair for the bigger branches and the main stalk.
Yeah I was thinking that. I do have some garden clippers that would work, but I need to sharpen them first. Yeah I had those trimmers bookmarked on Amazon since I started my grow, just happen to find them at a local store, so that was nice.
I figured I'd need a saw for my main stalk, lol, j/k (kinda).
I hear you. I'm still trying to grow the one I'll need the chain saw for! I picked mine up in the sewing area at WalMart.
Yeah that's where I got mine too. I just happened to go check out scissors there and I saw the Trimmer and was like SWEET! Yeah I'm surprised how thick the main stalks can get, some of them look like a small trees.

Well I went and rearranged my room. Was a pain in the ass in that little area and doing it by myself, but it had to be done. My OO x KSB's were getting very close to the T5's. But now it'll be a pain in the ass refilling my humidifier as it's behind all the plants, lol. Oh well, can't win'em all.
Good thing I added a couple shelves on this side of plants a couple days ago.

Checked on the bud I have drying in the box and it smelled like Straw (and is very loose/fluffy, not compacted at all, even though I thought it was a bit compacted when I picked it). Not even though it smells like that it'll be ok to smoke right?
Curing properly gets rid of that Straw smell (right?), but does curing properly enhance the potency also?
Yes, the buds do get looser as they lose their moisture. Yes, you can still smoke it, and yes again, the hay smell will go away a it cures.
Day 61

Going to chop them this Sat. (Day 65). I know they could probably go till day 70, but they look good to me and the smoke seems good. It was a little harsh, but not sure if it's just cause we haven't smoked in 6 months. Wasn't bad though, we got high off the first hit, 3 hits and we were fried. It hit us right away too.

Updated Pics for you all

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Also what do you guys do with all the leaves that fall off/get picked off?
Cause I have a nice pile of leaves and wasn't sure if I should just throw them in the trash or how to safely dispose of them. Thank you

Would it be ok to turn my lights to 12/12 for the last week? So that way I can let them go till day 70.
Would that be a shock to them to where it'd hurt them? Or where it'd help since people try/do a dark period for last 24-48 hours.
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Day 64 Pictures

I think they are turning blueish. Some of the buds look blue using the flash on camera, while a couple are still green. So not sure if it's shadowing or the more mature buds are turning blueish.

Only 5-6 more days till they come down. I will be feeding with some molasses for their last feeding. I fed them some agave nectar last feeding since I couldn't find my molasses, but as always I found it after I fed them.

I do hate seeing all the yellow leaves though. I've seen alot of pictures where the leaves are green for alot of people, so that sucks, but oh well they seem to be doing ok and I'm happy with what I have.

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Looking real good Slow! The camera flash on the trics gives them a blue tinge. Your naked eye will best tell you what color they have.

Pull the browner leaves off if you don't like them. The yellowing is normal right now, as you know, the plant is "eating herself", using her own nutrients to get them juicy buds finished. And they sure are looking good!!
That looks really dank :) I love that last picture. Nice plant and buds all over!