New Grower First grow, Royal Dwarf, UK outdoor

A cheeky tag to everyone who dropped in on this grow.

I entered my first grow into the outdoor growers comp and they are taking votes on the final bud photos here

And here

If you liked this grow and want to give me a cheeky vote then get on over! There are some other cracking photos so you may well want to vote for someone else instead but that's cool by me.


@archie gemmill
@Anglo Automatics
@Bud Wiser UK
@St. Tom
@Tin Wiskers
@Micron Creek

A cheeky tag to everyone who dropped in on this grow.

I entered my first grow into the outdoor growers comp and they are taking votes on the final bud photos here

And here

If you liked this grow and want to give me a cheeky vote then get on over! There are some other cracking photos so you may well want to vote for someone else instead but that's cool by me.


@archie gemmill
@Anglo Automatics
@Bud Wiser UK
@St. Tom
@Tin Wiskers
@Micron Creek


I was soooooooo close to voting for your dry bud pic, looks so tight and chunky dense....a friggin tough choice it was!! Great grow swan!
I was soooooooo close to voting for your dry bud pic, looks so tight and chunky dense....a friggin tough choice it was!! Great grow swan!
Thanks man. As a total novice first timer it means alot to hear that from @912GreenSkell

I have to admit I have abandoned the forums a little after my grow was harvested. The nights are drawing in a little now in the UK and I think I become more unsociable in the Autumn and Winter months!

Come spring I'll be refreshed and will dive back in to see what everyone is up to. I've started thinking about what strain to try next year and I hope there will be lots of UK outdoor grow journals to follow.


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Awesome fun grow, @Swan !!!

I can relate and sympathize with your wet issues -- same for me!

The thrill of doing your first grow -- congratulations!
Keep at it. The first probably won't be your best grow ever,
but it will be one of your deepest impressions.

You did just fine, and learned a lot.
I'm sure the next grows over the years will reap some fine ganja.

Love and hugs,
Awesome fun grow, @Swan !!!

I can relate and sympathize with your wet issues -- same for me!

The thrill of doing your first grow -- congratulations!
Keep at it. The first probably won't be your best grow ever,
but it will be one of your deepest impressions.

You did just fine, and learned a lot.
I'm sure the next grows over the years will reap some fine ganja.

Love and hugs,
Wow I really appreciate your kind comments, that's awesome support, thank you!
I'm looking forward to this year's exploits in my garden and also seeing how all my AFN brothers and sisters get on in their adventures.


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Day 72: A light haircut.

To cut a long story short, I chopped a bit, but only a tiny bit!!

So I dragged Dwarfy in a few hours ago for the big moment all excited to cut the top after finding amber trichomes and getting the vote of confidence yesterday to go for it.

Here she was....




She measured 90cm from stem to tip which is probably about the max height for a Dwarf strain?

I then thought to myself before I get stuck in I'm gonna give her some beauty treatment! You might remember weeks back I decided pretty much not to baby her and let her crack on through thick and thin and she certainly was looking weathered here before me so I carefully removed any fan leaves that were brown, drooping below horizontal or eaten to buggery.....


And after she looked lovely and neat like this!!



So after that out came the microscope again to go on the trich hunt.

Bottom buds, clear to milky just as suspected..... Moving up lots of milky.... And at the top, huh where's that amber?? I saw it with my own eyes yesterday, I got photo evidence! A bit more scouting about and I found amber patches but it made me think if it's only patches it's not nicely distributed on the top bud what do I do?

Part of my brain goes "Swan you fucker just chop some now, it may not get bigger and better, the time is now!"

Then the other part of my brain is going "leave it Swan my old chap, just leave it a couple more days and it'll grow bigger and better”...

Arrghh, why is it so hard to make a decision, can't someone come and do this bit for me....

And then in one swift move I chopped this off right from the top....



This is the bit that definitely had amber. I'd like to harvest some at milky too but that's all I cut for now, there's plenty left to choose milky from.

So I have a question... Is this a single bud or nug? Looking at the top of the plant I could of been a hero and cut off 3 times that length that looked like one big bud, but on closer inspection of this little bit I can see it still branches off here and there to individual bud growth. It doesn't really matter to me but it would be good to know.

Anyway here she is before putting her back outside. As you can see the top is flatter now I've removed those couple of inches. I'll look at her in detail again tomorrow and I might chop a few milky bits / buds / nugs or whatever I decided they are!


And a couple of pretty shots to finish. Green and purple go really well together I think...




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Update: Collecting the kief.

Well tonight I decided to do something with the bag of trim that's been sitting in the shed for weeks.

I did order some bubble bags when I first harvested dwarfy but really didn't feel like going through all that process late on a Friday night after a bitch of a week so here's what I did instead.

I put all my trim in a Tupperware box then threw in a handful of glass marbles and put the whole thing in the freezer.

Every 30 mins I took the box out, shook it around then back in the freezer.

I did this 3 times while I ate dinner, chatted with my girl and watched a bit of tv.

After the 3rd shake I carefully removed the marbles and gently shook from side to side to encourage the larger material to the top.

I skimmed off the large material and repeated the shake n skim a few times.

I could see a thin golden layer stuck to the sides and lid of the box, hehe I think it might be working!

But there was still some green plant material in the bottom of the box that I was sure would be mixed with kief so I didn't want to just dump that last bit out.

I scraped around the box and lid with a spatula till I had a nice little pile.

I tipped the pile onto the mesh of my 4 piece grinder and used the spatula to pass it through the mesh till just last of the green plant material was left up top.

And this is what I got down below....


Probably not the purest but I'm quite pleased for an off the cuff quick n easy method.


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Like the technique!!
How did it smoke?

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