Indoor First Grow - Northern Lights Indica Auot Fem

I'm subbed up bro love this little grow box.. interested to see them grow out I also deal with a small grow space good luck man!!

Oh tag me in the growbox thread when she's up..


Just finished the filter / scrubber. I had originally intended to make three separate filters from mesh pencil cups. I found an online tutorial and went so far as to buy the cups. After thinking about it a bit I decided to make one large filter using an air purifier carbon pad. Turned out to be a lot easier. Here it is.


The three fans are opposite on the outside of the box. I ran two smoke tests on it. From the inside of the box I burned a bit of paper napkin, blew it out and watched the smoke. It went dead-center to the filter. Later I lit a bit of damp paper napkin, placed it in a pyrex bowl in the center of the box, sealed the doors and waited for 15 minutes with the fans running. Didn't smell a thing until I opened the doors. Looks like I've got a winner. :biggrin:


Winner,winner - chicken dinner. :smoking:
Day 35.

The ladies are coming on strong. Today I tweaked the final LST and removed the bottom yellowing fan leaves along with a few fan leaves that were shading some of the side growth. :biggrin: They were super thirsty today as they've really taken off growth-wise and I've only been watering them every 10-11 days. Apparently I need to adjust the frequency now. All three are showing their sex. I gave them a good soak today and gave them their final veg feeding. I also added some supplemental lighting for Twisty since she's on the fringe of the panel. Twisty has completely straightened herself out. Her new growth is blemish free. Here they are:

Big girl:




Second grow is proceeding nicely. I've not yet moved them to the growbox:

Jock Horror photo fem:

Northern Light:

I had the flash on for the last two pics. That's why the look so washed out. It is interesting that the NL auto is out-performing the JH photo growth-wise. The JH is destined for a little main-line treatment. :biggrin:

That's it for this update. Cheers and Happy Growing!
Nice progress on both the plants and your diy box.

hehe yeah that mainline post of @budelee also got me all perked up and wanting to try it.
If you do,use my guide( and me) to help you,start early and hit em as soon as they show that they are ready!!
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Got your guide bookmarked and I will be putting it to good use as soon as Jockie is ready. :biggrin:
Awesome!! You after a mainline too!!..i was thinking of a 6 plant mainline grow coming up soon,itll be multi strain to see if different genetics can handle it like the original..i dont see plants slowing for topping either so i think the genetics are good and strong!! Im always around if ya need any help/advice..peace