Day 10.
Girls are coming along nicely. They've really started growing a lot faster. I watered them on day 8 for the first time since they sprouted. I waited a bit longer than I intended. On day six I noticed a few gnats, so I let the top inch of soil dry out really well. I've seen no more gnats but picked up some mosquito bits just in case.
Two look almost exactly alike but one came up a bit different. I've dubbed her "Twisty." They all look a little washed out - a lighter green than I expected. Twisty (the different one) looks scaly. She's always looked that way but shes keeping up with her sisters growth-wise. I have my LED panel a good 22" above them and I'm thinking of raising it a bit more. I wonder if they might be suffering from a bit of light burn.
Here's some pics:
The third one is Twisty. You can tell how scaly she looks compared to the twins. Anybody have any ideas why she looks like that? She popped up that way. I wonder if it could have been the soil. More on that below.
All in all I'm very pleased with their growth and I'm expecting their growth to really accelerate soon.
One thing I'm changing for sure on the next grow is the soil. I bought a commercial grade organic mix and it was a hot mix. The only perlite I could find was hot also. Even though I washed it all out really well before using it, I'm wondering if that had anything to do with Twisty's troubles. Next time around I'm building my own mix with coco coir, perlite, compost and coarse sand. I've been really disappointed with the big DIY stores for years since the only mixes they carry are hot. I like to control feeding my plants whether they're tomatoes, chilies or cannabis.
Anyway, looks like I've got about another week - maybe a few more days and I can start the LST.
This is really fun!
My growbox is coming along also. I've got all the panels cut out, primed and the first layer of flat white on the inside of 'em. I hope to have the box together this weekend. I'm saving the doors for last since my carpentry skills are not second nature. Most can measure twice and cut once. I have to think about it a bit more than that and always make mistakes along the way - a lot of back up and redo. But even then, I enjoy it.
That's it for this update. Cheers!
Edited for content.