Indoor First Grow - Northern Lights Indica Auot Fem


Apprentice Autowarrior
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
Say hello to two of my three ladies. :biggrin:

I thought I'd snapped pics of all three but I guess not...

I planted three beans this last Thursday 10/20 at 4:45 PM directly in 3 gallon pots filled with a wet mixture of 3 parts organic potting soil to 1 part perlite. They're in an approximate 3'x4' grow area surrounded by mylar space blanket sheets under a Viparspectra V600 LED panel (275 W power). I have just over 3' of height to work with in the space. The LED panel is currently 22" from the seedlings and on veg setting. I have the pots arranged around the outside periphery of the panel and I'm watching them like a hawk.

The first two popped during the day yesterday (Sunday 10/23) and the third had just popped through when I checked on them this morning. They were planted under 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil. I covered their pots with inverted clear plastic pot drainage saucers and spritzed the top of the soil with water daily. Since they've popped, I uncovered them and I don't plan on watering them again until the pots dry out a bit. I'm using the pot lift method to determine watering needs. I'm watering with tap water left to sit for 24 hours minimum and PH corrected.

I expect some challenges since the grow area in an un-insulated space and is subject to some pretty big temperature swings. Currently, within the space daytime highs are just under 100 degrees F on sunny days and nights are low to mid-60s. That's one of the reasons I chose this strain. It is supposed to be pretty forgiving. We'll see...

I'm also in the process of building a 2' x 3' three foot high grow box. My current grow space will limit my gardening to Fall and Spring since the Summer and Winter temps are brutal here. The grow box will allow year long gardening since it is indoors in a temperature controlled environment.

More to come! (I am SO excited!)

Edited: Foobared the title. It should read: First Grow - Northern Light Autoflower Fem


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There on there way,good luck to ya.
Day 6. The second set of leaves are starting to sprout. I moved them directly under the light and they seem to like it. I still have not watered them yet, two are getting close the other still has plenty of moisture. Here they are. :biggrin:

The first two are the same plant. Here is the missing one.


Newbies sheesh! :biggrin:


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Welcome to AFN! images.jpg Good luck with your grow!:vibe: images (18).jpg:vibe:

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100F is going to really wreck havoc on your grow. I wouldn be very hesitant to continue until you remedy that issue
Temps aren't as near as bad as I had anticipated, the worst high I've seen so far is 94 F. It's usually been high 80s. Lows are mid 60s.
I don't think we'll see anymore 100s again until next summer and the space will be totally unusable. And it looks like we're headed into a warmer than usual winter, so maybe I'll get lucky and be able to use the space all winter and then spring. :biggrin:

And my growbox is coming along nicely. So I'll have somewhere to grow when the main space is unusable.