New Grower First Grow Newbie! 4X4 RDWC LED CBD

@mattskeee if anything I said sounded like don’t update as much as you want then I’m sorry. Daily, weekly, hourly updates are fine. Just noticed in my own threads if the current age isn’t stated every other page (20 posts) then it can be tough for some to keep up. Some people stop in daily or biweekly depending, just us newbs and hardcore staff here 24/7.

Roots have been a learning experience for me. I think (recently) that some of the issues growers may run into later in the grow started much earlier and by the time they are in the infirmary the stunt has already happened. I just threw out 2 Gold glue and two gg4 from fast buds at 5 weeks old. Yup chucked them but I learned a valuable lesson. I knew that the structure if I was lucky might pull 1-2 zips per plant. I average 6. I was not going to run another 6 weeks to get 8 Oz when I should get 24-30. I’m new but that’s just a waste of lumens for me. And honestly 3 of the 5 were in my new nursery so light used so far was minimal.

Ok, so my learning experience. I run DWC and running perpetual is an issue because you really need to get those roots in the water ASAP. I was waiting for the first two of a group to come down and starting the next ones in the corner. But I was putting these tiny plants into huge 8 gallon buckets. And really only getting a week of overlap. So I decided to get a small bucket and start my DWC plants in their final net pot but in a 1 gallon bucket. I did a photo period plant Humboldt Blue Dream and this was awesome. 4 weeks and they just kept getting huge in the 1 gallon. They had a massive root system all tangled together and made the transition to bigger pots great.
So I figured it was a success and started the Autoflowers the same way. Well huge fail. The roots acted the same way they do in a solo cup. They must have decided it was to crowded. The roots never got half as abundant as the photos. But they started showing DWC faster. Leaves were 1/2 normal size. And when they hit flower I knew it was time to throw them in the bin. Supper healthy but clearly not going to be stellar.

I wouldn’t bin your plants. Just very important to know where you are in you grow and work with what you got going on. Sit back relax and let them grow. A few others have mentioned that you have high ppm so that might be something to consider also. For the size maybe slow down a bit with the nutrients.

And I know you have room right now and everyone hates losing plants but the dirt girl might just be a distraction and possible source of bugs you don’t need. I vote her off the island.

I hope I’m not sounding cynical. You got a great setup and a ton of nice equipment and clearly you have and are researching a ton. You will be pulling huge plants before you know it. Hopefully these.

And just a disclaimer, I have no clue what I’m saying most of the time.


Have to agree with the other lads on this. They've already had a lot of stress. I thought I saw some preflower on one of your girls so the clock is ticking. They'll be wanting to stretch soon so let them get on with it. After they have stretched for a week or two you might want consider a bit of LST if they need it. The girls look about 3 weeks but I'm sure they are older. So they are a bit behind already. Anything you do that slows them down will have an effect on the yield. Don't try to control too much. Observe the plant through its life cycle for first couple of grows to get a "feel" for the plant. And remember, as tempting as it may be, NO SQUEEZING THE BUDS.:crying::crying: Just my 2 cents

There's definitely some preflower! A few little fuzzy bits showing [emoji7][emoji87]

One of them is definitely starting to reach for the stars already I think, pic below...

Yeah they look 3 weeks but it's definitely five - I know the first 10 days or so inwas fucking around with lights and definitely stunted them... plus the sludge!

As you say - observe... this is my first ever grow so I really need to learn how they develop first so I can work out how to manage/manipulate them in the future when everything else is on target.

Hahahahaha but they look so squishy!!! [emoji85][emoji1787]

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I'd try a good flush first. It used to sort things out when I grew in mud. I'd use plain tap water - 5-10 liters per gal of pot size. Let the pot drain for 2-3 hours, then add a dose of nutes ph'ed to the correct value. Don't water/feed till the pot is getting dry. This was only a couple of days for me, but I used airpots, so it my take a bit longer with these pots.

So I had a bit of a play around with the soil today - but it definitely wasn't ideal...

I took what was in the pot, mixed it with some remaining "clean" mix I had left over, some stones in the bottom for drainage, and gave a flush before I replanted...

It's definitely not draining very well, but ph is 6.5 And there should definitely be enough nutrients in there... we'll see what happens. Don't vomit at how bad the soil looks! [HASHTAG]#fingerscrossed[/HASHTAG]

Let the QB dry it out a bit before she went back in, still a bit gooey though... I'll just leave her alone now for a few days and see if she settles.

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@mattskeee if anything I said sounded like don’t update as much as you want then I’m sorry. Daily, weekly, hourly updates are fine. Just noticed in my own threads if the current age isn’t stated every other page (20 posts) then it can be tough for some to keep up. Some people stop in daily or biweekly depending, just us newbs and hardcore staff here 24/7.

Roots have been a learning experience for me. I think (recently) that some of the issues growers may run into later in the grow started much earlier and by the time they are in the infirmary the stunt has already happened. I just threw out 2 Gold glue and two gg4 from fast buds at 5 weeks old. Yup chucked them but I learned a valuable lesson. I knew that the structure if I was lucky might pull 1-2 zips per plant. I average 6. I was not going to run another 6 weeks to get 8 Oz when I should get 24-30. I’m new but that’s just a waste of lumens for me. And honestly 3 of the 5 were in my new nursery so light used so far was minimal.

Ok, so my learning experience. I run DWC and running perpetual is an issue because you really need to get those roots in the water ASAP. I was waiting for the first two of a group to come down and starting the next ones in the corner. But I was putting these tiny plants into huge 8 gallon buckets. And really only getting a week of overlap. So I decided to get a small bucket and start my DWC plants in their final net pot but in a 1 gallon bucket. I did a photo period plant Humboldt Blue Dream and this was awesome. 4 weeks and they just kept getting huge in the 1 gallon. They had a massive root system all tangled together and made the transition to bigger pots great.
So I figured it was a success and started the Autoflowers the same way. Well huge fail. The roots acted the same way they do in a solo cup. They must have decided it was to crowded. The roots never got half as abundant as the photos. But they started showing DWC faster. Leaves were 1/2 normal size. And when they hit flower I knew it was time to throw them in the bin. Supper healthy but clearly not going to be stellar.

I wouldn’t bin your plants. Just very important to know where you are in you grow and work with what you got going on. Sit back relax and let them grow. A few others have mentioned that you have high ppm so that might be something to consider also. For the size maybe slow down a bit with the nutrients.

And I know you have room right now and everyone hates losing plants but the dirt girl might just be a distraction and possible source of bugs you don’t need. I vote her off the island.

I hope I’m not sounding cynical. You got a great setup and a ton of nice equipment and clearly you have and are researching a ton. You will be pulling huge plants before you know it. Hopefully these.

And just a disclaimer, I have no clue what I’m saying most of the time.



Not at all! I didn't take it like that, and I know I can probably time the updates down a bit - I think I'm just excited because it's my first time [emoji85]

I will definitely try and add days/weeks to the posts from now on - I had to go back through old pics to work it out for myself actually, and the seeds broke soil about 5 weeks ago today, but it was another 10 days-ish until they went into the DWC.

Like I said I'm one of my other posts - I used to have Tinder to waste all my time, now I've got Tapatalk! [emoji1787][emoji1787]

You're right, I definitely made (those) mistakes in the initial days, drowning the roots, weak lighting etc, so I'm sure the initial development while young was sub-par. Which obviously leads to weaker and smaller plants at the end of the grow...

I don't think perpetual is going to be a thing for me, although I've been all over the shop currently. Unless I decide to buy another little tent and a 6400k veg cfl for seedlings (Which I am looking at), I should just focus on one run... whether I seed/veg under my 3500qbs or get the cfl also and just use it in my current 4.5x4.5 tent.

I get you with the auto/photo/small pot/big pot thing... And that's definitely where my head is going... try this, try that.. go in an auto solocup challenge.... etc. [HASHTAG]#impatient[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#inquisitive[/HASHTAG]

Ppms are now in the 900s as I've topped up with plain tap water to bring it down a bit. Perhaps still a bit high, but ij haven't seen huge signs of burn or stress related to high nutes? Not that they aren't performing 100% though..

I'm going to give "Dirt girl" till Sunday (72hrs) to turn around with these current changes, and when res change happens on Sunday, if she's not picked up - shell be getting composted.

Not sounding cynical at all! Thata the reason I post - for feedback, criticism, piss taking, straight up NO's, and to supplement my learning. I appreciate the time you took to write such a long response - I looked at it a few times today, and had to pour myself a (big) glass of wine and sit on the balcony to write a worthy response [emoji847][emoji173]

Ill monitor and leave well enough alone the next few days, and see where were at on Sunday!


Sent from Space
Not at all! I didn't take it like that, and I know I can probably time the updates down a bit - I think I'm just excited because it's my first time [emoji85]

I will definitely try and add days/weeks to the posts from now on - I had to go back through old pics to work it out for myself actually, and the seeds broke soil about 5 weeks ago today, but it was another 10 days-ish until they went into the DWC.

Like I said I'm one of my other posts - I used to have Tinder to waste all my time, now I've got Tapatalk! [emoji1787][emoji1787]

You're right, I definitely made (those) mistakes in the initial days, drowning the roots, weak lighting etc, so I'm sure the initial development while young was sub-par. Which obviously leads to weaker and smaller plants at the end of the grow...

I don't think perpetual is going to be a thing for me, although I've been all over the shop currently. Unless I decide to buy another little tent and a 6400k veg cfl for seedlings (Which I am looking at), I should just focus on one run... whether I seed/veg under my 3500qbs or get the cfl also and just use it in my current 4.5x4.5 tent.

I get you with the auto/photo/small pot/big pot thing... And that's definitely where my head is going... try this, try that.. go in an auto solocup challenge.... etc. [HASHTAG]#impatient[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#inquisitive[/HASHTAG]

Ppms are now in the 900s as I've topped up with plain tap water to bring it down a bit. Perhaps still a bit high, but ij haven't seen huge signs of burn or stress related to high nutes? Not that they aren't performing 100% though..

I'm going to give "Dirt girl" till Sunday (72hrs) to turn around with these current changes, and when res change happens on Sunday, if she's not picked up - shell be getting composted.

Not sounding cynical at all! Thata the reason I post - for feedback, criticism, piss taking, straight up NO's, and to supplement my learning. I appreciate the time you took to write such a long response - I looked at it a few times today, and had to pour myself a (big) glass of wine and sit on the balcony to write a worthy response [emoji847][emoji173]

Ill monitor and leave well enough alone the next few days, and see where were at on Sunday!


Sent from Space
Haha, I'm waiting now for the next post where you've stripped all the leaves off lol, seriously though I remember my first grow and wanting to try out all the techniques I was reading about also :biggrin:
I’m still running V1 Megacrop and will be for years. I got 10 kilo bag and have it all stored in mason jars out of light. I’ve used 1/3 of that bag and grown ALOT of canna

Yeah well I was going to order the 10kg bag here, it's the older formulas so I emailed to ask if they had v2z and he said v3 will be here in October! I don't need it so no rush... but that would work perfectly for round 2 ;-)
10kg does seem like HEAPS when you only use a small amount...
Maybe I'll just get the 1kg haha

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