New Grower first grow: ministry of cannabis, angelmatic auto fem seeds

No. Co2 is for photosynthesis and there is no chlorophyll in the roots. Co2 needs to be where lights and green is. Just use regular plain ph water.

And what meter a moisture meter? Canna like a good wet and dry cycle so make sure it drys out pretty good before watering again. I use the weight of the pot to tell when they need more water.
Thanks. Yes to the moisture meter. Rapitest mini.
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Only the center, leggy, plant shows a lot of yellow tips on the leaves. I know being high had nothing to due with it, never did before, but somehow this plant got a whole lot more than the others. The plants felt really light so I followed your advice and am only watering and will let it dry. Thanks again, I guess an old dumbass makes the same mistakes as a young one.
You're all good. There's always a learning curve and everyone has their own. I'm all about patience because most good things come in time, as much as I love instant-gratification. :D
drybox.jpgView attachment 87059View attachment 87058View attachment 87057I thought that since I will harvest the center, leggy, plant first I could stick this box in the tent to dry. The top folds down. I guess I would have to cover the box with reflective tape or leave it outside the tent and run a hose, 1in, from the back to the tent. The room air is cooler and slightly less humid, 50% vs 56+%.
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I'm not sure I would use that box to dry your plants. You need descent air circulation or you can run the risk of mold, especially if they are closed in. Do you have room for a small fan in there?
I was going to put my temp/hum probe in the box, leave the flap open and suck the air from the room (low 70's 50%h) through the box and into the tent. The tent extraction fan should make a good draft. I think I have time to make a box from a kitchen cabinet and computer fan, I was just trying to use my tent oder control.
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thanks. I would never have gotten this far without all of you.