Outdoor First grow, late outdoor organic attempt

Aug 25, 2015
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Hello all,
I am a new grower, and recently back to the smoker fold after a fifteen year break. Growing weed is something I have always wanted to do, and being an Oregon resident, I know have the chance to do so legally in my back yard!

So let's get to it!

Strains being grown:
Dinafem Critical Jack auto
Dutch Passion Blueberry auto
CBD Crew Med Gom 1.0
Mephisto SODK

This grow is going to be a bit different. I am a hobbyist veggie farmer, and plan on using my tried and true veggie methods. So, KISS. Start seeds under lights, then transplant outdoors to prepared soil with irrigation. Organic Nutes have been worked into the soil already, compost, canola meal, bone meal, lime, gypsum, kelp meal... you get the picture. No other nutes will be added unless the plants look really hungry.

I have been thoroughly warned that it may be too late in the year to attempt this, but the way I see it at the very least I'll gain experience, and all I have to lose is 4 seeds. Seems a very worthy gamble.

The grow so far:
8/9 Ordered seeds from Seedsman

8/19 Seeds arrived in perfect condition! Seeds were soaked for 5 hours, then planted in home made soil cubes (coir, sand and compost)

8/22 Blueberry and SODK germinated

8/23 Med Gom germinated

8/24 CJ germinated, Blueberry and SODK fully emerged.


Any comments or criticisms appreciated:)
@danksyle J - is an Oregon grower and I bet he would have some good tips for you. Hope it works out for you...I am so jealous you have a medgom 1 seed...wish I had some to try! Really fantastic selection of strains(I have the dp BB photo running outdoor right now)
Just remember...next year bud, next year. Already having experience growing veggies will be beneficial to growing herb.
Get them into pots APAP. DO NOT TRANSPLANT AUTOS. You will end up with small plants.
You need to get them into pots and under better light tomorrow if you want to have a fair crop.

Get a good soil like happy frog. You will not need to feed for 4-5 weeks or so.

Thanks for the advice. Is the basic idea that autos hate having their tap root messed with? I have actually had great success transplanting "untransplantable" veggies from soil cubes, as the tap root remains intact.

So, for the sake of experimentation, I'm going to stick with the plan and drop them in the ground when they show a second node. If they don't grow for s*** afterward, you can feel free to shout "told you so"!
@danksyle J - is an Oregon grower and I bet he would have some good tips for you. Hope it works out for you...I am so jealous you have a medgom 1 seed...wish I had some to try! Really fantastic selection of strains(I have the dp BB photo running outdoor right now)
Just remember...next year bud, next year. Already having experience growing veggies will be beneficial to growing herb.

Thanks, I am already planning my spring seed purchase:)

Seedsman has medgom, and my experience with them was awesome.
Thanks for the advice. Is the basic idea that autos hate having their tap root messed with? I have actually had great success transplanting "untransplantable" veggies from soil cubes, as the tap root remains intact.

So, for the sake of experimentation, I'm going to stick with the plan and drop them in the ground when they show a second node. If they don't grow for s*** afterward, you can feel free to shout "told you so"!

Great man! I am the same way...when someone says "don't do this" I would rather do it and see for myself. Growing will never advance if nobody ever defies anothers opinion !I think as long as the roots aren't contained or disturbed they will suffer no negative effect. I grew my first high cdb strain this year(barneys farm auto blue mammoth auto), and wow do they differ in effect than high thc only strains. I found it to be quite effective for my chronic pain.
Great man! I am the same way...when someone says "don't do this" I would rather do it and see for myself. Growing will never advance if nobody ever defies anothers opinion !I think as long as the roots aren't contained or disturbed they will suffer no negative effect. I grew my first high cdb strain this year(barneys farm auto blue mammoth auto), and wow do they differ in effect than high thc only strains. I found it to be quite effective for my chronic pain.

Yeah, that sounds about right:) I thought med gom was the only cbd auto out there, I guess I need to check out this Blue Mammoth as well.

I was inspired to grow some cbd by some Harlequin I bought this year. Just a little puff and I feel less anxious, with no intoxication. Great for occasional smokers to get high without being overwhelmed too.

Good luck on grow brother I'm sure you'll be fine!

Thanks, I sure hope so.
Yeah, that sounds about right:) I thought med gom was the only cbd auto out there, I guess I need to check out this Blue Mammoth as well.

I was inspired to grow some cbd by some Harlequin I bought this year. Just a little puff and I feel less anxious, with no intoxication. Great for occasional smokers to get high without being overwhelmed too.

Thanks, I sure hope so.

Med gom is supposed to be the highest, but there are other strains out there with higher cbd than the normal high thc strains. I think ABM from barneysfarm is listed around 5-6% cbd and 8-9% thc.(iirc)
Day 4 SODK, a little funky, but still healthy?

Day 2 Med Gom, picking up speed

Critical Jack. This gal has been looking like this for 3 days now, time to get concerned?

Day 4 blueberry, rocking it!