New Grower First grow kindsoil, autocobs, white widow

Day 32- no pics today, just a couple thoughts....
I think white widow is in preflower stretch and that makes me happy!

Shes still not received any nutes tho i have used recharge to get the microbes powered up and shes looking good(all things considered).
Her color is great, the only blemishes on her leaves are all due to my clumsy handling so shes not shown me anything at all in the way of deficiencies, no weird colors or spots.
Shes just a month old, i know things can change so im keeping an eye out for anything weird like that, and i do have a few nutes/additives on hand if i need em. If she doesnt show me any cause for it i wont use anything aside from plain water and another feed of recharge. Gonna ride the kindsoil train all the way to the station!
Keep on keepin on white widow!
Fek it, heres a couple pics. Dont judge too harshly, she was growing all jacked up and i went with it. Kinda extreme but there she is.
Shes had a rough go of it so far and i think currently shes acting weird, maybe as she is digging into the kindsoil.
The side view is good, you can see shes got a fake mainline/manifold thing going. I have trimmed what little undergrowth there is to maintain the 4 main branches. I guess they will be colas, i mean i hope they turn in to colas!!
Day 33- quick update before i ramble a bit. White widow is looking good(relatively speaking i know lol) today. Very stretchy and the pistils are popping up and stacking up.
Shes got a ways to go though. If i remember correctly and the breeder info can be trusted, this gal has a 75 day cycle. I know thats just a guideline but whatevs.
I dont think this will be an ongoing issue but i think my gal caught a touch of nitrogen toxicity as she hit the kindsoil, compounded by my gal being in preflower.
Im not overly worried tho as this seems to be common with kindsoil.
Anywho, sorry to ramble afn. My home state is still in the dark ages and i cant really talk about this stuff with anybody so apologies for all the words! This thread is my safe space, basically its my "hello kitty" diary while i fumble through this first grow.
Aw yeah, got in another lil pack of seeds for the next round of grows. Ordered from hella dank seed co on monday night, got my seeds in today, thursday. Yeah, gonna be ordering from them in the future!
I got in a pack mephisto grapey walter. My next round of grows is gonna be fruitsalad inspired. Gonna grow the grape and probably a strawberry cheesecake. Hopefully gonna be
all fruitty up in my closet!
Day 34- white widow is chugging along, i think she is moving past her N hiccup. Shes standing tall and packing on the pistils.
I am able to look at her now and can actually see where bud will fill in and grow(hopefully, of course)!!
Keep on keepin on white widow!
Day 35- shes getting stretchy, and the pistils are stacking up! Everything appears to be fine.
I watered her today, she got right over 2 liters. She was a thirsty girl. She seems to be responding well to her waterings, usually every other day now. The next watering will be a recharge + h2o feed and should be the last time ill use anything other than plain old water.
ph range has been 6.2-7.0 pretty much the whole grow so far.
Got myself a meter to check ppm, which then made me paranoid, havent had a drop of tapwater to drink since lol. Ppm outta the tap has been consistently reading 200-220 ppm.
Loving me some "water only" growing!
I do have another plant or two going but they are in just the coco loco. I have been using megacrop v1 for their nutes and i am watching their water/feed oh like a hawk.
Which leads me to an observation. Im still at 1/4 strength on the mc. When i add it to my water it seems to drop the ph. Nothing too bad, in fact it has a couple of times dropped the tapwater from 7.0 to 6.5 or so. Ill take that!
I do have a few nutes/additives from roots organic on hand as well, including elemental, which should address calmag defs if they show up.
The coco loco/megacrop v1 grow journal is hiding under the cobshop section of afn if anyone were interested. That plant is a beautiful lil gorilla blue auto from advanced seeds. She is definitely prettier than my white widow!
Anywho, ive spewed forth enough words for a bit, catch ya on the flipside afn!
Ww day 37- happy memorial day afn!
nothing much to report, but im gonna babble anyways, ww is chuggin along. I dont know how to tell for sure, but shes either ending her preflowering or shes just started flowering. The pistils are stacking up hard and you can see "budlets" forming.
Temps and rh are good tho rh is maybe on the lowish side. Shes about 18 inches from her cob and seems to love it!
I dont have anything reflective on the walls of the closet, but if i did i feel like i would have to raise the lights a bit. In the grow tent anything closer than 25-28 inches and the plants started reacting poorly. I do think i want to line the closet for the next round of grows so ill have to readjust the light distances im sure.
On to the next, the smells coming out of the closet. I do have 2 plants in there, ww is the oldest at 37 days, the other gal, a gorilla blue, is 26 days old today. So i know theres multiple sources of smells in that little room, but man. Theres an interesting combo of smells in there! The white widow has an almost peppery smell, no kidding kinda reminds me of arugula.
The gorilla blue has a kinda fake food-sweetener smell mixed with green growing plant, earthy smell.
For all that, theres not too much of a detectable smell outside of the closet yet unless the temps hit the 80s in the closet and i leave the filter off.
Last thing to note, for now, ive started treating the grow for pests. I found 1 ant and a couple lil black thrips on the white widow last wednesday. I have a sinking suspicion that they may have hitched a ride with the kind soil which makes me real sad.
Anywho i sprayed with neem oil and ive got some di earth to topdress with. I havent seen hide nor hair of any lil crawlies since then, and more importantly i havent seen any new leaf damage.
The damage and actual pests have only been seen on the pot with the kind soil, the other plant is in straight coco loco and appears to be untouched. Ill use the neem another couple of rounds and refresh the de as needed.
Im not overly stressing it, everything so far has been itty bitty hiccups. In fact id count myself lucky that ive not had more to freak out about! I think im at about the half way point in this grow and ive learned quite a bit already. Looking forward to the race to the finish line! Pics later.
Heres their home for the next couple of months. We are having to do a bunch of work in the basement so ill be growing in this closet probably through the end of the year.
Im toying with the idea of 2 modifications to the closet. The first is to line it with something reflective like panda tape.
2nd is to eventually run the exhaust out the back of the closet into a crawlspace in the attic. The back wall in the pic with the gorilla tape is actually a board that pops out, leads into the crawlspace.
Im thinking of setting the fan in the crawlspace, pulling air through the filter whichll be in the closet and out into the space.
Another option im thinking about is taking the fan/filter out of the closet and setting it up in the lil grow tent. Ill use the tent as the dry/cure space. Which could be bad@$$ and try to just grow perpetually in the closet.
Usable space in the closet is about 36x36x58. Ive got the 2 cobs for now so i should be able to provide good light and space for 2 girls.
Temps are pretty good in there, it has hit the 80s a couple times when the door is closed and the house ac isnt running.
Rh is normally in the 40s, itll spike up to the 50s after i water and shut the door. At this point in the grow tho i dont think thats a cause for concern, and might be better in regards to controlling mold and mildew.
I do have 1 29" tower fan for a breeze, and occasionally fire up the 4" fan/filter. Outside the closet i run a box fan on low blowing in, circulation seems to be good.
Im elevated AF and apparently in a rambling mood, sorry afn!
I totally see what you are saying hahahaha. Your widow is jacked up a little. I had one of my widows, with that same leaf issue but after that node she just grew out of it and started shooting a bunch of nodes. That undergrowth you trimmed away is what I am currently focusing on boosting growth in, and they have blown up in just a few days. Maybe next time if you plan on growing this strain again leave it be and do more lst haha no more Edward scissorhands. I have only fed them twice at quarter strength veg nutes for comparison btw. Feel free to tag along on my grow and watch me fuck some shit up, pardon my French. It's my first grow so hey can't go anywhere but up from here :cheers:

Here is a photo where there is two leaves growing out of the main stem just like yours did. I just left it be and this one is smaller than the other widow I'm running but it's still doing well