New Grower First grow kindsoil, autocobs, white widow

Day 14 and all is well. A couple things on my mind as i look in on my babies. Temps were much better today in the closet and ive got a plan of attack to control the heat.
Lil miss white widow is a freaky gal. Or maybe not, ive never done this before so who knows, but her growth is tripping me out. There doesnt appear to be any new growth coming out the top and up, the new growth is all further down the stem.
Also, shes not very symmetrical at the top. Like her stem didnt split into a full node(apologies if this is all gibberish, i cant think of any easier ways to describe it), and one side is definitely more developed than the other.
So i changed up the lights in the tent and thats definitely part of this. Went from cheapo 300w led to the autocob. The babies have had a full day plus to soak in that beautiful cob light and it shows, the new growth on the white widow is exploding. Shes not gotten much taller over the last couple of days but you can see the new leaves and such.
I gotta stop there before i start babbling incessantly lol, so if you skipped all that stuff heres the recap-
Ww is doing fine, new lights are awesome, working on
permanent fix for my hot-ass closet.
Heres some closer shots of her new growth and her funky funky top. It appears to me, take that for what its worth, that her main stem did not split and form a full 2nd node.
Her color and such seems okay to me so im not really worried, but it is kinda funky. Or maybe its not funky. Who knows?
Mini update-
Took matters into my own hands and split the branches. Its like the plant tried to top itself or something, the branches just didnt wanna let go of each other.
So i have no idea if shell survive this stress, but we will see. Im trying to hold back the big floppy leaf so the lil new growth underneath can get that sweet light.
Assuming that shes still healthy i think shes only lost 2(probably more like 4) days of vertical growth, node building do to the effed up growth.
I got faith in lil miss widow, and/or more seeds if she gives up the ghost!
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Day 16- lil miss white widow is all jacked up from her messed up growth. Shes growing but shes a bit behind where she should probably be.
Ive started training, and she got 750ml plain water today. Temps have been good, rh a touch low.
Gonna let her keep doing her thing until she cant do her thing anymore!
Day 18- lil miss widow is still chugging along. Shes in that awkward teenage phase, all bushy and ugly lol.
A couple of her leaves have a lil mottled look going, Ive let her get dry, trying to avoid overwatering so im thinking a drink and shell be back to good! I also moved the fan around on the chance that my lil plant is getting some wind burn.
Gave her a liter of plain h2o, rotated her pot to get a lil more light.
Temps are spot on, rh is still lowish at 48-52.
Keep on keepin on lil miss widow!
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Day 19 early update- ill get some pics of it later but i think lil misss widow is showing her sex, got some hot pistil action coming in. Woot! My lil jacked up, runt of a plant is trucking along!
Day 19- shes definitely growing! Shes only 5.5 inches tall but shes still kicking!
So i cut a leaf off today, it was a bit mottled and was blocking light to the center of the plant. Now shes open to that delicious cob light.
Loose plan of attack is to keep training her, im thinking ive got 3 branches to work with so ill keep trying to open that up.
I think shell be getting a little recharge with her h2o tomorrow. In theory my plant should be about ready to hit the kind soil in her pot, this grow is coco loco/kindsoil grow. I have used recharge a couple times already and will use it a couple more, but would like to get through this grow without any added nutrients. I do have some roots organic elemental on hand if i need to add anything for calmag needs but if i can ill just rock the h20/recharge.
The next grow will be a bit different. Straight coco loco in a 2 gallon fabric pot and ill be running megacrop, hopefully for a super simple feed routine.
Day 20- white widow is trucking along. Actually shes done gone and grown up a bit since yesterday. I did move her about 2 inches closer to the cob, shes at 27 inches from top of plant to the cob. It appears that she can handle that no probs so im thinking about getting her even closer.
Im guessing shes starting the preflower stage, a few pistils are forming nicely, and shes got the look of a girl who wants to do a lil stretching.
I kinda wanna top her but shes already been stunted by her weird messed up growth. I feel like shes lost maybe closer to a weeks worth of vertical growth, node building. She only formed 1 full set of nodes, her growth got messed up halfway through the 2nd node.
No worries tho, im still on track to accomplish my main goal of getting through my first grow. Keep on keepin lil miss widow!
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