New Grower First grow kindsoil, autocobs, white widow

I like grow diaries but I like the community here way better. You get real people giving great info. This is a legit place and I'm glad I joined up here over the other sites where people are shitty all the time. This feels like a family to me. I'll stay here too :pass:
All of this!!!
I did just sign up on so i can get my forum fix, its that sister site(i guess) to afn, ive seen a few afn peeps over there when afn is down
So its saturday in the am and i am elevated as balls. The expensive rando weed has a kick to it!

So im ready to ramble....first up, i have 4 seeds all in soil waiting to pop and im beginning to get antsy.
I have 2 seeds in solo cups, 1x northern lights and 1x blueberry kush. This is the result of too many seeds and boredom lol, so i dont really care if they grow but itd be cool to try a solo cup grow.
The other 2 plants tho, i have high(heh) hopes for em. 1 is hubbabubbasmelloscope and the other is sour crack, both from mephisto.
These 2 went straight into their forever homes, 3 gallon fabric pots. Whichever of these 2 shows the most ooomph and vigor will go to the autopot. They are in organic soil that i did add some small amendments and the nute/feed plan is to use megacrop and bud explosion through the grow.

Next up, lights....i freakin love the new qb! Im running it at about 80w today and will up the power every day till im at 160w.
If i dont end up splitting my lights into 2 closets im thinking about running the qb as the main light in the closet and then use the autocobs to fill in light. Course this could all change at the drop of a hat.

Last for now....i have picked out the dwc setup i wanna try. I think im going to grab the uc 8 gallon dwc setup. I think i should be getting it for my bday on halloween so the timing is perfect.
I think i have time to finish a 2nd round of grows and then i can clean up, reset, set up the dwc bucket and start round 3.

Thats ut for this second, imma hit muh bowl and crawl through afn for a bit
Ooooh, another thought ive been thinking on....
So i luv my autopot, a whole buncha luv for it. I am thinking about trying something else with it tho.
I have been intrigued by the blumat watering system, as another option to automate watering/feeding.
And to my mind it makes sense that you could use a light feed routine, like mc and it shouldnt gunk up the lines so much.
I think one advantage of the blumat over the autopot is that with the blumat you are topfeeding, so there shouldnt be any issue with adding additional nutes to the topsoil if necessary. Whereas there may be issues with topdressing the plant in the bottomfed autopot system. I dont know, its all greek to me. And im high, and dknt read/speak greek!
Any thoughts out there on mixing and matching blumats and autopots?? Cause i kinda wanna run both off the same res!
Ooooh, another thought ive been thinking on....
So i luv my autopot, a whole buncha luv for it. I am thinking about trying something else with it tho.
I have been intrigued by the blumat watering system, as another option to automate watering/feeding.
And to my mind it makes sense that you could use a light feed routine, like mc and it shouldnt gunk up the lines so much.
I think one advantage of the blumat over the autopot is that with the blumat you are topfeeding, so there shouldnt be any issue with adding additional nutes to the topsoil if necessary. Whereas there may be issues with topdressing the plant in the bottomfed autopot system. I dont know, its all greek to me. And im high, and dknt read/speak greek!
Any thoughts out there on mixing and matching blumats and autopots?? Cause i kinda wanna run both off the same res!
:coffee2:Wish I could help-----that must be some good rando weed??
It looks like garbage but it has a sickly sweet mango taste to it and a pretty stout buzz.
I dont get to talk about weed outloud to anybody so i gotta take advantage of afn lol.
Sounds gooood----- talk about this wonderful medicine all you wan't, I won't tell any one!
So its saturday in the am and i am elevated as balls. The expensive rando weed has a kick to it!

So im ready to ramble....first up, i have 4 seeds all in soil waiting to pop and im beginning to get antsy.
I have 2 seeds in solo cups, 1x northern lights and 1x blueberry kush. This is the result of too many seeds and boredom lol, so i dont really care if they grow but itd be cool to try a solo cup grow.
The other 2 plants tho, i have high(heh) hopes for em. 1 is hubbabubbasmelloscope and the other is sour crack, both from mephisto.
These 2 went straight into their forever homes, 3 gallon fabric pots. Whichever of these 2 shows the most ooomph and vigor will go to the autopot. They are in organic soil that i did add some small amendments and the nute/feed plan is to use megacrop and bud explosion through the grow.

Next up, lights....i freakin love the new qb! Im running it at about 80w today and will up the power every day till im at 160w.
If i dont end up splitting my lights into 2 closets im thinking about running the qb as the main light in the closet and then use the autocobs to fill in light. Course this could all change at the drop of a hat.

Last for now....i have picked out the dwc setup i wanna try. I think im going to grab the uc 8 gallon dwc setup. I think i should be getting it for my bday on halloween so the timing is perfect.
I think i have time to finish a 2nd round of grows and then i can clean up, reset, set up the dwc bucket and start round 3.

Thats ut for this second, imma hit muh bowl and crawl through afn for a bit
Keep it lit! :baked:
Welcome back afn peeps! So i dipped my toes in the live chat over on highofthetiger, got to chat with some fine folks. Definitely the place to be when afn isnt available!
I did a thing today. I cut widow down. Ive been watching her trichomes and she hit all cloudy, had a few ready to go amber so i did the deed.
I chopped at the base and shes hanging on a clothesline down in my basement. Didnt trim anything off yet, ill do it dry.
Temps sitting at 70, rh at 45 so the plan is to let her dry for 4-5 days and then chuck her in a jar for her cure! I think itll dry quick, quicker than id like for sure, but ill just do up the cure all proper and hope she turns out.
Im freaking stoked, never thought id actually get this far into a grow.
Thanks to all the afn peeps who stopped in this journal to offer advice, kind words, etc!!!
Lastly, for now, a lil birdie may have told me someones getting his 1st dwc setup this week, maybe even tomorrow.
Anywho, tip your cup lads and lasses for white widow!
D.o.b. 4.20.2019
R.i.p. 6.24.2019
Welcome back afn peeps! So i dipped my toes in the live chat over on highofthetiger, got to chat with some fine folks. Definitely the place to be when afn isnt available!
I did a thing today. I cut widow down. Ive been watching her trichomes and she hit all cloudy, had a few ready to go amber so i did the deed.
I chopped at the base and shes hanging on a clothesline down in my basement. Didnt trim anything off yet, ill do it dry.
Temps sitting at 70, rh at 45 so the plan is to let her dry for 4-5 days and then chuck her in a jar for her cure! I think itll dry quick, quicker than id like for sure, but ill just do up the cure all proper and hope she turns out.
Im freaking stoked, never thought id actually get this far into a grow.
Thanks to all the afn peeps who stopped in this journal to offer advice, kind words, etc!!!
Lastly, for now, a lil birdie may have told me someones getting his 1st dwc setup this week, maybe even tomorrow.
Anywho, tip your cup lads and lasses for white widow!
D.o.b. 4.20.2019
R.i.p. 6.24.2019View attachment 1074284

psst, don't worry baked, me won't tell anyone u chopped her down with a butter knife... :rofl::toke::rolleyes2:
Damn you afn! Looks like the last couple posts didnt survive the "troubles" of 2019.
Widow is down, and shes had a week in a the jar to cure. Shes now started gettin her taste back and a lil funk weed smell.
Looks like pics arent working for me at the moment, so ill post up muh weed in a jar pic when i can.
Gonna try and mark this journal complete, tho i will use this journal to babble in while i finish up my gorilla blue grow.