First Grow In Almost 2 Years!

I appreciate the advice! I'm not adding nutrients to the soil though it's promix soil I wasn't going to start bloom nutes until week 5 which is in a couple days. I just watered yesterday or the day before PHd water and bam this is what they look like. Lol I'm afraid to feed the seedling because the soil has nutes in it idw to burn it to death but I guess it's already almost dead anyways 🤣
Yeah, seedlings don't need a much nutrients as full fledged flowering plants. But hey, now you know that and you won't make that mistake again ;)
As for watering the seedlings I used to water that was around the width of the leaves and am definitely going back to it. I would mist the top and just water with a 50ml syringe because I am very well known for over watering out of OCD its hard for me to see dry soil but I am working on that 🤣
If you have OCD, try the airhose method. It's kinda makes me feel Zen when doing it. You feel you are busy the whole time as when I do it I keep the stiff part of the hose constantly moving from left to right over the soil. Even when I'm watering my 24 P1's in the White Widow project, I do the same thing, watering in 5L of water, with molasses, bennies and a bit of something else in it. Every time I do that. It takes me about 20 minutes to water all that in.
5L devided by 24 pots is about 200ml per pot. I'm even so OCD that each pot will get the same amount of movements over the soil as to be sure each pot will get the same, lol :rofl:
If you have OCD, try the airhose method. It's kinda makes me feel Zen when doing it. You feel you are busy the whole time as when I do it I keep the stiff part of the hose constantly moving from left to right over the soil. Even when I'm watering my 24 P1's in the White Widow project, I do the same thing, watering in 5L of water, with molasses, bennies and a bit of something else in it. Every time I do that. It takes me about 20 minutes to water all that in.
5L devided by 24 pots is about 200ml per pot. I'm even so OCD that each pot will get the same amount of movements over the soil as to be sure each pot will get the same, lol :rofl:
I count the circles I make around each pot 🤣 last time I grew I had a pot filled with soil that didn't have a plant in it and I would water that instead to kick the urge. Sounds crazy but gotta do what you gotta do 😁
Welp I went back and looked at the perlite I used. Miracle gro perlite has added nutrients in it. Explains why all my seedlings even the first set had trouble. Lesson learned. Again. 😁 One day I'll have a full tent of beautiful plants that give me zero sh** the whole way through! Just need to make all the mistakes in the book before that. Haha
Little update I let the sweet cheese go another day to dry the soil up and I'm going to water tomorrow and possibly add in flower nutes see if that helps perk her up? Thoughts? She is trying to perk back up but still pretty droopy. The seedlings bottom growth is droopy still but growing steadily and the new growth is darker and not droopy so hopefully they will just grow out of whatever is going on. I don't have pics but will on my update tomorrow. If you guys have any other thoughts throw them at me!
Day 34. Sweet cheese is droopy but still slowly growing and not lightening in color so IDK guess I'll just have to see what happens. Trainwreck is doing good steady growing.

One of the purple kush is looking really bad (front plant) but the other 2 are growing out of whatever happened. The fat blueberry wasn't affected like the other plants she is in good shape. New growth has nice color and texture. I am changing my watering technique up. Using a 40ml dropper from now on like I used to do which is how I broke my over watering habit the first time around 😁
Some cultivars like a high nutrient medium and some don't. It used to be that for auto's people advised half the nutrients you would give a photo, but I feel these days arelong gone. Some auto's can handle as much as a photo of the same name. The more people are breeding photo's with auto's and from that get the auto's to make seed out of the less of the original Ruderalis will remain. Remember, we're only interested in the auto gene from those genetics. The small stature, low THC, no flavor days are a long way behind us.
That being said, I would keep that Sweet Cheese and toss the two kush's. I still think that one can be saved with a dry period. ie, Put it on top of a seedlingmat and crank the temperature way up. Prepare your dechlorinated water with it's additives. I'm quite the fan of BioTabs' products, but if you are state side you might have a hard time finding it. Anywho, dry your soil out, water with bennies and food for the bennies (molasses @ 5ml/L 20ml/gallon) and go from there. :cheers:
Day 35. Sweet cheese is coming back to life so that's good. I mixed up some myco, flower nutes and very low dose of cal/mag and vooowallahh she perked up overnight. Hopefully she doesn't die now 😁 Trainwreck is still steady growing all good no problems with her. I did make some adjustments to the lights. Had to kick my OCD aside and make them unlevel 🤣 I had them ziptied together so it was level across both lights but it wasn't working because veg side was getting to much light from the flower side which is more than likely why the 2 PK plants are light in color and dying..... So flower side is sitting 16" from canopy at 600ppfd and veg side is 24" from canopy at 350ppfd. Seem to react pretty good so far.
