Grow Mediums First Grow - Hydro/DWC Training SCROG w/ Bagseed Photos

UPDATE 1/13/14
DAY 33
74 DEG 27%
pH 6.0 650 ppm

(We're going Bushy!)

Looks like everything has stabilized here as well as in the closet. Glad to see everything up and running again.
Miz Dubya done gone crazy! She's stretching out now that she's got her feet in the water and it's about time. She's still running an opposite phyllotaxy and doesn't seem ready for alternate yet. I need to get the SCROG ready pretty quick as she's finally coming up on the 1 foot mark and growing fast. Looks like the calcium levels were definitely binding up the phosphorus as the roots have grown out really fast after the res change.


Looking much better and really stankin' up the joint! Man! I love that smell!

Hey TX, long time no see my brother.

MIZ DUBYA is looking very nice!

You may want to consider getting your RH up some. Plants in veg do best in the 40-60ish % RH. The reason I bring this up is that I was not paying much attention to the RH with my indoor autos, and I'm sure they suffered due to not doing it. I am just as radical now concerning RH as I am temps. Man there are just so many environmental factors to take into consideration when growing indoors. Outdoors, you just let mother nature take care of it all.

"Munch..munch..munch subbed for the ride! :smoke::tiphat:
UPDATE 1/13/14
DAY 33
78 DEG 31%
pH 6.0 610 ppm

(We're going Bushy!)

Added a half gallon of no-nute pH'd store-bought water to the res. Nutes were down to 420 ppm (what a number, eh?), but the new water had a ppm of 200 right off the bat! That sucked as the last batch was only 45 ppm. Oh Well! No nutes added and won't until I see some sign of deficiency or this weekend; whichever comes first.

Stick: Yeah, I know, but I've been without a humidifier this long and since i've already shot my monetary wad for this pay cycle, it'll just have to do. But, you know even outdoors you don't get good RH as it really depends on location (look at Cali!). Yeah it would affect yield, but that's the point of growing indoors; a controlled environment. Unfortunately, I'm outta control at the moment! LOL!!
I'll definitely be getting one later.

Phillow: Welcome! Won't say you'll see much here, but your just in time for the SCROG frame build-out. (See earlier post w/drawings.)

Pop22: Yeah, but it won't take out the calcium, which is the big killer here. Most particulate matter is sand and is handled by a spin-down separator and filtration on the wellhead. Everything else is Ca/Mg (395 ppm). So bad that washing in the tub looks like swimming in the Caribbean! Yes, it's THAT blue! :stylez rasta smoke::stylez rasta smoke::stylez rasta smoke::smoke:
Close m'eyes, light one, and picture I-and-I soakin' in the warm waters of Jamaica mon!

Until I can afford RO, this is where we be. :grin:

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UPDATE 1/15/14
DAY 35
77 DEG 30%
pH 5.8 650 ppm

(We're going Bushy!)

All is looking good! Got my new pH meters (yes meterssssssS - plural) now I can keep track better. Also got my CaliMagic but my GH root enhancer got destroyed by FedEx and the postal service! It's ok though, the res is quickly filling with roots. A couple of minor pH adjustments to the res and the jug water and added 1 ml of CalMAg to the res.


Remember to store those digital PH meters wet, in a storage solution or 4.0 calibration solution and you won't have to worry about a new one anytime soon. My Hannah meter was WAY off after my first grow from not properly storing and never calibrating. Like nearly 2.0 PH off by the time I got my 2nd run rolling :help:

Those root supplements make a significant difference, I go HAM with that stuff in veg. Sucks about the postman...

Anyway, looking good man.
Nah, wasn't a matter of storage, I broke the glass over the test lead. For some reason they don't like to be dropped. :shrug:
So I bought 2 in case I decide to be a klutz again. I calibrate daily with 7.0 solution (also my storage media).
Yeah, not worried about the root stim on this grow, but will need it for the SD grows later. We didn't have all these nifty gadgets growing OD photos back in the day. But then working in commercial horticulture, I had access to all the free growing supplies I needed! ;o) :smoke:
If been fortunate that all of my drops occurred on the carpet and took a favorable bounce. Im sure it won't b long before I manage to drop the damn thing straight into the water.... lmao

And yeah you'll be fine without the b1, once those roots start to really get established she will explode.

Free growing supplies.... I bet you miss that... I spend more money on these girls than I do myself!
UPDATE 1/16/14
DAY 36
79 DEG 30%
pH 5.9 640 ppm

(We're going Bushy!)

Not much new other than growing like crazy. Leaves bigger than my hands, nice! The roots have near doubled since day before yesterday. Added a third of a gallon of pH water to the res. She's sucking the water but not the nutes (yet).

Yup, I do and I could sure use those supplies right now. Yards gone to hell and the trees got fungus. Lost a nice Native Pecan to ganoderma and root rot and all my oaks got ball moss. I guess what I REALLY miss is the equipment to handle treating it. Meter: I seem to be one of those that breaks anything I touch. For some reason I get severely uncoordinated after smoking my one-hit box.
Don't know why that is...:shrug: