New Grower First grow ever


This section, on each of the packs would be what I'm looking for. Drives me nuts when they don't just publish it online lol.

I definitely think finding a better system (be it a living soil or standard organic system or whatever else) would help in your following grows. As it is you're kind of just at the mercy of whatever they've got in their tablets.
During a grow, the only 'time release' fertilizer that you can depend on is from natural ingredients that are top dressed with a micro-biologically active media that converts those ingredients to a plant usable form.
Feed the soil that feeds your girl.
Instead of giving your girl what you think she needs, Let your girl take what she needs, when she wants/needs it.
How many days overall are you?

Symptom-wise, it looks almost like low Fe or Zn. That can be aggravated by high P and/or high pH. On its own, I think it takes about 7-9 weeks to show up. In that case, it's more of a "address next grow" since it was something you were missing the entire time.

Otherwise, you're at the mercy of their slow-release / tablet feed program. I'd maybe just skip the tablet the next time you feed and see if it evens out. I'd also check the soil pH if you're able - but without a soil pH probe, you need to rely on a slurry or pour-thru test (which can be tricky to do and interpret correctly).

I'm 69 days from sprout.
Ok I will feed her with plain water until I see improvement, if any...
Thank you @Bruce Campbell
During a grow, the only 'time release' fertilizer that you can depend on is from natural ingredients that are top dressed with a micro-biologically active media that converts those ingredients to a plant usable form.
Feed the soil that feeds your girl.
Instead of giving your girl what you think she needs, Let your girl take what she needs, when she wants/needs it.

I think I understand.
Now I have no idea about what to top dress with... I'm just giving her water in the hope she recovers.
I will try to find more info about the process you described.
Maybe someone can link me to the right place here on AFN ?
Thank you @WildBill
Actually it is likely most of those Are organic, I looked up this:

Phosphoric Anhydride is a unique reagent in organic synthesis which is involved in reactions of dehydration, dealcoholysis, phosphorylation, condensation, rearrangement and catalysis, amongst others. Producing numerous organic and inorganic phosphates

I'm not using salt nutes at all...
I choose this compagny at the time not knowing much about others...

I follow RQS plan (Vertafort - all organic nutrition) which is like Biobizz lightmix + 30% perlite + 50g dispersible tablets + Mycorrhiza

This is tablet composition :

Organic nitrogen (N)6%
Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5)7%
Potassium oxide (K2O)12%
Sulfur trioxide (SO3)10%
Magnesium oxide (MgO)2%
Organic material30%
Organic nitrogenBy-product of hides
PhosphorousBone meal
PotassiumPotassium sulfate

The fongus types
Rhizophagus irregularis
Entrophospora colombiana
Glomus spurcum
Glomus mosseae
Glomus geosporum
Glomus clarum
Glomus etunicatum

Then I gave half dosage of this one at veg stage :

Hydrolized protein30%
Leonardite humic acid20%
Lithothamnium seaweed20%
Potassium sulfate12%
Magnesium sulfate3%
Calcium bi-carbonate15%

Then for flowering stage :

Easy Bloom Tablet ingredient
Monopotassium phosphate65%
Calcium bi-carbonate25%
Magnesium sulphate10%
Analysis of elements

A week ago I made the mistake of upping to full dose, I think that this hurt the jack. Also AK but on a less important way.
The royal dwarf and the haze didn't react badly at all.

I'm definitely lifting the light, thanks you.
Understood !

One thing I noticed : the AK girl is always drooping a little at the end of the light cycle.
It's odd because she recovers during night.
I know it's not a watering problem because I always pay attention to the dryness of the soil before watering.
Nothing alarming in my opinion, she's getting water and nute tonight anyway :)

One other thing : The dwarf plant stands very well to her name ! she's staying very very small, with a good amount of flowers.
Maybe it's because of her size, but she drinks a lot more slower than the other 3... that makes sense I think if I consider the stretch of the amnesia one for example. Here again, no problem, just a little more work haha !

That's natural because the girls have reached their DLI , Daily Light Intergral
So I thought I should post my results...

Well, it's been an interesting journey... as I said, my main goal was to manage not to kill the plants lol !
In that I succeeded, the 4 girls lived, and I was able to harvest.

For a reason I understand now, the THC level in all 4 plants is very, very weak.
I mean, I gave up trying to vape royal jack, royal AK and royal dwarf (they will end in my everyday cooking, after all cannabis is a super food ^^).
Only amnesia haze seems to give me a small high, but really it's nothing near what I'm used to uptake, let alone getting a powerful med...

If think that the reason is because I underfed them.
Poor girls were eager to grow, and the human idiot starved them, not to death obviously, but enough for them not being able to develop fully and correctly.

It was a very disappointing feeling, to not understand why I barely feel anything vaping them.

Thanks to AFN and the help and advices I got here, I understand that my path is probably the organic one. Soil.
This is what I'm attracted to, so much I've already started to compost organic parts in my garden :)
I have a million questions about growing in soil, I know a lot of members here are doing it, so I will post specific questions in the future.

I will not post how much dry harvest I got.
Maybe after a next grow if I manage to properly grow some plants I'll pretend to be part of the cultivator club...











Happy new year, happy growing to you all !
Congrats on getting your first plants across the finish line! Can’t remember what your genetics were on this grow, but I’m a bit surprised to hear that your flower is weak. Hell, I absolutely blew nutrients on my first two grows, but the cannabis has all been plenty strong. I credit genetics.

@St. Tom, not sure who to alert but this fellow grower has made it through his first grow journal.I believe that results in a shiny badge?