New Grower First Grow Ever Vision Northern Lights Auto

Welcome. There is a difference between potting soil and potting mix. I think the soil is just that and the mix has perilite so before you drop your good seeds make sure your medium has perilite.

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Thank you for the welcome Wiltstone. Glad to meet you. I had originally planned on using a compost from a compost bin I began but no way that stuff is anywhere near ready so I picked up that bag while I was at wally world today. About the only sources I have for supplies without going online for ordering is wally world and lowes so it can be slim pickings sometimes lol.

I actually have alot of other types of soil ammendments I want to formulate into a mix that I can transplant my youngins into after they start to outgrow their red cups but Im just not sure exactly yet what the exact mix will consist of. I know that some of the ammendments I want to use have to be used sparingly and I must take great care applying them or I have a real good possibility of wrecking my grow before it even gets started.

Some of the ammendments I have to use are things that everyone has probably heard about or probably even use themselves. This is what I have to use to formulate some type of medium....I have that Hyponex Potting Soil for starters, Miracle Grow Perlite, Espoma Iron Tone,Espoma Plant Tone,Jobe's Organic Blood Meal, Pennington Earthworm Castings,Espoma Garden Lime(Dolomite Lime) and (2) Expert Gardener brands of Tomato and Vegatable plant food(9-12-12) and other bag is Rose Food(8-12-4)...I might have missed an ammendment or two without them being in front of me to see but that list is fairly accurate of materials I have to work with to form a medium.
Update: 8/12/2016: I peeked under my plate just to make sure I still had enough moisture on my paper towels and they were doing fine. 1 of my Northern Light seeds is gonna produce taproot by this evening I believe because when I lifted the plate to check, I could just barely see a very small white tip just barely creeping out of the shell with my magnifying glass so I hurried up and shut the plate lol. Im hoping at least 1/3 will show a taproot this evening. If it does that will be a pretty quick pop..right around 24 hours on the paper towel. I will give a couple more hours and check again and take a picture of the Northern Lights progress.

*Side Note* Had another bagseed sprout last night while I was asleep lol
But my freaking Northern lights auto loves her full strength Nectar of the Gods Advanced grow nutrients she just had a whole gallon. BUT REMEMBER I JUST STARTED TO FEED ALL OF THESE AUTOS LAST WEEK HALF STRENGTH JUST TOOK YOU SOME PICS SO YOU CAN GET A I DEAL ABOUT HOW JUST MY SOIL GROWS THEM IN VEG TO ALL MOST PRE FLOWER


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Update: 8/12/2016: I peeked under my plate just to make sure I still had enough moisture on my paper towels and they were doing fine. 1 of my Northern Light seeds is gonna produce taproot by this evening I believe because when I lifted the plate to check, I could just barely see a very small white tip just barely creeping out of the shell with my magnifying glass so I hurried up and shut the plate lol. Im hoping at least 1/3 will show a taproot this evening. If it does that will be a pretty quick pop..right around 24 hours on the paper towel. I will give a couple more hours and check again and take a picture of the Northern Lights progress.

*Side Note* Had another bagseed sprout last night while I was asleep lol

I don't think my Northern Light taproots are gonna show tonight, I have been waiting patiently all day but nothing yet. Well, there is some activity..I can see them trying to push out but as far as a protruding taproot, not yet. But I can see they are trying so I am happy because I am almost certain all 3 Northern Lights will be 100% germination. No sense in rushing i dont suppose. I feel fairly confident all 3 will produce a sufficient taproot tommorrow at some point during the day. I hope. I will try to get some picture uploaded of them but my camera really not good for close-ups, but I will try get a pic uploaded.

*Side Note* I now have 7 bagseed youngins that I have respectfully named BagSeed 1....BagSeed 2 and so on until Bagseed 7 poor youngin still has the shell on his head,,makes me think of a movie about the guy that wouldnt take the football helmet off of his head...poor thing...if it cant get rid of it by tommorrow I will help it along :woohoo:
Yeah that's about all you can do with the bags seeds and let you know the strain that it came from you know exactly just mark them 1 2 3 and 4
I have 2 photo. Female Bag Seeds that I was told we're Girl Scout cookies but I know they're females because they just came out of a bag so I had to sex them but like I said I don't know I haven't grown anything but White Widow Afghan Kush Auto Ryder Quarter Pounder Auto and what you see in the tent now and then here's some pictures of my regular plants in my 4 x 8 flower room White Widow by crop King seeds and 2 bag seed girl scout cookies


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Wow sorry about the upside down photos don't know what'sup with that
Yeah it keeps popping up on me that its having problems today you to???
I have 2 photo. Female Bag Seeds that I was told we're Girl Scout cookies but I know they're females because they just came out of a bag so I had to sex them but like I said I don't know I haven't grown anything but White Widow Afghan Kush Auto Ryder Quarter Pounder Auto and what you see in the tent now and then here's some pictures of my regular plants in my 4 x 8 flower room White Widow by crop King seeds and 2 bag seed girl scout cookies
Those are some lovely looking plants you have. Im really bad with all these strain names..I have to learn them all because im kind of old school some might call it, mostly back in my day the only terms I really ever heard was either "skunk" or "northern lights"..thats mostly all I ever had to worry about,,but like I said that was pretty long ago lol.....I honestly couldnt even say what these bagseeds are other than to blurt out "something Indica" LOL...nostalgia was what really made me purchase the NL strain,,because I recognized the name,,,,all these other strains I have for most part never heard of them....well a few I have like white widow and a couple others,,,but I cant really say I have ever been able to review them grow-wise or recreationally/medically.