Welcome. There is a difference between potting soil and potting mix. I think the soil is just that and the mix has perilite so before you drop your good seeds make sure your medium has perilite.
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Thank you for the welcome Wiltstone. Glad to meet you. I had originally planned on using a compost from a compost bin I began but no way that stuff is anywhere near ready so I picked up that bag while I was at wally world today. About the only sources I have for supplies without going online for ordering is wally world and lowes so it can be slim pickings sometimes lol.
I actually have alot of other types of soil ammendments I want to formulate into a mix that I can transplant my youngins into after they start to outgrow their red cups but Im just not sure exactly yet what the exact mix will consist of. I know that some of the ammendments I want to use have to be used sparingly and I must take great care applying them or I have a real good possibility of wrecking my grow before it even gets started.
Some of the ammendments I have to use are things that everyone has probably heard about or probably even use themselves. This is what I have to use to formulate some type of medium....I have that Hyponex Potting Soil for starters, Miracle Grow Perlite, Espoma Iron Tone,Espoma Plant Tone,Jobe's Organic Blood Meal, Pennington Earthworm Castings,Espoma Garden Lime(Dolomite Lime) and (2) Expert Gardener brands of Tomato and Vegatable plant food(9-12-12) and other bag is Rose Food(8-12-4)...I might have missed an ammendment or two without them being in front of me to see but that list is fairly accurate of materials I have to work with to form a medium.