New Grower First Grow: Autoseeds Hijack, Candy Kush, Sucker Punch, Autopounder

Jun 30, 2017
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Hi all,

This will be my first ever grow and will be carried out guerrilla style. Due to travel, I was unable to start the grow until later in the growing season. After lots of research, I found I was still have enough time to grow auto flowers. I decided to place a order with Autoseeds. I was so pleased with the entire ordering process. I ordered 5 Hijack, 3 Candy Kush and received 2 Sucker Punch and 1 Autopounder for free. After payment, the seeds arrived in the US exactly two weeks later. The packaging was absolutely amazing too. Very impressed.

The seeds are currently germinating. I have been using the paper towel method. I put them in the paper towels very early on 6/29. So far it looks like only one of the Candy Kush seeds has cracked. Im not sure how fast they are suppose to germinate but it has been about 36 hours. I have read that they can take up to a week. I have solo cups full of Fox Farm Ocean Forrest ready for them when the taproots are fully exposed.

I have a couple locations which I have done surveillance on for the past few months. The most favorable one is near both a very clean creek and unused cornfield. I have walked my dog around the area about two times a week without a problem, so I'm guessing it is private enough for growing. The weeds there are super high, about 4 or 5 feet, so there is plenty of coverage along with the nice water source and good covering. I am a little behind on preparing the areas however and hope to have that done in the next few days. I have already transported the shovel and fox farm soil to the location but have yet to dig the holes and mix the soil. I hope half natural soil and half fox farm will provide the nutrients needed. Since other vegetation has been doing so well, I'm hoping that means the soil is very nutrient rich. I plan to grow the seedlings for two or so weeks before transporting them to their location, so I believe I have a little more time to prepare the area, even though I know it needs to be done a week or so before hand so animals don't dig up the area. I still need to purchase protection such as chicken wire or tomato cages for the seedlings when I transplant them.

Thanks for visiting my first grow journal and any advice/encouragement/questions are more than welcome :) I will update when I drop the seeds in soil!
Hi all,

This will be my first ever grow and will be carried out guerrilla style. Due to travel, I was unable to start the grow until later in the growing season. After lots of research, I found I was still have enough time to grow auto flowers. I decided to place a order with Autoseeds. I was so pleased with the entire ordering process. I ordered 5 Hijack, 3 Candy Kush and received 2 Sucker Punch and 1 Autopounder for free. After payment, the seeds arrived in the US exactly two weeks later. The packaging was absolutely amazing too. Very impressed.

The seeds are currently germinating. I have been using the paper towel method. I put them in the paper towels very early on 6/29. So far it looks like only one of the Candy Kush seeds has cracked. Im not sure how fast they are suppose to germinate but it has been about 36 hours. I have read that they can take up to a week. I have solo cups full of Fox Farm Ocean Forrest ready for them when the taproots are fully exposed.

I have a couple locations which I have done surveillance on for the past few months. The most favorable one is near both a very clean creek and unused cornfield. I have walked my dog around the area about two times a week without a problem, so I'm guessing it is private enough for growing. The weeds there are super high, about 4 or 5 feet, so there is plenty of coverage along with the nice water source and good covering. I am a little behind on preparing the areas however and hope to have that done in the next few days. I have already transported the shovel and fox farm soil to the location but have yet to dig the holes and mix the soil. I hope half natural soil and half fox farm will provide the nutrients needed. Since other vegetation has been doing so well, I'm hoping that means the soil is very nutrient rich. I plan to grow the seedlings for two or so weeks before transporting them to their location, so I believe I have a little more time to prepare the area, even though I know it needs to be done a week or so before hand so animals don't dig up the area. I still need to purchase protection such as chicken wire or tomato cages for the seedlings when I transplant them.

Thanks for visiting my first grow journal and any advice/encouragement/questions are more than welcome :) I will update when I drop the seeds in soil!
Keep it geurilla. Wire and cages stand out a bit. Maybe the brambles will conceal adequately, but remember just because you haven't seen signs yet doesn't mean there's no one abouts. 8 to 9 solid weeks, can it be done? You might also access your area from different routes and different times. Dogs also leave signs as they survey an area, but are a good reason to be "in the bush". Plan for success, plant for failure. Meaning don't put the whole plot in one or two spots, spread em around for better odds. Good luck.
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Keep it geurilla. Wire and cages stand out a bit. Maybe the brambles will conceal adequately, but remember just because you haven't seen signs yet doesn't mean there's no one abouts. 8 to 9 solid weeks, can it be done? You might also access your area from different routes and different times. Dogs also leave signs as they survey an area, but are a good reason to be "in the bush". Plan for success, plant for failure. Meaning don't put the whole plot in one or two spots, spread em around for better odds. Good luck.

Thanks Micron Creek!

Do you think green paint would adequately cover the shine from cages? Or does anyone else have better advice on protecting couple week old seedlings? There are a lot of deer in the area and I'm worried the plants will become a quick snack. As for now, I still have between 12-14 weeks before the first frost so that seems to be plenty of time for the auto flowers, even if they do need a week or so extra from the seed banks advertised time. Great advise on the different routes! I know every time I'm out hiking even the smallest path leads me to wonder what/who made it.
From seeds to seedlings! The first step has been accomplished, and with great luck I might add. Currently 10/11 of the seeds germinated nicely and are waiting to break ground in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest Soil, starting in little solo cups which I used a nail to make holes in the bottom incase drainage is needed. I left them in the sun for a couple hours today after potting them, not sure if they need it or not but it kept things warm. They're inside incase it rains during the night.

Here is a picture of the Hijack Seeds once germinated! Only one didn't seem to make it, but since its only been 3 days I figured I'd keep it in the moist paper towel a night or two extra and see if anything happens. The picture on the right are the Candy Kush seeds, a little slower, one wasn't germinated when I planted the others around noon today but I went to check on it again at 7 and it was ready to take the soil. Guess it was just a slow starter but I'm glad she decided to join up.

Here is the Sucker Punch! One was so excited to germinate that is fully shed its shell before I could get it into soil. I'm not sure if it'll survive or not but we'll see. I forgot to grab a picture of the Autopounder but she had an average taproot. On the left is just a picture of the holes in the bottom of the solo cup for drainage.

I hadn't read much on Autoseeds genetics, I'm guessing because they are relatively new compared to some more established seed banks, but I am very happy with the germination process. Seems like the first sign of good genetics to me! Will update again when the ladies break ground.


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Thanks Micron Creek!

Do you think green paint would adequately cover the shine from cages? Or does anyone else have better advice on protecting couple week old seedlings? There are a lot of deer in the area and I'm worried the plants will become a quick snack. As for now, I still have between 12-14 weeks before the first frost so that seems to be plenty of time for the auto flowers, even if they do need a week or so extra from the seed banks advertised time. Great advise on the different routes! I know every time I'm out hiking even the smallest path leads me to wonder what/who made it.
Olive drab or brown couldn't hurt at all. Friggin deer man, good luck. They will try and tear through anything and can munch a plot to pieces. Not to mention rabbits, birds, slugs, locusts, aphids, mites. Outdoors is autoflower trial by fire. In return, potentially heavy yields of class A, Sun-grown organic medicine.
hey buddy all the best with the outdoors . i tried it last year and something ate them at about 6weeks. its not the easiest way to grow. there is an outdoors section though where many a man grows things bigger than the average car. like im not even kidding iether. go have a peek mate, theres plenty of proffesional gorilla growers round there. if you get stuck with anyrhing head over to the live stoners section and someone will point you in the right direction : ) keep it green dude
Thanks Micron Creek and EvilScotsman,
I was so excited to find these forums for this exact reason. Great to have so much knowledge and so many people offering help in one place! Makes the intimidation of a first grow a little bit less scary!

Well only 24 hours later, we have our first lady to break ground. SUCKER PUNCH! The seedling that had jumped all the way out of its shell during germination. Still no tail from the 5th Hijack seed, but hey, 10/11 is still perfectly fine with me and better than I had previously imagined. Now time to wait for the others to peak out from their dirt beds. Heres the excited little race winner. Its neat to see the amount of color it developed in the 24 hours.
Another update!
Not only have all the previously germinated seeds broken ground, the 5th Hijack seed germinated! Only a day after all the others. Thats 11/11 germination! :biggrin: Very excited the first step went so smoothly. Onto the seedling stage! However, it seems the first and farthest along seedling (Sucker Punch) has a little bit of discoloring on one of the round leafs (or cotyledon). Im wondering if this is burn from not flushing the soil properly or not PH'ing the water? Ive just been using rainwater thats collected in a bucket outdoors.

Heres a picture of the discoloration, a little bit of a shape difference as well:

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The others aren't as far along, but they're still looking ok I believe.
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Sucker Punch - Both the earliest (left) and the latest (right) to break ground.
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Candy Kush-
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and 4 of the 5 Hijack - (except for the seed that was just planted today, its a little behind)
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The one to the far right is a little dark in color

11 ladies slowly coming to life!!! Now time to think of names!!!
Day 2:
Feels great to start counting! Had some little pest really like one of the Sucker Punch seedlings, it seems resilient but defiantly suffered a beating. Pest took a liking to one of the Hijack seedlings too, took one of its true leafs.

Here are the Hijacks (pest ate the bottom right seedlings leaf):
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Candy Kush:
IMG_0242 3.JPG

Sucker Punch (the little surviver on top):
IMG_0244 3.JPG

(p.s. I have gotten some advice from the Liver Stoner Chat that the true leaves shrivel up and fall off, that may be what is happening to the bottom Hijack, not too worried about it now)

Finally, Autopounder coming in nicely!
IMG_0245 3.JPG

Cant wait to see the girls fluff up a bit!