New Grower First Grow Auto PP (Power Plant)

I agree with Spanglish.Add dolomite of lime and your ph will be fine in a couple of weeks
and it will buffer the peat moss acidity constantly.
I use dolomite of lime in coco and ph for soil,no ph probs since i started using it,apart from when my
tap water ph changed to 7.8 for some reason.Now i always check the ph of my tap water.
Good luck with it mate.
Next time you water post the pH of your water going in and that of the runoff so we know where your soil is. Dolomite will bring your pH down but it will take too long to work for the age of your plant. The pH down you bought will be your best bet at this stage. You will probably need to flush her again with high pH water and nute mix

should i wash her again now and get the pH of your water going in and that of the runoff?
or wait to the next watering?

Yeah the Dolomite Lime will help get your PH back up to where it needs to be will take a week or maybe even a bit more as the PH in the soil is so low, will want 1 tbl/ per gallon of soil and sprinkle it over the top of the soil and them will need regular waterings to wash it into the soil, could use PH Up in the water for a while to raise it high to push the soil PH up a bit faster while the Lime takes effect. But without a way of testing the soil PH and the water PH while you are trying to raise it, is all going to be guess work really you could get liquid PH test drops like they use for swimming pools of fish tanks but this will only tell you the PH of the water + PH Up that is going in and the water runoff, but you still wont know the current PH of the soil and this is what is causing your problems and needs correcting, could calculate roughly the soil PH from the water PH and the runoff PH but is not 100% accurate but would be better than nothing, a soil PH probe + digital water PH tester would be better for future grows to stop a repeat of your problems.

as oldster said, the DoL could help but its will take too long to work for the age of my plant.
ill buy soon a soil PH meter, can you recommand a good one?
i saw few on eBay, from chaina, will they do the work?
Would not go with a cheap china PH meter of any kind, they are well known to lose accuracy over time and some never work to begin with, they will have you thinking all is ok when it is not really and you wont know till they start looking sick. For a soil tester the Accurate 8 seems to be the one everybody recommends and will be what i buy next for my setup, same as the following from Amazon
Yeah, you can't go wrong with the Accurate 8, probe is plenty long to check all the way down to the bottom of the pot and also provides a moisture reading. Just be aware that it can take 5 minutes or so to get a stable reading of pH.
Would not go with a cheap china PH meter of any kind, they are well known to lose accuracy over time and some never work to begin with, they will have you thinking all is ok when it is not really and you wont know till they start looking sick. For a soil tester the Accurate 8 seems to be the one everybody recommends and will be what i buy next for my setup, same as the following from Amazon

Yeah, you can't go wrong with the Accurate 8, probe is plenty long to check all the way down to the bottom of the pot and also provides a moisture reading. Just be aware that it can take 5 minutes or so to get a stable reading of pH.

this one is good enough?
Agreed with oldster I've gone thru like 8 of those none of them were accurate, bought 3 at the same time at one point . tested them all in the same soil one read 8.5 the other one 3.5 the other always stated at 7.0 just buy the accurate 8 it is worth it and works great
day 43

I cut off all the affected leaves.
ill wash it again and test the inside and runoff water pH level.

Do I have what to fight for or should i give up?

what do you think AFN?
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Hi Ganja, I think you will still end up with some decent lower buds since they will be getting a lot more light. You might want to start another seed though since this plant is not going to get much bigger at this point but I do think it will fill back out some
Hi Ganja, I think you will still end up with some decent lower buds since they will be getting a lot more light. You might want to start another seed though since this plant is not going to get much bigger at this point but I do think it will fill back out some

so you think i have to keep it and start another one at the time?