New Grower First Grow Auto PP (Power Plant)

Did you get any dolomite of lime to water in to your medium?Your spagnum moss will continue to go acidic,it might be beneficial to add some DoL ,or Garden Lime which will work quicker but you dont need as much.
Good luck pal.

ok i ll,
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There's no point in adding more nutes and stuff, if your pH is messed up as it can't take in nutrients at certain phs
I feel for you, having your first grow go apeshit is pretty devastating.
The PH down u bought is the opposite of what u need, you are strugling with a low PH soil, and PH down is used to lower PH.
Honestly i would make list of mistakes/lessons learned, post it up and have the forum help you rectify for your next grow. Start a diary a few days before you germ, and give all the info u can in regards to your setup (soil brand, nutes, etc.) type out how you have planned your grow (nute schedule, watering schedule). That way it will be easier to give advice and your chances of succes the second time around will sky rocket;)
Anyway, my two cents.
Anyone with more growing experience feel free to tell me im wrong, as I have not got alot of growing experience, only a solid few years of research and forum lurking knowledge;)
ATB whatever you decide mate

EDIT: wasnt there a picture of a PH down powder a few mins ago in this thread?
There's no point in adding more nutes and stuff, if your pH is messed up as it can't take in nutrients at certain phs
Do you think adding powdered dolomite of lime to raise the ph is not worthwhile at this point?
Yea I think the lime will help the priority in my opinion is getting the pH of the soil right, that way you can give the plant the nutes it needs, there's no point in giving nuts if the plant can't uptake them, and it need certain pH to uptake nutrients, so get the soil pH right first, the. Worry about feeding it
This is the stuff you need Ganja,sprinkle some on top of your medium and water in,or mix about a tsp full into some water,and water plant.The powdered DoL will filter through your medium and help raise ph.
Its slow working though,dnt expect miracle cure.
she start to accelrate here wilt AFTER i turned the extra light off!

i just did what you said, i flushed her with lot of water and turned on the extra light.
i dont know what is the PH level now bacuase i dont have an PH meter.

i hope she will be ok, otherwise ill cry.

Please don't cry! Man, I hope she pulls thru!
I feel for you, having your first grow go apeshit is pretty devastating.
The PH down u bought is the opposite of what u need, you are strugling with a low PH soil, and PH down is used to lower PH.
Honestly i would make list of mistakes/lessons learned, post it up and have the forum help you rectify for your next grow. Start a diary a few days before you germ, and give all the info u can in regards to your setup (soil brand, nutes, etc.) type out how you have planned your grow (nute schedule, watering schedule). That way it will be easier to give advice and your chances of succes the second time around will sky rocket;)
Anyway, my two cents.
Anyone with more growing experience feel free to tell me im wrong, as I have not got alot of growing experience, only a solid few years of research and forum lurking knowledge;)
ATB whatever you decide mate

EDIT: wasnt there a picture of a PH down powder a few mins ago in this thread?

yes, there was.
i bought the PH down to get control of the water PH.

This is the stuff you need Ganja,sprinkle some on top of your medium and water in,or mix about a tsp full into some water,and water plant.The powdered DoL will filter through your medium and help raise ph.
Its slow working though,dnt expect miracle cure.

Please don't cry! Man, I hope she pulls thru!

some of you say that adding DoL will help and some are not agree,
should i go and buy it?
will it help me gal?
yes, there was.
i bought the PH down to get control of the water PH.

some of you say that adding DoL will help and some are not agree,
should i go and buy it?
will it help me gal?

Next time you water post the pH of your water going in and that of the runoff so we know where your soil is. Dolomite will bring your pH down but it will take too long to work for the age of your plant. The pH down you bought will be your best bet at this stage. You will probably need to flush her again with high pH water and nute mix
yes, there was.
i bought the PH down to get control of the water PH.

some of you say that adding DoL will help and some are not agree,
should i go and buy it?
will it help me gal?

Yeah the Dolomite Lime will help get your PH back up to where it needs to be will take a week or maybe even a bit more as the PH in the soil is so low, will want 1 tbl/ per gallon of soil and sprinkle it over the top of the soil and them will need regular waterings to wash it into the soil, could use PH Up in the water for a while to raise it high to push the soil PH up a bit faster while the Lime takes effect. But without a way of testing the soil PH and the water PH while you are trying to raise it, is all going to be guess work really you could get liquid PH test drops like they use for swimming pools of fish tanks but this will only tell you the PH of the water + PH Up that is going in and the water runoff, but you still wont know the current PH of the soil and this is what is causing your problems and needs correcting, could calculate roughly the soil PH from the water PH and the runoff PH but is not 100% accurate but would be better than nothing, a soil PH probe + digital water PH tester would be better for future grows to stop a repeat of your problems.